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Steve Deen

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Everything posted by Steve Deen

  1. 3.18 then they gotta name a number 8 as well
  2. Another 1 from the Rye training sessions............Kent Raiders lose is another clubs gain just look how Conner improved at Mildenhall this season they all need time it is after all called National Devovopment League
  3. True in one way but could say the same about a number of others everybody needs to be given a chance
  4. The other 2 were Liam Rumsey and Rik Mullins
  5. Indeed can see it getting very compicated it not good at all
  6. And Fast track Clubs get priorty over the riders far as I heard
  7. Maybe as Raiders back MK team could use Arlington or Arena Essex ?
  8. Sorry to hear Dave Naylor passed away Condolence's to the Family you will be missed at CP and Iwade
  9. I honestly can`t see why the clubs racejackets have to be altered after 1 season how long have Eastbourne had an Eagle or Lakeside been the crossed hammers Kent Kings appears to be losing its direction originality like the web site has
  10. Yeah a Local rider like Rikki Mullins be great he did look sharp and fast up Iwade
  11. Premier League......If I remember right and sure will get corrected if i`am wrong but at start of of last season Roger said something about if a fan base was built and enough came though the gate it was something they consider...But then Len would have 2 clubs in same league
  12. It`s all very sad to say the least just hope things improve with no web site guess until Speedway Star prints who the final King will be for 2014 we will be kept in the dark
  13. Oh yes so situation could arise if Lakeside against Birmingham Kings could have 2 heat leaders missing really does need to be confirmed who rides where before season starts
  14. Hope you wrong as number of Elite Clubs do run on Mondays or Even Tuesday as this Cradleys race night
  15. Must say getting fed up with all this the name of the Forum is Kent Kings 2014 ! Len Silver is also from Kent lets remember that as an old Canterbury Supporter he is not my favororite person but without him and Roger this club would never have came into being As for the 2014 Kings riding for other clubs Simon Lambert is named for Kent Rye House and Birmingham so if all 3 clubs are riding on the same day does he wear the CTA Kings colors or Rye House being his Parent Club or Brummies as he has been Fast Tracked ?
  16. Was just wondering as they hold Dragons events and Southern track riders meeting so may well need 1
  17. As there is talk here of sharing an Air Fence what about 2 tracks that really close together like CP and Iwade ? Then maybe Iwade won`t close down ?
  18. 1. Ben Morley 2. Jack Kingston 3. David Mason 4. Benji Compton 5. Aaron Baseby 6. Rik Mullins 7. Marc Owen Less Changes any better ?
  19. Marc Owen rode at Iwade then Central park in the last meeting of season and looked good.Yeah Rik Mullins still around as well had couple outings up Iwade also looking fast and Sharp
  20. 1. Ben Morley 2. Shane Hazelden 3. David Mason 4. Marc Owen 5. Aaron Baseby 6. Rik Mullins 7. Jack Kingston
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