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Shale Searcher

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Everything posted by Shale Searcher

  1. Just to get back to reality....... What time did the rain stop in Wolverhampton this afternoon? Was the track really unfit for racing? Or, was this Wolverhampton retaliating to the Poole Tungate for Pedalbike switch, thinking.. fook it, we'll call it off and scupper that!! Now it's Wednesday, Pedalbike will be back, and Wolverhampton bring in Bomber, who's usually the Play Off hero!! Sounds plausible.......?
  2. I would agree with that, unless the club hiring the guest agreed some sort of retaining payment upfront, say... Hi Bomber, we want you to guest for us on Monday for us "Caerphilly Clueless" against "Wainfleet Wanderers" however, if it's called off due to heavy grass cuttings, then we would like to book you for the restaging date on Wednesday, here is £2,000 to secure your services for the Wednesday, deal? Thanks Caerphilly, yes I will commit to Wednesday, just in case it's grass cuttind off. That could happen I suppose... But if the Wainfleet Wanderers approached Bomber and said, look Bomber, if it's grass cuttind off, we want you Wednesday, here is £2,000 to give back to Caerphilly and here is £4,000 just to commit to us Wednesday!! Bomber very happy, no rules broken, just ethically wrong, and Caerphilly probably wouldn't ask him to guest again!!!!
  3. If Harris, Tungate, King or any other guest were to ride in the P/O Final, for Poole say, do they get medals? And on the other foot, does Hansi get a medal, and what about Laidback Lindback? Would he get a medal....?
  4. The age of the "Tactical Rain-Off" Now it's Wolves who have pulled a fast one!!!!!
  5. Precisely that!!! Or if the throttle jammed open on the warm down lap and he was popping a wheelie, or whatever, the cut outs cut the electrical circuit and kill the engine, protecting trackstaff, medics, start line staff, photographers, and anyone else on the centre green... You ever been chased by a "riderless" machine with no cut out working, I can assure it's no fun!!!!!
  6. I have ridden at Stoke in an amateur championship fixture, it wasn't raining, but filthy wet track, got filled in halfway round turn one, couldn't see a thing till I came out the corner and was able to rip a tear off off!! And we were nowhere near at the speed the pros go.. having said that, a better positioned head, and I would have avoided a lot of the roost getting to my goggles!!!! And yes, I was on a laydown Jawa 500... Last time was 2012 at Stoke.... Gary O'Hare didn't want to race because it was so wet!! Can't say I blamed him!!
  7. That's totally unfair, best give Poole a 20 point start in the final, and 2 home legs, with extra heats available in the second leg, should they be behind, just in case!!!
  8. It will stop completely around 6pm, between 3pm and 6pm showers, might miss um, might not miss um.. down to luck on that.....
  9. Yes, looks grim, rain, light in the morning, breaks down to heavy showers in the afternoon. It's unfortunate, because it dries up from around 7pm until around 11pm, before light rain returns..... If only someone had invented track covers!! This is going to be another meeting, that if covers had been used, would of, could of, SHOULD of been saved...
  10. Yea, didn't look a really humdinger of a crash, I think his head was thrown into the ground, bit like a cricket ball as it's released by a quick bowler..... Nicki is a huge draw in the GP series, a real case of marmite, you either love him, or hate him!! I personally think he's a very talented rider, he had picked his way from stone last, to fighting for first place with Emil in that 6 rider race.. So, get well soon Nicki P...
  11. It shows his lack of knowledge of the English language, he replaces words in sentences with swear words that he doesn't know, as well as using them as a way to get attention.. Perhaps he ought to go back to school, perhaps in the close season and take a basic English Language course or similar.... Just to show he realises he has a problem, because he probably doesn't consider it's a problem!!
