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Sings4Speedway last won the day on December 17

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  1. On that rationale the GP's would be the best racing you can watch but in reality how often is that the case? No doubting that the track craft of world class riders on a decent track can produce brilliant racing but any riders of similar ability can produce that, i certainly don't buy that higher levels is required to produce excitement, in fact lower grades can add to unpredictability which brings anticipation in different ways.
  2. Whilst a geographical league makes a decent amount of sense im not sure that Worky throwing their toys out the pram actually helps their case. If they entered something and didn't fully consider the ramifications is the right thing to do just change their mind?
  3. After Goret, Turner and Baek we are hoping for 3rd 4th time lucky.....
  4. Nothing green about Rushen who has raced at levels far higher than many in the side already. Can easily see him taking 6 rides a meeting with Meadows and Ingram getting 3 (yes its development league etc but it still relentlessly happens) until the first averages come out and then the cubs might have a struggle at reserve. Power top 5 though who might squabble amongst themselves for points.
  5. 6.59 feels like a high average for a rider who has been out for 8 years. I don't have that many notable memories of him but equally it was a better league back then so ought to be able to maintain that at least. I wonder who will be next on the comeback trail.....im hoping its Jon Armstrong.
  6. Both Father and Son are ambitious. They have spent thousands of pounds and completed as many miles trekking across the UK and Europe to get the boy where he is today. Belle Vue was chosen for NL for the racing circuit and for CL they will be looking at where is the best possibility of silverware. Track record says thats the Pirates so a fairly easy assumption to make.
  7. Wasn't the multiplier going to increase by 0.1 every season until it reached 2 so that doubling up would be reduced 🤣
  8. The problem is that its a results based business and if Rider A doesn't have the kit and Rider B does they will get picked even if A has more ability. Then its over to the promotors, even at NL the requirement is to arrive with 2 bikes of good standard therefore a van is required and it goes on. The sport should be easier and more accessible to get into but with track time limited and the weasel actively shutting down training schools/amateur events whats the point? Could anyone hand on heart say to parents of a child looking to go into a form of motorsport that speedway is the best option?
  9. Starke even past his best is well capable of sticking a point on his average and possibly two. Vinnie may have fitted average wise but not with the club image. Big crashes, unable to finish meetings due to no machinery and the crowd incident are all not in keeping with the clubs professional outlook.
  10. JPB was definitely a natural on the bike but the biggest change he needed was attitude. Yes his bikes were rubbish but his preparation was worse. He was easily marketable to sponsors but the effort wasn't there so didn't even make it as far as Lewis Bridger.
  11. Didn't think Rushen was old enough at the start of the season? Certainly not green though and has been all across Europe already. Not quite Cairns level but will likely more than double his starting average.
  12. Did not expect that line up. Broadhurst should be a strong signing but the rest looks a bit average. Hard to see many race winners apart from Scott but equally not many last places either. Don't see enough strength to get the necessary away results and mount a challenge to the big 2.
  13. Half a season. I like and rate Jamie and he has great support but he is still green.
  14. Closest i could find was Luke Clifton who will be 43 next season.....although Rob Hollingsworth and Mick Skinner are both north of 60 and would still do a good job at reserve.
  15. Not sure Leicester would go with 2 green reserves but hard to argue with the strength of the side. Foord, Springer and James all got plenty of improvement in those averages
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