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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. Congratulations to the Kings on their first CL victory. Likewise i didnt attend as i didn't rate the opposition much but as it happened it turned into a well balanced affair. Two heat leaders and two decent scoring reserves pushed Kent hard and there will be bigger tests to come. Both sides benefitted with good guests and carried riders throughout. Sadly Jake choked his lines but still feel like he is going to replace Hurry sooner rather than later.
  2. Joe got a chance that many others would have loved due to his connections. Didn't work out for him but thats speedway. I can only think Archie is the replacement.
  3. The only thing i have against this post is that i wish i could like it more than once.
  4. Sadly i think you are very correct its just that some clubs will be able to struggle on for longer than others. Those that are/were operating much closer to the break point have been hit first but its coming for all. Until ALL of those who promote teams can get together and work out a genuine unified way forward (rather than the survival of the strongest) things will continue this way. One by one teams are falling by the wayside and even those that are sustainable for now will struggle when there are fewer teams left in each league.
  5. 600 sounds an iffy figure to be running at CL level without strong sponsorship to top up the difference. There are plenty of NL teams that run at those figures and do so successfully. Im not saying that it would be wide spread popular but surely the Gems side is more sustainable even in the short term? I know season tickets have been sold for a CL team (and that monies gone) but would a step down be well enough received? Yes there would be plenty who no longer go but those in the Gems team at least have some affinity with the club rather than the brought in mercenaries that populate the middle tier.
  6. They certainly can be although booking Harris at gaters paradise Plymouth is bonkers. On the road they would do ok obviously but there are other riders in hotter form at the moment. For Crump you can pick any track specialist you like for the next couple although i really hope that Jason is fir again for the visit to Newcastle as they need all the crowd pullers they can get atm.
  7. I have to admit that you may be onto something there. I think that the whole lockdown has partially reconditioned people to stay away from crowds, stay home etc. This along with a reassessment of what people genuinely enjoy doing verses what was done out of habit is affecting many clubs. I do feel that the majority of supporters who attend just once will get bitten by the bug and return on a regular basis but in order for that to happen it might take a little extra incentive rather than average teams on show and limited home success. I deeply admire Rob Grants efforts at Newcastle and feel for him greatly due to the situation he has been put in/left in/dumped in and i certainly don't want to see another track close but more drastic changes are needed than the use it or lose it calls, many have already made the decision to keep away, what are the things that would bring them back?
  8. Why would Plymouth deliberately book bad guests? On a serious note all clubs need to look out for their own best interests atm. Sadly the idea of an amalgamation where all are in it together is long gone and instead has been given over to survival of the fittest.
  9. Shame the Gems look first in line for the chop, if anything i was expecting Newcastle to step down to the NDL and see how that handled? There are plenty of claims that fans back the national league squad (although few want to pay the additional to view it). Obviously no idea how it stacks up with the steep rent and costs but rider deals are significantly lower. Mega offers to the likes of BWD wont have helped the situation but the current teams in both divisions are far from inspiring.
  10. To stop the select group hogging all the places and opportunities. Flint was there to be signed as a Prem rising star at the start but nobody wanted to know and Wolves went for the old hand who didn't work out. For once it would be nice if the rules were adhered to rather than changed when it suits.
  11. If IOW had called the shots, been allowed to call a shot or even have a say how things are run they would still be in the league (they also wouldn't have a tripe league record). I think it more that the new shot callers didn't fancy a long trip down south that wasn't part of a double header. To clarify this has nothing to do with the good folk at Redcar, they are under the same tyrannical rule as the rest.
  12. Unless you join the NDL then you can call the shots from the start.
  13. I think the Eagles will be ok yes Masters might run riot, Worrall is going decent enough at the moment and pickering is always a threat but I fear the challenge ends there. Thomsen needs a couple of rides to get dialled in each time, Greaves has been average and Lawlor just back from mystery injury. Even with Kemp out and Ablitt probably stepping in i reckon the Eagles have enough.
  14. If its down to the app then Drew has been somewhere that has recorded a positive case no mention of having to isolate due to foreign travel
  15. With those credentials would he have got the team place as a Brit? Nothing against Josh but sounds a bit like aussie reputation over actual ability?
  16. Love Roynon but it just feels so inevitable, fingers crossed he had got off lightly. Delighted to see Mountain putting in a big showing and proving why he should have been snapped up sooner....though for the diamonds pointbof view thankfully not.
  17. No problem. Im sure there are several others that you would happily turn your nose at also and they may quite likely do the same in return to the prospect of signing for Wolves. Mid season cannon fodder for set points and limited to 3 rides a night for a team that is unclear how much longer it can viably run isn't the most tempting of carrots for all but those who don't mind taking a chance and hoping for the best.
  18. Will be both. No sense in running away meetings an incurring more costs with no home revenue coming in.
  19. Flint and several others would have to give up another team spot (likely NDL) to take a rising star spot. For that they would receive the 'standard' points money which won't be too dissimilar to the NDL money's and be scoring far fewer points so financially its not a good move. With Wolves already making noises about pulling out the top league is far from secure and dropping a lower league that has lower overheads also makes little sense. I do think there will be sneaky changes just prior to the cut off but they won't be happening yet
  20. The fortunate element is that Tom was a 4* rider so you can basically take your pick of who's available, the down side is that many available already have two leagues on the go so would have to drop a NDL spot which if all honesty looks a little more certain at present especially with CVS's announcement. From the 4*s Bickley & Greaves would have to drop NDL and both double up for the same club. Shanes is available but isn't in shining form. 3* Flint is the form man but again would have to drop a league so realistically Hume, Bowtell or maybe Knight if he fancies a step up. Hume is probably the best bet but as much as i like him i don't think he offers what Bacon did.
  21. Pig sick that Cricket draws such a crowd and creates such an atmosphere with such a basic fundamental game. Restrictions lifted or not crowds will remain lower this season due to unease of some, out of habit for others and what is actually being served up. I dont want to see Brum or any club close but anyone who thought things would pick up where they left off are painfully naive
  22. Whilst it seems ever unlikely that the easing on the 21st will happen im not entirely sure what the BSPL can do on this occasion? Scrap all non league competitions and allow the season to be pushed back a bit? The riders won't take kindly to that for a start. There are plenty of restrictions in place and many are still wary of heading out at all and certainly not for a night at the speedway where they are marshalled to the hilt rather than standing in their normal spot etc. Its going to be a tough year for all clubs and sadly i don't see them all getting out the other side. That said the thread title is a little misleading. Wolves possible Closure is more true but sadly that header could now be written against most teams.
  23. All the very best for the future Tom. Been a pleasure knowing and watching your progress. Achieving competitive rides across all 3 leagues is something many dream of. Sadly injuries have taken their toll and potentially even higher heights. Enjoy your retirement and thanks for the memories. I shall miss Bacon rolls from the updates.
  24. All the very best for the future Tom. Been a pleasure knowing and watching your progress. Achieving competitive rides across all 3 leagues is something many dream of. Sadly injuries have taken thier toll and potentially even higher heights. Enjoy your retirement and thanks for the memories. I shall miss Bacon rolls from the updates.
  25. For those leagues that supply tyres don't forget that the National League is an amateur league (or is it professional ) and doesn't supply tyres for free home and away (well some and some but....) even then they cannot fund double the amount of tyres, then of course there is the true amateur who is paying out a whole lot more for a tyre that offers less and less. No different to youth riders running a 19in rear wheel. The added expense over a season has gone up a fair wedge all because the BSPL put pen to paper on a deal that wasn't properly considered.......sound familiar
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