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Shale Searcher

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Everything posted by Shale Searcher

  1. I will see Barrow Boy on Monday, if a mod pm's me with details for him I will pass the necessary information to him personally.... It's possible that he may have changed his email address... This would complicate the issue.... That's possibly a reason to go through me thinking about it.... If this circumvents privacy rules, I will get his new email address from him and pm a mod Monday night...
  2. I don't do Twitter... Can't get my head around the whole Twitter thing!! And surely, if there was anyone, they would have already been snapped up??
  3. That's a BSPA type solution!!!! Why can't a mod quickly reset his password, along with a quick explanation of what he has to do??
  4. In the interests of British Speedway/Poole, please insert answer here...(__________________________________________________________) ..
  5. Can A moderator please contact Barrow Boy and assist him with his password problem? He has tried to contact the mods, but as yet, he hasn't had a response!!! If someone has sorted him out, please just confirm its been done please? We can't afford to lose anyone from this forum, just because he's lost/forgotten his password!!!!
  6. Would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!! BSPA TOWERS Mat Ford... Right boys, who is looking to replace this Adam Ellis then....? Buster... Ermmmm, is it Coventry? They'll have to use a 3 pointer then...No Buster, (points out Mat) it's Poole... Buster, well, they can have an 8 pointer replacement then.. Mat Ford with cheque book in hand, says any objections then? No, no, no No, ermmmm, to late Dave, No, no Ok, that sorted then.. Buster closes the meeting, all the other promoters go straight to the bank with their cheques!!!!
  7. Getting (paid for) data and "live" rainfall radar is the way to go, especially for working on track prep on the day.... The free Met Office/Other branded weather services are out of step timewise.... The track could have been watered and wonder wheeled or similar a couple of hours pre start time with the correct "live" data at hand..
  8. So how many (is a decent crowd) at Monmore Green now.......?
  9. It amazes me, how on Saturday night, Chris Holder rides like a man possessed in the GP, then come Monday, at Wolverhampton, he rides like a bungling novice? Is it equipment? (His fastest and best stuff over in Poland) Just a bad night in the office? Just not interested in putting himself in any harms way in the UK Elite League, or something more sinister? (Average Manipulation) bit early in season for that isn't it? Or not happy at the sacking of his fellow Oz buddie Davey Watt?
  10. You lot are talking like Woryna has been riding like a wobbling novice!!! What has he done (not done!) to warrant all this "get rid of the pole now" syndrome? From what I've read on updates and on hear, he was doing fine until his crash (by the way, he's been a very lucky boy) That hand injury looked like something from a very poor butchers shop.... As for King, well, don't know why he's performing like a wobbling novice at times either, but when he's moved down to number 4, his rides will be marginally easier, and should bounce back as he excels as a second string normally....
  11. How come they ride in the middle of a working week day? Who goes to watch them ride then...?
  12. A "BIG" crowd at wolves is misleading, they are all crammed into the very short start/finish straight.. That area looks rammed with 500 in it....
  13. I have often thought that? 400 crammed into the home straight v 1000 spread out over an area that holds 12,000+ Very misleading.....
  14. Where are they, and who are they???? These season saving riders? Poland? Sweden? Denmark? Australia? USA? Slovenia? We could do with one or two, but where and who are they??
  15. If Jason Garrity doesn't perform, he will end up back at reserve, if he doesn't, surely his decision was the correct one? (As it stands now) If the moving out of reserve changes had of been known when Garrity made his decision to not be a draft reserve, his decision might, just might have been different......
  16. Not directly relating to this post, but it would make heat leaders and second strings easily separated out for team building purposes, would certainly make team building fairer.. heat leaders 9 to 12 pts second strings 8.99 pts down Reserves currently not chosen on EL averages.. Except if there weren't 24 riders on +8.99 averages!
  17. Well, track needs a little moisture in it, and you flatten it and pack, pack, pack and pack, with a clay base this seals the surface so rain runs off, down the banking to the drains.. when the rain stops, you can then break the seal with an aggressively set wonder wheel or similar...... But the rain has to stop.
  18. 14:00 Rain arrives around 16:30, light at first, heavy for a short time around 17:30/18:00 gone by 18:30/19:00
  19. 13:45 Should be raining now in Scunny, it will get heavier for a very short while, then back to light rain and be gone by 14:30/14:45 Chance of a rogue shower in the afternoon, but should be predominantly dry from 14:45 onwards....
  20. 13:30 Should now be raining in Coventry, it will get heavier for a short time (around 14:30-15:00) then return to light rain until around 15:30-16:00, then it bogs off and turns dry with a breeze, and a few brighter interludes... Dry into the evening, just an outside chance of an isolated shower after 18:00...
  21. The problem with these analogies is there isnt really a comparator sport? Engine powered team racing on a small oval track.
  22. I think the rain is running late today, 2pm to 4pm now by the looks of the high res radar....
  23. Has he changed his email address that he set the account up from? I had the same problem, nobody got back to me either, so set a new account up.... They are not very good at the help side I'm afraid...
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