The problem with the bottom starts at the very top. If clubs were incentivised to run NL sides with reduction in fees etc it would be a greater encouragement. Same as the lower development leagues, charging the amounts to volunteers to be signed up members every year, entry fees etc is ridiculous.
Yes all speedway is a business and it is foolish to jeopardise a clubs survival for the sake of running a NL side. Belle Vue openly say the PL side tops up the funds but others have run at a very affordable level, Len Silver turned a profit at Kent every season in a genuine stadium so it can be done.
There is just a lack of willing at the top to make it worthwhile, the weasel wants the youth rounds to be the saviour of everything, Louis thinks 1 meeting a season will transform the sport. Half the promotions now don't care about 10 years time because they won't still be involved then (if there is any sport left to be involved with).