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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. Harry McGurk did his best for the Bullets cause
  2. Has a team ever had both reserves scoring 0 in a meeting before?
  3. The writing is on the wall when the dedicated die hards opt to stay away......
  4. The same fast track system that was definitely paying all those on the scheme £40 a point
  5. Getting Turner over here hasn't been cheap and Phillips isn't going to throw that investment away quickly. Barker is without doubt quality around the Coliseum but he is also a big and often disruptive force, i remember very few teams that he featured in where there was harmony in the squad.
  6. Turner protected, Trigger protected, Barker walks on water. The core of the Plymouth team is rotten and even with some track experts the morale will stay low. Mark Phillips defiance is both admiral and foolhardy.
  7. Is Turners injury longer term or just sore from last week? Certainly not worth a risk on a night when the Gladiators could be competitive at reserve
  8. Even if RR is available (and it sounds like it isn't) surely it should be RR at 75% of Wrights average so only Alfie and the reserves could take the rides.
  9. Does the 25% reduction apply to rr eligibility too?
  10. After today Sam Woods will have done himself no harm in staking a claim for Fellows team spot.....
  11. Not sure that we be a popular choice given he wiped Connor out. Certainly quick out the gate but wild/over riding. Finished the meeting in a sling so that diagnosis will need to be made first.
  12. If big hitting options are up for consideration then Kyle Newman or Stef Nielsen would fit for Alcock and the spare points....still leaves things suspect at reserve but big heat leader to add plenty to the tally most weeks....not that either would be cheap
  13. Think Hurry's greensheet vs actual average differ drastically.....5.72 doubled would be a bit steep for NL. The other issue that keeps some Kent based connections from being as tempting is Grasstrack. Mulford didn't want a sunday track and i doubt Hurry or Powell would be overly keen either.
  14. Indeed. Hume is already a Brum hero so hard to leave out but... Broc could give hints to the Thompsons, Morris to help Bowtell and Sedgey to assist Pearson. Nobody is dreaming of league aspirations but a team to build on over a couple of seasons .....
  15. My apologies....thought i read who should have been in the side. Replacement options boat has mostly sailed now, most of the riders becoming available will be dropped due to form with only the odd victim of numbers like Joe. If Brum are to survive they need a team fans can relate to and support rather than one season wonders.
  16. Nick Morris 10.13 2 Alfie Bowtell 4.28 3 paco castagna 4.93 4 Danyon Hume 5.68 5 Justin Sedgman  7.04 6 Jason Edwards 3.80 7 James Pearson 4.00 Or Nick Morris 10.13 2 Alfie Bowtell 4.28 3 Dan Thompson 5.22 4 Danyon Hume / Broc Nicol 5.68/5.95 5 Justin Sedgman   7.04 6 Joe Thompson 3.35 7 James Pearson 4.00
  17. Whilst i agree that many booking fees are certainly too high it has to be remembered that there are a number of admin costs faced by the booking host. There are rarely options for the retailer e.g Workington to pay the fees up front (and if they did it would be quite substantial). Ultimately the cost gets passed onto the customer and anywhere with no booking fee has likely had it added into the booking cost already.
  18. Team built 2 points under the limit, a huge reliance on Morley at 1 with no depndable big heat backup. Strength in depth only works if/when everyone is firing and comitted. Its not too late as away wins for many will be hard to come by BUT home defeats and aggregate points are crucial and a lot of work to do against a couple of the weaker teams in the league.
  19. Are the heat results available so it can be seen if the ineligible rides possibly changed the match result?
  20. Morley and Naylor have been doing thier bit, King patchy but always ok on slick tracks and Tom Woolley about as expected. Ablitts attitude has stunk, Sam Woolleys form has stunk and Alcock appears to be far from the fit and able rider that started last year. Kent have been slow to react too as Kinsley could have done a job, definitely need a bigger hitter at the very least but 2/3 changes are needed for any realistic league chances.
  21. So tactically it could be argued that tracking an ineligible rider could be a bigger advantage than RR? Dissapointing showings from the two eligible NL riders, obviously Fellows still has poor equipment and Woods has come a long way to block a team place....
  22. Won't race poor teams every week though but as standard it looks the likely outcome. Feel back for predicting Berwick to be bottom though....definitely going to be way clear of Kent.
  23. Change the manager too. Birmingham could/should be looking at a longer term approach and if they can tempt riders who will commit to a few seasons and become fans favourites they will be rewarded. Brum have incredibly loyal fans and the golden boys can walk on water. The twins, Bowtell and Hume (for next season) with some experienced heads to help them develop on would be a fair starting point. Then bring in Will Pottinger to be both tactically aware, look after the team and deliver honesty in feedback to the fans.....
  24. Ouch...feel like i recall seeing 1000 mentioned in the past as a break even figure so the two are miles apart. Sadly im not convinced that even if the Brum team had been built as entertaining and competitive as Redcar (in fact the Bears have more Brum fan favourites) that the crowd figures would be much more, a 40% increase would still only give 700 on the gate and probably outgoings would be even higher. If Birmingham are to survive its going to be a long few seasons, building slowly and being honest with the problems that are faced (rather than the occasional call to arms, woe is me, use it or lose it messages). To be fair its not only Birmingham with problems just more apparent than most at the moment. My sad prediction is that 10 tracks will close over the next 5 years.
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