Why are Belle Vue to blame ? Its the ridiculous rules / regulations implemented by the BSPA
that are responsible for British riders like Jacobs being lost to the sport , rather than any one team
Agree , the fact is , his average of 5.14 meant it was hard to justify a team place in 2017 ,
I think the main point is , its another young British rider seemingly lost to sport,
Joe Jacobs achieved a 5.14 average ,
The argument that he wasn't good enough surely ends there ?, well to any normal thinking person .
Sure he was exceptional at NSS ,and struggled away at smaller tracks, but the point is at 24 yrs old
Surely there was room for improvement ?,
So one minute You're saying its nothing to do with Jacob's average ,
then you're agreeing with a post saying riders like Grieves , Perks and Jacob's are stuck with their old averages ?
Some of the comments on here regarding JJ , completely missing the point .
Joe Jacobs was more than capable of holding down a place in a championship team , but for one reason or another never got the chance ???
So if Drodz comes in on 4 pt mark , that leaves 5pts to play with for the last slot ?
Surely Smith and say Lasse Bjerre would have been better ?
, unless we actually do make a Woryna / Lebedevs kind of signing ?
I Bewley gets a reduction to say 3.36
That would open up a few more options to keep 6 from last year and just replace Kenny B
Hans Andersen 7.75
Kim Nilsson 7.13
Chris Holder 7.16