  12. Could be the "LAST EVER" Elite League match, ever, ever, ever, ever.... The top league will be refreshed and renamed the "PREMIER LEAGUE" the old Premier League, will be renamed the "SEMI-PRO" League.. The National League will be renamed the "AMATEUR" League, and the Midland Development league, Northern Whatever it's called will be redivide and renamed, the "POULTEC DEVELOPMENT LEAGUES" North & South Divisions. Crowds will flock back to speedway in their tens of thousands, packing out all the stadiums/fields across Great Britain!!! Speedway in the UK is mended...!!!!!!
  13. Well, its on apparently, last Elite League encounter between these 2 giants of the speedway World.......
  14. Why has the GP's been the ruination of British Speedway, but, crucially only British Speedway? Why hasn't it ruined Polish Speedway, Swedish Speedway......? Are we using that as a cop out? Maybe it proves that when the GP's came into being, Poland, Sweden Etc adapted, improved, learned, modified, protected their leagues, strengthened their leagues, improved speedways standing in Polish sports CV, but also, put into place strict regulations into their riders contracts, so they had to put their Countries Speedway commitments first, always first, everything and every other leagues last.. Meanwhile, here in Team GB land, we did the opposite! Reduced the number of speedway meetings, reduced the team strengths, built teams to the lowest denominator, allowed foreign riders to treat GB speedway as training sessions with little or no commitment, allowed them to miss meetings at a whim, with little or no retribution, whilst crowds dwindled, because their teams riders, were now mostly mercenaric, flit in, ride poorly, flit out with bundles of British Speedways money! Crowds dwindled further, sides rebuilt to even lower standard, whilst Poland strengthened... And it just keeps happening, and we bleat the easy cop-out? Yea, it's all the GP's fault.. What next I wonder, oh, I know, we'll reduce the points limit yet again, make it 6, no 5 man teams, that's the way forward, meanwhile, promotors moan when only one man or woman and their dogs turn up to watch!!!!
  15. Ahhh, right, I remember now, had completely forgotten about the "Dropped For 60 Seconds" wasn't it made into a film, and Kildermand played by Angelina Jolie??
  16. Why not Leicester? Is the club officially down the swanny?
  17. I also heard similar, except Scunny was the track being banded about....
  18. Who knows how good he would have got, for that broken neck......
  19. EmIl "Syphon the diesel off" Norman the "Storm" Storer Malcolm Shakespeare "Shakey" Malc Brown the "Clown" Ray "Willie" Wilson
  20. And herein, is one of its problems... Years ago, your teams racenight came along, week in, week out throughout the season, late March until end of October, usually finished with a goodbye from the riders, a few fun and games and a firework display!! Now, it starts in early March, the stops, then starts, then a team can go 3 maybe 4 weeks without a home fixture!!!! People forget, find something else to do, no longer on autopilot, fans have to get the entertainment sat nav out, pictures, football, satellite tv, internet, bowling, allsorts of other stuff to do.... They get out of the habit, lose that addiction, the speedway autopilot is no longer there... RIP League Speedway in the UK.....
  21. It also used to be a bus service number from Leicester City Centre, that stopped adjacent to the Leicester Speedway track on Blackbird Road!!
  22. I have been involved, albeit in a small way with the track prep at Leicester since 1981, and when Leicester closed, still kept involved with Kings Lynn until around 1989, and I have loved speedway, since 1972.. Apart from a brief 4 yr stint supporting Long Eaton during the Leicesterless years, I have always believed that the top division in the UK was where I wanted to be.. When Leicester joined the Elite League 3 seasons ago, I was finally happy, or so I thought.. But things have gone from bad to worse, what a bloody shambles this league is. Promoters that don't promote, riders that well, at best, use this league for pin money, no loyalty, no team spirit, and most have no thought for the paying fans. I have always tried to make allowances for them, the riders, but now I am so disillusioned with speedway, I think this will be my last season as a supporter and volunteer.. I don't think I want to drop to premier league, or national league, I want to see the best that is available, end of...... Unless, the AGM makes some radical changes, and stops sitting on its arse and self congratulating itself, that's me done....
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