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Everything posted by Fatlad

  1. Mine still refers to me as the midget despite being 50 years old and 6 ft 2 " !!!
  2. I didn't speculate at all . I said "I would say" perhaps I should have said " I am saying". It was merely my way of framing his decision making process,which I discussed with him at great length. And yes this is an expensive sport, find me one that isn't, and he probably does have a better opportunity of funding it at Dudley.The opportunity to join Scunthorpe in both leagues was not available at the time as the running of the Stags has only just come to fruition. You will no doubt recall comments that were made regarding Matt potentially sitting out the NL this year. No idea where they came from , certainly not from "anyone around him". And as for "honesty" , I am all for it but it has to be reciprocal. More than willing to continue this discussion face to face should the opportunity arise. <NORMAL text please - post altered>
  3. Not planning on starting a debate but as Matt Williamson's sponsor of nearly fifteen years he has been educating me . He spent many years in his motocross days riding at Warley Wasps and tells me it is positively encouraged to shout " come on my babby !!!!" at your chosen rider who is doing well in and around the area. Is he pulling my leg ???
  4. I thought when I got divorced somebody telling me my knowledge of the facts and my statements were erroneous would stop . Appears I was wrong
  5. I have stayed out of this discussion for a while , quite deliberately. But as Matt's sponsor for over 15 years there comes a time when you think you should have your say. But then you realise you need to be circumspect . So all I am going to say is , don't let a good story released by others be compromised by fact. Matt genuinely enjoyed his time at Buxton, but when presented with a genuine, formalised,cogent offer, he had to consider it carefully. A great deal of time and heart searching went into his decision. And at the end of it I would say he has made it based on his desire to make speedway his career, even at the risk of offending those who gave him a chance. Nobody should be castigated for a measured judgement, even if it leaves some of you disappointed. My personal opinion , with its limited shaping due to the politics of the sport is, that if an opportunity presents itself to better yourself, make you a better rider, make yourself a living and provide for those you care about then take it with both hands and run with it. Too many careers have been curtailed by " what ifs "
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