I have stayed out of this discussion for a while , quite deliberately. But as Matt's sponsor for over 15 years there comes a time when you think you should have your say. But then you realise you need to be circumspect . So all I am going to say is , don't let a good story released by others be compromised by fact.
Matt genuinely enjoyed his time at Buxton, but when presented with a genuine, formalised,cogent offer, he had to consider it carefully. A great deal of time and heart searching went into his decision. And at the end of it I would say he has made it based on his desire to make speedway his career, even at the risk of offending those who gave him a chance.
Nobody should be castigated for a measured judgement, even if it leaves some of you disappointed.
My personal opinion , with its limited shaping due to the politics of the sport is, that if an opportunity presents itself to better yourself, make you a better rider, make yourself a living and provide for those you care about then take it with both hands and run with it.
Too many careers have been curtailed by " what ifs "