As for the comment regarding Matt riding for both national and premier scunthorpe teams this was not possible for him as he had completed a deal with scunthorpe well before Christmas and was totally unaware of them having a national team as it was kept a secret and only announced this week but he had already done a deal.
And as for the money well do you really think national league teams pay big money?
No they don't there Is very little difference at all. The reason for Matts move was because he wanted to be on a new track he wanted a new challenge and ontop of this he had secured a deal with a new sponsor in the midlands who wished for him to ride locally to them if possible!
Also have you ever thought of asking Matt himself about these accusations instead of believing everything you see and hear on social networking sites and forums I can assure you he would happily tell you that money is not a high on his list he just has a huge passion for achieving the best he possibly can.