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Everything posted by clambo71

  1. Absolute rubbish. A PL number 1 would need to be on £100 a point [ as rare as hens teeth] would need to score a max every meeting home and away to get anywhere near that figure and then you need to take away his costs.
  2. Part time riders would still have the same costs highlighted by benR195. And remember most riders live in the south so traveling hundreds of miles on reduced money would not be an option.
  3. TJ won the Teeside silver helmet tonight at Redcar. Congratulations to him on finishing on a high note.
  4. I'd be a bit worried if I was you. Fred Flange liked your post.
  5. Don't label all Danish riders with the same brush to try and justify your theory about Bjerre
  6. I was watching on updates and guessed that if TJ was upset it was because either Wolbert or Masters had throttled back in the finishing straight. This a practise that is extremly dangerous for the following rider and should be outlawed if it were possible. But well done Berwick.
  7. Not sure if TJ will be there tonight. Been in bed all week with flu.
  8. Perhaps my original post wasn't clear. There's more than one division in Polish speedway. I know of one rider who signed for a lower league team who was assured their racing day was sunday and always has been but on receiving the fixture dates last week find most dates are for Wednesday which now clash with most of his Danish and some of his British dates.
  9. Some teams are changing their racing day to Wednesday. this is causing a problem in Denmark and possibly in this country too. Its about time the powers that be stood up to the poles. Any thoughts on this from others.
  10. As a BT broadband customer I get BT sport channel 1 free on my laptop.Does anyone know which channel the speedway will be transmitted on
  11. Don't agree.The team is built with strength in depth right through to the reserves.Its no use having a big hitter at the top end if you have to include weaker riders further down the order
  12. Would have taken "bid bucks" to prise TJ away from Berwick. He likes the promotion, the fans, and he learnt how to ride the track,
  13. If he is confirmed it makes Brian Havelocks "big bucks" statement a foolish one.
  14. Don't believe everything Brian Havelock says.Any press release from him is worded from his point of view to justify his failure to come to an agreement with Thomas.
  15. Due to have the op on Wednesday of this week
  16. No, it was something I heard and posted on here to show that promoters cant allways get the riders they want. If your interested Arson, TJ is having his shoulder operation next week.
  17. not sure if a sunday race day is making the it easy to sign some riders. I know a rider who was contacted by the Panthers and offered a good deal but had to turn it down because he wants to ride in Poland. He loves your track and it would have reduced his commute for home meetings by several thousand miles from his home base.
  18. Oh I see, he sells quite a bit during the winter and then replaces it in the spring.
  19. Agreed some of his drop in average was compounded by the race format but completely disagree that in any other year he would have been around a 9. I watched in dismay as match after match he showed absolute disinterest during his time on the track.
  20. You don't need luck just check out Sky's T & Cs its all there.Ive cancelled on numerous occasions without any problems
  21. You've not mentioned the one rider BH has been chasing for some time namely Thomas Jorgensen.
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong but is there a two year max for doubling up.If so does Ricky Wells signing for Workington mean he is not wanted by Wolves next season.
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