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    newcastle diamonds

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  1. He's under Herbie Hancocks umbrella & probably will be getting the monster sponsorship in the next season oor 2 without a doubt imo
  2. Things would have been totally different if that con of a virus never happened which put the speedway back ( COVID ) imo as the team that Rob had put together would have certainly been unbeatable at home & would have definitely pushed for points on the road but that's in the past now & can't see speedway coming back to brough nowadays unfortunately
  3. Yes both a bit reckless but entertaining when on track Rob senior was the better rider of the two tho imo
  4. Hi all Newcastle speedway fans if anyone is interested in going to Bellevue for the British GP on Saturday June the 14th 2025 I will run a bus & pick up from the home of the Noe defunct diamonds sadly... Brough park at about 10am in the morning so we get to Manchester around about 2pm & gives us plenty time to visit the fan zone etc before the speedway starts & the bus will be leaving about half n hour after the meeting finishes so we get back to Newcastle for roughly 10pm .. just give me a message if anyone would like to go & I'll run a bus no problem
  5. Be massive money to entice Brennan or cook .. better get more raffle tickets sold at the end of season do
  6. Yeah I think his ban was up at the end of June with an extra few weeks for his other comments but don't quote me on that tho
  7. By the time the new averages come out a certain Richie worrall will be clear to ride following his half a season ban just saying and could be a replacement for Rory
  8. I was down last week v scunny & when I got home had a shower and the amount of dust was canny bad that I washed off so decided to give it a miss tonight with being a mega hot day n I thought the track would be slick n dry as a bone to whip up the dust
  9. Both good at what they do as they have both rode a bike so they know exactly what there talking about
  10. Whoever has any doubts about Celina former National league co-ordinator Jason pipe has put on Facebook a race with her & drew kemp passing eachother & she takes the win on the outside.. great race & for those who don't have Facebook it's also on YouTube & Kemp's in white & Celina in yellow... Well worth a look
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