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Everything posted by ColinMills

  1. good fridy will highlight the farce of the doubling up system, and fans will be ripped off on the busiest day of the yr
  2. its a total cock up...good fiday is farcical
  3. in fairness to rosco, he did whats best for Swindon, totally different situation from bein "England" manager
  4. not sure ed can/will improve..think hes reached his level
  5. simmo "appeared" to want to say more,without saying it
  6. I have no opinion on rosco one way or the other, but do like his positive statement,, no one I know would of seen tai"s title 1 yr ago, with right attitudes, right backing, belief, who knows? would like the England race jacket back though
  7. would like to see the england flag back on race jacket
  8. would you rather watch lakeside style tracks or torun type?? you just know someone will say lakeside!!!!
  9. personally think bends 1 and 2 at Arlington is too tight, the amount of lock ups, and 1st turn tight squeezes is too much, likewise at lakeside...also think both those sides pay the price at away tracks
  10. like to think bridger, kennett, king, barker are put by the wayside..id personally be looking at tai, harris, cook, Worrall, myself
  11. golden helmet lost its sparkle when it changed format..
  12. resent rained off programmes with scorecharts photo copy inside...understand why they do it, but would prefer the choice of just paying for the scorecard in that situation
  13. carter, Jessup had mega ability, all I say is,UNTIL ward is champion, you darcy worshippers are living off ifs and buts
  14. how much would you expect to pay to watch a world boxing champion? £300? he could go down in 1st punch! wheres the VALUE FOR MONEY? you pay for what you choose...simples!!
  15. I don't get it?.......I get it exactly!.....trust me, I come across comments like yours every single week...I put on events very very regular..the times I get people complain about what they see, always come from the ones with freebie tickets!.. the ones who want something for nothing...if you think £15 is expensive, god help the future of speedway in Britain!!
  16. on this subject you actually can be wrong...crazy robin IS right..the messiah darcy would be a forgotten man if he never wins world title..tai will be engraved in speedway world FOREVER..i really cant believe people see this any other way..
  17. £15?..you clearly never organised any event..you really think you could run a club with that price and 800 through a turnstile?.. you smoke? drink? have satellite tv? petrol in car?..just what do you want for £15 in 2014?
  18. you obv wanted an argument then? how much would you expect to pay to watch an elite match?
  19. its a social event, just like any other hobby.....when you go ten pin bowling for goodness sake, you probably get 3 minutes at most actually bowling!!!...
  20. does people just see a nite at speedway as 15minutes? that's pretty sad...... you drink your pint in 40 seconds or do you get your monies worth and make it last 2 hours??
  21. not sure whats "odd"..white knight with thinking £16 is a lot of money.......not everyone got 2 kids, was talking bout per person, course the more you take the dearer it is! it is anywhere....you drive? drink? got sky sports? etc...everything costs, to think you can watch for £10, must be in cuckoo land!
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