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Terrace Grumbler

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Everything posted by Terrace Grumbler

  1. Tidied that for you, mate. The answer to the question is no, it is ongoing during meetings.
  2. I'll be there but increasingly I wonder why. In my book, Hopwood and Bowtell are second halfers. Look mummy, the Emperor's got no clothes.
  3. I gave up after Redcar. It's a shame because I like Owlerton, but you didn't have to be a mind reader to see yesterday coming and I saved a half day of holiday.
  4. Scream - Sorry. It's just that I cannot see how, given the back story, never mind the fact that he has retired, anyone could seriously suggest Watt coming back to Newcastle. Everyone has their own ideas, that's one of the things that makes it fun, but... I was merely pointing out that Watt returning would be on a par with re-signing little Manu. I probably owe Lund an apology: he did have one decent half season. I think I actually meant Rune Knudsen. Dandelion - if we did get Bach I wouldn't be displeased but I think that in reality he is now a 7 point man much like Ludde and should be viewed as such. Then again given George's man management skills, if anyone could put Rene back where he was, perhaps it's him. Spot on, AF. Well not necessarily a Dane ( as has been pointed out, averages work against that) but not another ex-Diamond- going to BP can be like Groundhog Day at times
  5. Well, I don't know what you call a good meeting, then. Derrwent Park - follow the leader all the way to the flag.
  6. l I take it that you are joking. The Rene Bach fetishism is wearing a little thin, as well. Sadly he's not the rider he once was. My suggestion would be Manu Hauzinger but if he's not available we could try Kristin Lund
  7. Nor September probably! To fill in those Suday evenings, how about a 4TT with Berwick, Workington and Scunthorpe? Scott Nettleship may be due a testimonial. A "test match" against Scotland- if 7 Scottish riders could be found. The George English Memorial Trophy? (It's a while since that has been contested- iirc the holder is Anders Michanek)
  8. I seem to recall that Big Vic left under something of a cloud.
  9. Er...precisely. We'll be there tonight and supporting the boys as always.
  10. If I may have my two pennorth, I'd love to see Scott Nicholls wear the black and white on Sunday. Dandelion, I wouldn't disrespect Berwick. There are decent riders in their team and they're usually up for it at BP. For that reason if we're entitled to two guests I'd do for Kyle Howarth- a great hundred per center.
  11. [quote name="Tsunami" post="2983562" timestamp="1498579519" If you are planning on decorating this weekend, and haven't bought the stuff yet, try Workington Speedway. They seem to have stacks of whitewash available. I actually did laugh out loud at this. Spot on, Mr. R.
  12. Well I'm afraid I certainly did. Any chance you might quote him here? Riders now appear to be acquiring almost superhuman powers in dealing with broken bones - first Stevie W and now Robert L sr to ignore a broken wrist!
  13. A thriller. As Roy said from the centrgreen, speedway was the biggest winner and it would restore faith in the sport were that needed. The absence of Craig Cook from the rerun of heat 15 was a shame and I hope he (if he was feeling his spill) and Robert are ok.
  14. Perhaps they wouldn't now. But might people feel differently at the end of August if our season ends then and we miss the playoffs by a couple of points? For me it's about professionalism and (dis)respect. I find it hard to believe Steve Worrall wasn't fit to ride on Saturday or Sunday - if he chose to try to give himself an advantage in the British Final, then it seems he is at liberty to do so, but by the same token supporters of Belle Vue and of Newcastle are free to draw their own conclusions about those involved. It's only speedway, it shouldn't really matter, but I am finding that it does to me! Rant over...
  15. I've just had a look st the club website - "Supa Stevie strikes silver" http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/hom It's a shame they've misspelled "sicknote" as "supa". Standards are clearly falling throughout the club...but seoiusly, are the supporters who watched the team get turned over on Sunday supposed to join the chorus? If the club is wondering about where the support is vanishing to, they may like to consider that some people don't like being taken for fools.
  16. [quote name="ruffdiamond" post="2978939" timestamp="149799271 a didn't mean it in a nasty way,,, a meant in an 'old sea dog' way. No offence taken!
  17. The last two posts are 100% spot on Aye, I suppose I am an old dog!
  18. Great post. But I really don't think that these questions will be answered any time soon. Perhaps in future a spot of diplomacy from the centre green might be in order. On Sunday evening the news that SW would "try to ride" in the British Final didn't go down well around us on the terraces. Unless, of course, all of this has all been budgeted for - I don't know c
  19. Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps George will explain in the SStar; perhaps he won't. It's in the past now anyway. However, unless we can get a run going in the cup, the season looks effectively to be over after Sunday, which is a shame.
  20. Don't worry, I shan't! It would be good if we could fit Liam Carr in but Tungate is a Kus-style gater and if you were to look up "plodder" in Hauzinger's Encyclopaedia of Speedway it says "See Graversen, J".
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