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Emma T

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  1. Yes, Well done John - a genuine nice guy in the sport & Witches legend. (Strange how according to the Companies House website he did actually resign on January 1st 2012 so just a bit late with the announcement?) Also no mention of 'Buster' being involved there either yet, still showing Chris as the sole owner/director???
  2. Well that's totally killed this thread well and truly ! Seems like there's nothing 'positive to say' here as there hasn't been a post since last Wednesday............................................................................
  3. Season tickets are now For Sale, No team members yet announced, oh dear.................................. Now £18 a week admission for adults (is that a £2 increase to basically see the same calibre riders as last year in a smaller league?) Works out £2 extra each adult to pay Mr.Louis wages now I guess.......................................
  4. Giving this one a miss, son wants to go to football in stead Ips V Villa - £25 for an adult, £1 for a student up to 19 yo. - Works out £3 cheaper than Speedway for me so a happy mum too! Witches need to win this one, if not I think Chris should have got new riders in this year who could quickly adapt to the new track changes. Spending more cash changing the shape yet again and finding half the team he had now can't get on with it is not to clever. Or is it just some of the riders who we have can't learn new tricks or is there is no money left for any dirt on the outside line for any possible passing options?
  5. I agree that time must surely be running out for Pac0,0,0 but we all know if a change means costing the Louis money it won't happen.............
  6. Always the same old story I'm afraid, riders seems to go well once they leave Ipswich ! Something not quite right behind the scenes I'm thinking?
  7. If Ipswich manage to get 35+ points tonight I'll be very surprised.....................................................
  8. No this was someone who knew what they were doing! and are a close friend to a predessesor of Hilton's.................
  9. Good luck Ritchie - I had a tip off it was going to be him after a chance meeting in Tesco's with a person obviously in the know a few weeks back!
  10. I to heard this a few weeks back, well known 'big local company' team sponsor coming in, RH as new TM and Tungate has gone to Somerset - now let's see how many turn out to be correct?
  11. Very quiet here............................................ No mention/further discussions on the 2016 declared team for about two weeks now? Everyone must be either very happy or not impressed ?
  12. Well good on Chris Louis for having a good old clear out at last! I'm glad he has bit the bullet and finally done it and I hope it pays off for him and the Witches surprise everyone with a decent 2016. If anybody is under performing during 2016 I hope he carries on making changes that over the last few years were never made earlier enough as other teams did and it cost us in the end. As regards a new TM again it is the right decision - I hope this time he makes an appointment of someone with experience and even if we do see Smillie, Simmonds or Messenger return it has got to be a good move compared with another untried cheap option in the managerial role that he tried last year. Role on 2016 - Onwards & Upwards
  13. I'm sure we will all praise the team manager should he do well and oversee a winning team in 2016 - one thing is for sure is his honeymoon period is now over and he dropped a few clangers last season so people will expect an improvement - if he is staying on? Has it been confirmed anywhere who is Ipswich TM in 2016?
  14. On the Twitter theory then look who @Ipswichspeedway have just followed! TM better watch his back?
  15. I always thought this too. In the 60's/70's and even 80's the sports promoters were the professionals and the riders were mostly amateurs/part time - Now its totally the opposite, 'Professional Riders' and very amateur promoters!
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