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Shale Searcher

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Everything posted by Shale Searcher

  1. I think so, we did have one, we had FIM u 21 meetings, I mc examine at Leicester, checks are far more robust under FIM, fuel, bike weight, race apparel, silencers, all tested to a higher degree....
  2. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><<><><> Is Steve Lawson making a comeback then.....? [s. Lawson].. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  3. Kelvin Tatum was speedways equivalent of Steve Davis, Wiggy was the Jimmy White of Speedway..
  4. Should Belle Vue have refused to run meetings there until all the "SNAGS" had been put right? And once they had opened the turnstiles, were in fact agreeing and accepting the NSS in the state it was?
  5. "Old Crocks" well, I believe that every national league team should have one riding "Old Crock" Just to help the youngsters progress, teach set ups, maintenance, team riding, and other skills that are easier to pass on by participation. Let's replace the word "Youngsters" with seriously new to Speedway" participants, because not everyone who wants to give Speedway a proper go, will be a kid.. Might be someone crossing over from other motorsport...
  6. I have a meeting on DVD from Sheffield between Sheffield and Leicester, I think it's 1983, because the commentator mentions Les Collins as being the world no 2... The commentator is by a long way, the worst worst worstest God damn awful commentator I have ever, ever, ever heard, in any sport.. one single monotone voice, his total drone never wavering, the Lions lost, does anyone know who he is? The meeting was not British League, possibly the early season Midland League???
  7. The crux of the matter is once the "water barrier" layer had been omitted from turns 3 & 4, and the fact the track is banked from outside to inside, would create an unbalanced water table, and the water would run down the banking, through the dodgy layer, and then break through the surface via capillary action, the barrier layer would have prevented the water from rising to the surface.. However, if the Speedway season started in July, they would probably have been ok as the track immediately below the race surface would have "cured" and not have caused problems until the autumn! Then Belle Vue would have had a bigger problem than the one they have now!!
  8. It's a work in progress....!! 😨😨 Doesn't anyone feel that part of speedways beauty is the "rawness" of it? Taking away the tapes would be a further sanitisation of the sport... Just be harsher but fair at the start, refs and start marshalls need to grow some bigger balls....
  9. I was there an all! Doing track/centre mud work, defo took more than a couple of days....
  10. Place a small hand grenades with the pins removed, each side of the front wheels, right up to the tyres, any movement forward or backwards would release the lever and blow the offending rider to smithereens! Small blast shields would also need to be placed separating the gates so riders complying wouldn't get hit by the flying shrapnel....!!! Jobs a good un!!!!! 😬😬😬😬
  11. If that's the case, I wonder if Leicester may get it.... With the track re-modelling, might be the ideal location! Pretty much bang centre of the UK....
  12. Some scumbag somewhere, for a big bag of skunk or crack cocaine, I'm sure would risk setting a fire in the Brandon G'stand.... Plenty of old dry timber, and a ton of asbestos that would crackle and bang launching "firebombs" in to its immediate vicinity!!!! That would really be the final nail into the Cov coffin.....
  13. I thought it was no more than 2 riders, from any one CL club, anywhere in your 1 to 7... I can't check as I have not received my 2017 rule book yet...
  14. Well yes, we do....!! Somewhere in the UK on Monday could get a 16c or even a 17c!! We are starting to draw air from a much warmer area of the globe (North Africa) from the South West, it will remain above the seasonal norm right up until the 23rd/24th Feb, the odd night frost can't be ruled out though. Chance of a colder/cooler incursion around the 25th/26th Feb, but it will be brief with temps quickly recovering to around the seasonal norm or just above. Rainfall will remain lower than the seasonal norm...... Their you go!! 😎
  15. But, what if the grandstand was to have one of those suspicious fires, similar to the ones at Long Eaton?? Would it not be granted pretty much straight away? (To demolish what's left)
  16. Clubs could sell the fans those mini radio earpieces like you get at cricket/snooker, and one or two years, Cardiff GP had them.. Still got the earpiece, not much use after the event though, but could be built/set up/powered to last a full season without battery changes..
  17. Doubt it, but if there were Asian, Pakistani, and/or Bangladeshi Speedway Riders, you'd have wall to wall Speedway, all over the BBC channels!!
  18. There might be an issue with Data Protection Laws.... I know of something similar to this, and details could not be transferred company to company......
  19. Laydowns + Restricted Silencers + Deep Dirt = Carnage... Ask any rider...
  20. So, the money the BSPA spent on the Gerhard engines, could have funded the whole "live app/news" thingy mentioned by JC above?? Would that have been a more appropriate idea to spend the dosh on? I suppose not, as the BSPA wouldn't directly re-coup that money, unless it was loaned to each and every club, but then they might not have ever seen that money again.. or most of it anyway...... Is lending money to Speedway clubs a sound idea? I doubt it somehow....
  21. Hey, why not build a small ovall track, stick some old/used red shale, get volunteers to help, stick a wire mesh fence around it, put some old/cheap Speedway related banners on the fence, a white line and an improvo start line, maybe, just maybe the kids will ride round it, emulating what goes on, on track!! If something like that had of been available when I was a child, hey, might of got hooked earlier....
  22. This is how British Speedway should be... Rider 6 and 7 should be young Brits, no 6 should be the senior reserve, perhaps already established 8-10 pointer in NL or a 6-8 pointer young CL team member, and has ridden EL as fast tracker.. looking to move into the 1-5 in PL.. The no 7, a 6-8 pointer in NL, maybe a CL 2nd string 5-6 pointer, in his 1st season in the top flight, looking to become the senior reserve in a year or 2... No reserves should be foreign imports, unless dropping to reserve due to poor performance, and if they don't get back into the 1-5 within 3 green sheet issues, get rid....
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