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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. 10 minutes into the first meeting, can someone please shoot that fkin trumpeter.
  2. I went a couple of times & thought the track wasn't bad at all. Brent Werner certainly liked it.
  3. Vincent 1) I very much doubt if we'll ever see speedway at Station Rd again (but I'd happily be proved wrong). 2) Don't know, but his sister Dolly make a lovely pair. (team work eh Tsunami).
  4. I enjoyed last years coverage of the GPs by Channel 4, but this year, without Julia Bradbury they are boring & seem to be scheduled all over the place, so I haven't bothered.
  5. Ladst Saturday's GP was the best comedy programme I've seen in ages. Nikki Pedersen is a star as far as I'm concerned. He's like a little kid who's been force fed "E" numbers. Even after he'd dragged his bike off the track he fell over & rolled round on his back, brilliant I nearly spit my beer out laughing at him. Top bloke.
  6. & a paddy is an Irishman, & a............
  7. Why, what's wrong with you? You look alright, whereas me, I'm so ugly when dogs hump my leg they close their eyes. BTW, I've spent the last week trying to get my hands on a mobile phone holder like yours, but no luck so far.
  8. Nah, it must have been that cheap watch you bought playing up again. I told you Rolex wasn't spelt with a "B".
  9. Acorn Dobson has moved to Oakhampton I believe.
  10. Bugger, I was hoping she hadn't noticed the mirror on the stick.
  11. Hmmm, maybe we could launch it at Cardiff next year..... 2004 Billy Hamill "No Bull". 2005 Fd "Loads of Bull". By God lads, I think we're onto a winner here.
  12. Hey Homer, I sat next to Shazzy & she's a top bird. Between you & me I reckon she'd scrub up quite nicely. Anyway, why weren't you there? Next year, no excuses ok? If you do decide to turn up, mine's a large one, Oh & you can buy me a pint while you're there.
  13. Right then, after drawing the short straw for the second year running I set off towards Rugby, to pick up Steve Turner & Phil, before heading over to Coven(gag)try to collect Fd & Fd Jr. Having loaded the car up we set off for Cardiff & Fd kept us entertained by telling us all about his racing successes. We then turned out of his drive (only joking mate),& with a cheery wave & a smile we set off for Cardiff. Unfortunately we managed to get lost before we had even left Fd's road (I swear it's true). Anyway, we composed ourselves & were soon on our way again. We overtook the Coven(gag)try coaches just before Monmouth, & I received a text message from Krissie saying they were at Monmouth services. Sadly this came through too late as we were already lined up in a layby having a slash as the traffic thundered past, so we had to decline the offer to join them (not easy to text with your hands full). After several heated discussions & a show of handbags or two,(the navigator had left his reading glasses at home), we eventually agreed that we should exit the M4 at junction 32 (a unanimous decision by four "yes's" & one "please yer f***ing selves, I couldn't give a f***"). Anyway, we found a cracking place to park about two minutes walk from the stadium, & no, we're not telling you where it is, had a sort of picnic (sandwiches, burps, farts & weeing up tree trunks), before heading off to Sam's bar. After the meeting we eventually made our weary (& in some cases slaughtered) way back to the car, stopping only to wee up a few more trees, before setting off at a leisurely bat out of hell pace back to Rugby, Coven(gag)try, & Leicester. Phil was snoring & dribbling down his seatbelt before we were out of the car park, Fd & Fd Jr were asleep before we were out of Cardiff, & Steve kept awake for the whole journey (I dropped off just before Birmingham, but don't tell the others). Anyway guys, it was eventfull to say the least, but I had a great day, & it was good to see you all again. Only another year to go before.............God, I need a drink.
  14. Is he still managed by Joan Davies? Or has the blonde bombshell lost interest since buying himself a burger van?
  15. Really sorry your GP didn't go according to plan Tb. I hope your mum is ok now. I'm glad we managed to meet up at last, & I enjoyed our little chat at Sams Bar. Best wishes, Lt xx
  16. HER DAD!!! Cheeky %*$":!! If any mods are reading this I demand that this man is banned immediatly. Star Lady thought I was 70 odd, Rotski thought I was "an old man", & you think I'm Shazzies dad. Don't worry mate, I'll make sure I shake you warmly by the throat, er sorry I mean hand next time. Seriously though, it was nice to meet you even if it was from a distance. BTW, I was chatting to Shazzie's dad in the POW, top bloke.
  17. Not these days. No not these days, Gollob has matured into a brilliant racer & hopefully Pedersen will do the same. I just find it slightly ironic that it should be Gollob slagging him off.
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