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Everything posted by sparkafag

  1. So no statements actively saying it, just perception of a comment? The entire Kings Lynn situation this season has been quite odd whereas other sides will and have made changes midseason to strengthen their side and increase their Play Off chances, changes they might not make if it were for Play Offs as higher up the table was a dying perception with fans and probably clubs as there was little financial reward and by your own admission the idea of bragging rights had sort of died out?
  2. Whereas now the riders who finish ahead of him is varied rather than the same two or three which suggests strength throughout the field rather than purely top end strength? Because it isn’t just Woffinden who has finished ahead of him recently.
  3. Has a club ever released a statement like that though or that is that just the perception some fans have?
  4. Kicks on? He won the title in 97, was 3rd in 04 and 2nd in 06 Out with a brief spell when it looked like he was finished he has pretty much been the benchmark for World Class, if you are finishing ahead of him you are generally either on the podium or winning the thing, that applies now and applied for much of the time Rickardsson, Crump and Pedersen were winning it or close to winning it, based on that alone I would say it is harsh to say the field has declined.
  5. Again, it is a poor example because it neither proves nor disproves a point. It’s highly likely the attendance at that particular meeting would have been the same regardless of Play Offs. The system hasn’t been put in place for that type of meeting though. If anything though, if really pushed on it, the sparse attendance would likely have been even less without minor Play Off interest for the home side as otherwise they would have literally been racing for no reason. Re the point Belle Vue and Poole might have increased attendances (albeit not to a great level until it was likely to be “Championship” night) if it was a straight out title race, yes they tracks might have, likely would, but Lakeside, Swindon and Wolves (for example) wouldn’t. If a Play Off race means those three tracks retain 100/150 (at least) more people for a further 5,6 or 7 meetings then that’s a good thing – if it wasn’t a play Off system and those people were removed from those tracks are Belle Vue and Poole going to fill that deficit with their travelling support because they might win the title at those tracks? Are either track really going to take 600 or 700 people to those tracks to replace the fans who have stopped going? I highly doubt it. So as well as more tracks retaining a slightly higher and slightly more stable attendance they tracks (Swindon, Wolves and Lakeside) will also have a Play Off meetings likely attended by 2/3/4,000 people (at least) on top of a higher average weekly attendance, you are talking deficits and differences in attendances of the best part of 5,000 people if you work that out to an average of even £10 a person that’s a cash difference of £50,000.00 that Wolves, Swindon or Lakeside will make that they probably wouldn’t without Play Offs. Poole and Belle Vue (in this instance) will gain a solid attendance level purely for being in the hunt for the league as well as TWO hugely increased home attendances to go with their league attendances. They also gain two away attendances they likely wouldn’t have got even from Poole had they been in with a chance of the league. As a system it balances out across the league and allows a fairer spread of interest across the season – it gets more people into more tracks than a league title system, more eyes on the product and more “meaningful speedway” is raced across the country than it would be in a league system. There is more chance to present to local media the idea of “play of chasing meeting” “Play Off Semi” (over 2 legs) and Play Off Finals, the increased attention helps with media and sponsors as it can be offered as a better all-around package. But, hey, some people just don’t like the Play Offs..
  6. Sweden ? Suggests not actually knowing to me, the question mark is key it implies a question thus a lack of knowledge, stupidity even, if that doesn’t then the constant swearing and now utterly hysterical threats like “come see me at Somerset” (presumably hanging around the pits getting pictures on bikes or collecting autographs, cute). None of this matters though as this post is only visible to people who haven’t placed it on the block list and thus feeling the need to address it, or any posts made by me just seems slightly bizarre behaviour (again). But anyway, again, team suits have massively improved the appearance of the sport.
  7. Coventry aren't in the mix in all honesty most of there fans probably know that, as I said it's a poor example it neither proves nor disproves the play off theory. The reverse fixture which was decently attended Is a better gauge a side in the hunt who's attendances have reason to hold up rather than fall off What you're advocating is Swindon and Coventry running dead rubbers for months, in a Play Off system Swindon aren't they are running meeting to make the Play Offs rather than to finish 4th.
  8. Because Coventry aren't in the race for the top 4 anymore.....if there wasn't a top 4 though would the crowd at that meeting be any different, no, it's a terrible example to use. The beauty of it though is its balanced when sides have a good year eg Coventry who have had the boosts before vs this season when others are getting it. The idea that sides like Belle Vue are making up the deficit of lost fans with their traveling support is hilarious though (lol).
