I certainly don't want to see anyone hurt but I still maintain Nicki's a speedway RACER who always gives 100% in every race. This is the world championships & he wants to be world champion...AGAIN. Go Nicki P
I'd still much rather watch Nicki P racing his heart out for 4 laps than TRick leaving everyone for dead race after race which is bloody boring. & please don't think I'm having a go at Tony because he's certainly a class act & his last to first race was pretty impressive to say the least.
A racing incident which once again robs the final of a great racer. Stand by for page after page of Nicki P bashing....where is The Grim Reaper when I need him?
Come on then all you Nicki P haters, what excuses are you going to make this time?? Did Crump, Adam's etc let him win or did he just fence them all?? NICKI PEDERSEN WORLD CHAMPION 2005........bring it on...
Look just accept it, Pedersen won ok? Tell you what, as good as TRick is, it makes for bloody boring tv when he's half a lap in front every race. Give me Nicki P, Crump etc any day.
The last two posts sums it up nicely as far as I'm concerned.
BTW, in an earlier post I said Leicestershire had had three tracks, but I was wrong, they have in fact had four. Anyone like to have a guess a to where the fourth track was? & no, I'm not referring to the indoor speedway held at Granby Halls in the early 70's.
Well at least we had TWO, yes TWO speedway tracks in Leicester once, Nerr, how many tracks have Coventry had? I'll tell you how many....err....two.
(Actually we've had three. In the 50's there was one on the same road that I now live on, so stick that in yer pipe).
I think I'm right in saying we were the first team to track an American in the British League (the late DeWayne Keeter), & also the first team to have team leathers (sponsored by TSB).
Clutching at straws maybe but we've got to try & fill this thread up with something to keep Mr Howling Gorgon at bay.