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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. Ive always found the 2 point average questionable. Yes it offers opportunities but more so because the average is low and teams take a chance rather than because riders are of sufficient quality. Assessed averages for overseas riders are about spot on and any reduction would definitely not help British speedway. Sort out the NDL? Thats been done to its massive detriment. Its hanging on by a thread and solely because there are so few clubs and a number of old hands that are willing to ride as a hobby and bulk out the numbers. The amount of pure quality in the league is few and far between and most were already a known entity before turning 15. Once the remaining 'established' riders get bored of the drawn out fixture list and sell up it will cease and probably just be replaced with a series of NDL level individual fixture sup and down the country.
  2. Deep breath.....Max James qualifies from your list, the Thompsons were there because of the big sponsorship packages they picked up. Perry could have been kept but was cast out and Springer was desired by several clubs but chose a handy weekend venue. Yes Leicester do offer more than most other sides (track time/kevlars etc) and thats a big lure hence scooping up the bargain averaged riders. The fact is that unless more weekend venues can run at NDL level and offer reliable second half opportunities the supply of riders will simply fizzle out. That and amateur clubs actually getting some support rather than being bullied out by the mafia.
  3. Anyone know if Springer had multiple issues on the night or did really just turn up with one bike, suffer damage/issues had had to withdraw? Even and NDL that seems pretty unprofessional.....
  4. Its always financially driven. Outside federations don't require SCB licences at the extortionate costs they currently are even for non pro level. No licences equals less coming in for the Weasel and co to spend on "expenses". The mafia know that if someone had enough financial power it wouldn't hold up in court but they also know that they could make things mightily difficult for any promotor who opts to operate outside of their desired route.
  5. Sadly theres no much to shout about on IOW this year, meetings are getting called off because riders numbers are way down. Half of those competing in IOW fixtures over the past 2 years have packed up (and a couple banned) and there simply isn't the conveyor belt of riders emerging or keeping interest to fill the gaps.
  6. Strange situation that Garrads season ending injury normally makes Oxford stronger with only Trigger and Thompson not able to guest but the trip to Belle Vue on Friday looks tricky with so many other fixtures happening that day. Vinnie Foord or Dayle Wood look the most viable options but with Cairns now signed for the Colts is it going to make a difference anyways?
  7. Not many tears being shed for Garrad's season ending injury....
  8. Where is the saviour of British speedway when you need him most. The SCB/BSPA were making a commitment to youth racing this season but it feels just as half arsed as it ever has. Entry numbers are down year on year and you can cut the field in half next time round with the introduction of rev limiters as the budgets many are running on are stretched at best and several riders don't know how to change ignition timing let alone replace the units. Whats left of the MDL will be finished too as those riders are little different. Who in their right mind would recommend to anyone these days to a parent to get their child into Speedway?
  9. Devastating. A lot of memories and fun times of Speedway are associated with Mildenhall Stadium.
  10. Obviously now adding Russel Paine to that list (again) and there are/will be countless others. These are people who gave untold hours to the sport for zero in return and were still driven out. What hope has the sport got if it punishes and penalises genuine volunteers whilst feeding the self interest of a selected few.
  11. Ive never been convinced that Ace is championship standard, has has just been made to look like he is due to the watering down. There are other riders coming through but definitely not enough to go round. Even the last batch has seen riders struggle to adapt to CL life like Hodder and James and they featured in a tougher NL than the next crop will
  12. There's a first time for everything ...............probably also the last too
  13. Yes but then you would get an abundance of teams who were out of the play off / title hunt signing 4 point foreigners for the latter part of the season, getting them to drop their average and then sign up the following year on 2/3 taking the place of a potential brit (or brit with potential). Im not 1000% convinced about dropping the lower limit for 2.00 for Brits either. In my mind riders should be getting places because they are good enough simple as, not just because their low average allows points to be used to sign stronger riders elsewhere.
  14. Just waiting on the Weasel to decide which riders he wants Leicester to invite, get a haircut and be ready to have all the photographs taken stating he was the driving force in the project.
  15. Halder is what he is, a 3.5 - 5 point rider depending on team position. He has been unlucky with injuries at times and have never taken his fitness seriously but in a sport that struggles to tke itself seriously why should he. 5 home and 5 away fixtures is barely enough to keep an amateur interested and would certainly be a hard push to convince anyone to buy equipment and take up the sport. Once the likes of Halder and co do decide its not worth the effort anymore there won't be riders to fill team places as Vatchers youth rounds over the weekend aren't full of emerging talents ready to take the places.
  16. Its only going to get worse next year with the 2nd attempt at introducing rev limiters again, namely an expensive ignition upgrade per engine that renders all current stock virtually worthless and silencer age limits being reduced to 4 years old adding on further expenses to all riders and ultimately end up passed on to the paying public.
  17. A member of the SCB board competed in a NORA meeting so just goes to show the views there. The major issue is why are the SCB/Vatcher being so petty? Why not let an amateur club run, let amateur riders enjoy themselves and if any current or future league riders develop through it then all the better for the sport plus along the way it adds a few quid to Leicester's coffers with track hire fee's etc. The petty my way or no way approach is doing nobody any favours, its not like the sport is flourishing in this country anyways. Perhaps the weasel needs a bigger look at himself to work out why more ventures want nothing to do with the SCB.
  18. Vatcher told Leicester they cannot run any amateur events unless its run via the SCB, its just more unnecessary bully boy tactics that continue to force out those who are/were a genuine benefit to the sport in this country.
  19. After the spineless actions against Kent last season the weasel is back. This time shutting down the Mercians Amateur Speedway club. They had opted to run under a different governing body (who can blame them) but the Leicester venue have been told its SCB events or non so the club has been forced out. We are talking about good honest people who have done far more for the sport without ever seeking the praise that Vatcher clamours for. The sooner he steps aside and allows someone to act in the overall interests of the sport rather than a select few the sooner the slim chances of a recovery will be. As it stands its another big nail in the coffin of British speedway.
  20. Pearson was an enigma when he came over as he was/is a far better rider than he was delivering. Leibmann clearly has pace but can't gate and that will have to drastically improve if she is to ever get near her assessed average. It strikes me that she is happier having the pace dictated by at least one rider in front rather than be there and set it herself. McGurk could keep his place but solely because there are limited riders coming through. Both he and his brother have been raised on bigger circuits and lack the technical side of thier riding which will always continue to hurt thier progress.
  21. I believe for it to count as gambling there has to be at least a chance of a positive outcome.....
  22. Makes sense for Cairns, best track in the country, guaranteed spot for next season so no need to worry about averages AND not signing for Leicester means his Dad can be in the pits at his meetings and focus on being promotor when Leicester are running. William looks as promising as Luke Harrison did during his 'breakthrough' period and if he follows on he will be doing alright. Probably the most positive footnote is Belle Vues intention to run in the NDL next season, i just hope there is enough quality in the league to challenge Cairns. and other emerging riders.
  23. I reckon even i could make my way out of a maze within a month, although David Bowie doesn't make it easy.....
  24. i 1000% agree with you. League Speedway offers very little in terms of credibility and in fact often only serves to generate animosity between fan groups who both adore the same sport. IOW are pushing boundaries and building something that actually looks to be a sustainable product (something few others could argue about league speedway) and the US style handicap meeting taking place this week is at the top end of Warriors entertainment.
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