  9. Any supposed increased crowds at Wolves would have dwindled after Monday when they were knocked out of contention for a title win, the reality is after Monday no one at Wolverhampton would care less about a league win and thus their crowds would dwindle and tail off, whereas now there season has been reignited so it would be left to Poole and Belle Vue to have increased crowds, great amazing, but what about the rest. What about Swindon and Lakeside, to a lesser extent Coventry? They have been out of title contention for months, no one at those tracks gives a toss if Belle Vue slightly increase crowds either home or away because they might win the title that night, and generally it is only around about the time a side might win the league at that meeting that crowds increase. Would Belle Vue or Pooles travelling fans for example, make up the weekly deficit and drop in crowds at places like Lakeside and Swindon when they have nothing to race for, for months on end, I doubt it – that is before even thinking about how far ahead Somerset might end up in the PL. The Play Off’s allow league interest to drip down the leagues rather than simply increasing the swell at the one or two sides who generally run away with seasons, it allows more meetings throughout the season to be of interest to more clubs and more fans, and also provides the bonus of a guarantee of big nights, big crowds and more meetings to generate media interest across the country rather than in the city where they might win the league.
  10. So instead of one massive crowd v Poole, Belle Vue will likely get two massive crowds against possibly Poole and Wolves. And instead of it only being a place at the top of the league that matters it is making 4 places in the league that matters That sounds like a pretty decent case for the Play offs.
  11. I think Sky (hardly a shock given the money they invest into this) and SGP/SWC have it pretty much spot on re how the sport should be branded and positioned, it should in theory be cheap marketing for the sport, just follow the general template/USP used by both groups.
  12. Again, ridiculous, there is very little to suggest the sport will be dead or won’t come to tapes in 2017, but you keep on at it.
  13. It doesn’t work like that but it is a narrative you have written for yourself and are now firmly entrenched in so much so that what you are saying doesn't even correlate with this signing, it is a club signing a rider the reaction to it on here, like with most news is utterly hysterical from the same doom mongers who grow ever more desperate to put a negative tint on all things speedway. You have decided the sport has little future and and it doesn’t matter one single iota what occurrence takes place you will find a way to decide that speedway is screwed and that’s it and then twist and impose your opinion on most occurrences, shame the rest of us just can’t be left to get on with enjoying it… But yes, the sport probably will thrive for the next 6 weeks (which I am sure will fill you with utter joy and delight) following on from the last 6 weeks and the success of the 4s Weekend, World Cup, Grand Prix and general attendance levels, stick them together you then have a seasons which has generally been quite well received and brought a feeling of feel good back to the sport in this country (for most hard core fans). I would say there is actually a feel good factor around just now - so as speedway fans let's all enjoy the next few exciting weeks of the season, the Play Offs, should be a great 6 weeks or so.
  14. Why would a lower level sport be splashed all over Sky Sports News or the radio during the Olympics or a high content period (transfer window). The idea Speedway is going to take main level content away from either sport is utterly ridiculous, nor should it be expected this move would be doing that, it is a straw man argument. What the inclusion of the “World Champion” will do is increase the minuscule level of attention the sport does actually receive, because with all due respect Woffinden is far more promotable than Kylmapkorpi – it will increase interest levels to a higher level than they were previously (the volume of traffic on this forum when the name Woffinden is mentioned confirms that, as I would expect will the increased attendances when he is racing). You could also argue that if you put together enough “short term” plans you are actually securing a longer term as “short term” is simply the thing that keeps things breathing and ticking along weekly and thus the supposed short term plans are just the general day to day activity of the sport, but the kind of thing that will be dismissed. The argument that Play Offs attract more people so more should be there all the time could apply to clubs who make Cup Finals, draw big EPL teams in the FA Cup (all of which are sports with a far higher profile and events shown to a wider audience that don’t keep them coming back). It is now the norm people turn out for bespoke events and events that are perceived to be “big” it is why most sports are doing all they can to increase what are seen as “big events” to get more people in at a higher volume when the going is good because the culture of a high audience level attending lower level sports on a weekly basis is dying out.
