who gets the praise/flack at poole? the promoter, a managers job in speedway is a part time job, which is nothing much more than a motivator who does a coin toss and the obvious tactical moves..the GB job for example, the managers job is limited
couple of crazy comments here...think you know bjerre/sundstrom totally differentt comparison to woffy/hancock ..ljung.ruud..also comparing rosco with havvy. a manager can only work with what a promoter gives him..
bjarne, bjerre is backward looking, those better days behind them, Sundstrom would be the signing that could rejuvinate the place. obv the average the problem here (and availability)
still think poole will win the title,but also thought bjarne was poor replacement. he will get 10 one week for sure, in between two" and fours..holder will become interested once the play offs start..whilst he is highly in the GPs, don't expect much domestically, clear reason why british speedway in the state its in now!
I hear what you saying, but people are leaving the stadium miserable...if you leave a theatre miserable do you go back? also have to realise, if/when the bees win, its only going to be by 2 to 4 points, we will never dominate a match, its about reaching the top four, especially this season, going out in a whimper isn't an option imo