  15. What’s changed is his sides on the continents early elimination from the league, that’s not just changed for Woffinden – that has changed for Wolverhampton as well and thus they have taken the option to make a change that they feels strengthens their side, no mockery being made of the sport. That same option is open to every single club in the entire division if they chose to take it, it isn’t exclusive to Wolverhampton, a Wolverhampton side that was already looking on course to not only make the Play Offs but compete in them, it isn’t like they have cheated the system or done anything any other side wouldn’t have (in the case of sides like Coventry, Swindon and Kings Lynn should have done, and should have done earlier). The nature of this forum being a mixed forum allows fans from every side to make widespread overblown comments about team changes made by sides they don’t support and how each change will ruin the sport, kill it etc and so on. The reality is it’s not that different to a football club making a transfer to strengthen their team, things like this happen in all sports all the time, it isn’t exclusive to speedway and it isn’t the reason speedway is so poorly attended when compared to other sports or why speedway is "in the doldrums". The majority of other sports have 1001 and reasons why they have higher attendances, historical, TV time, media interest, sports profile, level of investment into promotion, level of investment from media and TV companies, level of investment from Government, accessibility, ability for people to just pick up a racket, ball etc and play. before even going into 101 other nuisances – it isn’t because “Wolves once signed a rider late in the season” it isn’t even because of supposed death by 100 cuts and self-serving promotions, the actual numbers in terms of attendees that impacts is minimal and the numbers who actually walk away as a result of Wolves signing riders like Woffinden and preach about Corinthian spirit and fairness to themselves (1 or 2) will be counteracted by the boosted attendances during Play Off Season. Speedway has plenty issues, if the nuclear button gets hit on every thread it takes away the credibility of the point re "speedway at deaths door" as it becomes a drained, oft repeated point and doesn't apply in this instance as it will increase profile, media attention and attendances, which is actually a good thing for the sport if the over looking custodian stance is going to be taken.
  16. I am genuinely struggling to think of any team in sport that wouldn’t make a change to strengthen their side and increase their chances of winning, that kind of move isn’t exclusive to speedway?
  17. How big is the picture? The picture in Wolves case, will be increased attendances and possibly a Play Off Semi/Final and Title then a restructure of the side less Woffinden next season (with a slightly increased budget due to swelled attendances) if he doesn’t commit to the full year. The clubs are using the riders just as much as the riders are using the clubs.
  18. There is a thing called the National League where you can and watch riders do that, but even then most will have ambitions to eventually reach the Grand Prix/World Cup
  19. When you see a race jacket like that it really hits home why team suits were introduced, clarified by the OP not having a clue who the team even is upon seeing the jacket I doubt many will have to ask who team suits belong to in 10/15/20 years time as they are so easily identifiable.
  20. I can only assume the logistics of fixture arrangement for that Northern section would be a nightmare. Part of the appeal of a watered down product would surely be the idea that clubs could consistently race on their set race night? To me that looks like a lot of clubs who would be wanting Friday/Saturday night speedway which instantly means several clashes and changed race nights before considering SWC (if in UK), SGP at Cardiff, National events and the weather being thrown into the mix. One of biggest issues with Speedway is consistency around fixtures I am not sure that league structure actually eradicates those issues. If anything could possibly add to it as the PL is currently structured not too badly in terms of split across Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday I do feel such intricacies and nuisances are often forgotten when the idea is floated re bringing the leagues together.
  21. So it is now in stone that “my friend said it is a joke” posts should be taken seriously, totally agree. I have friends who think this is a great thing, so that’s the friends thing counterbalanced so the actual think can be spoken about. It isn’t cheating, it isn’t against the rules it is a transfer being made during a transfer window it is no more or less “mickey mouse” than a football team signing a player during the January transfer window, mickey mouse sport that it is.
  22. Questionable if it would IMO, even on paper it just feels a bit arse backwards to continue on with another competition after the League Champions have been crowned, running the League Cup Semi and Final earlier in the season seems far more logical and allows a far more natural build to the Play Off.
  23. I doubt there would be anyone there if the League Cup was run at the back end of the season after the league had been decided, it would be lethal for clubs to do that IMO. As it stands with the League Cup at the start it affords clubs chance to front load their season financially with slightly larger attendances due to local crowds and higher interest levels when the season starts. Those attendances are then boosted and subsidised by a steady stream of local fixtures during the league season. If the League Cup was ran as a competition after the Play Offs there would be about as much interest as the “best of the rest Play Offs” that were a bit of a disaster rather than the actual Play Offs, which drag more people out of the house during the closing weeks of the season.
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