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Jake Drummond

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Everything posted by Jake Drummond

  1. We've now fixed a date; SUNDAY MAY 11th 2014, for the grass track racing at the 'Bikes in the Park' gathering and all we need now is an entry! Thus far we've not set any classes until we see what response we get, so it's up to us to get the word out and the riders to get in touch. Grasstrack and speedway type machines would be the priority to get the sport kick started again, though I'm sure classic motocross bikes would be fine with the proviso that rear tyres are of a suitably 'knobblieless' pattern to avoid tearing up the circuit too much. We're offering racing in a town park with potentially a massive audience hungry to see racing again in what was Scotland's first road race circuit, and though the discipline is different we'll have the opportunity to get the art of grasstrack racing out to the public in an historic location. Grasstrack racing has long been absent from the Scottish race calendar so yet again the Club will be taking the lead with this event and will be assured of press coverage. We can't charge for public entry to the event so prize money will depend on what we can raise from a minimal fee for race entries; mostly to cover insurances, or from a wee bit of sponsorship from some of the local companies. We do have the 'Ada Bemrose Memorial Trophy' up for grabs (to be held for one year), currently in the care of the talented Steve Lomas for his contribution to the '2013 Kirkcaldy Sand Races' and we'll see what else we can rustle up, but I suspect that prize money will not be the real reason the competitors will enter. The emphasis will be on enjoying the event and ensuring that we see the riders leave with smiles on their faces, happy to return in the future. With help from the 'on site' Kirkcaldy Rugby Club we're hoping to offer a social night on the Saturday evening and overnight paddock parking for competitors and those with static bike show entries. We've got support from the local council and businesses, the biking fraternity want to see the event become an annual thing and our Club are anxious to stage a successful event. All we need now is the support of the riders! Check our Kirkcaldy & District Motor Club Ltd Facebook page for more details regarding the rest of the plans we have for May 11th and for our '2014 Kirkcaldy Sand Races', to be held on the 16th of August on the town's promenade. That event will be for the motocross fraternity only, due in part to the recent works being carried out on the sea defences which will restrict us to one track, but it may become possible again in the future to get a suitable circuit laid out for a return of the speedway bikes. The venue for May 11th is Beveridge Park, Kirkcaldy, Fife and the road networks are good for those travelling up from south of the border or from the north. We're 20 minutes from the Forth Road Bridge. Contact our secretary@kdmotorclub.co.uk and please mention where you saw this advertisment. I hope to see you there, which ever side of the ropes you'll be on! Regards, Jake
  2. Well known in Scottish motorcycle racing circles, Kirkcaldy & District Motor Club have taken a step backwards over the last couple of years by resuscitating the Kirkcaldy Motorcycle Sand Races after a lapse of 40 years, and though we were blighted by terrible weather conditions at our 2013 event we'll be back on the beach on August 16th 2014 with classic and modern motocross classes. What might interest the speedway and grasstrack riders is that we've also been negotiating with the appropriate authorities to hold an event in May 2014 in a well known Kirkcaldy park surrounded by Scotland's FIRST road race circuit, where we ran Scottish Championship road racing for 40 years. Now bike racing might return to the Park for the first time in quarter of a century if we can find enough interest in staging a Grasstrack event during our planned 2014 Bike Fest. With the support of clubs, individuals and the trade we can make this an annual event, and in an effort to attract a decent entry for the grasstrack event we'll be looking around for some sponsors for the event to offer prize money and trophies. Come along and show your skills! An estimated 6000 people turned up to see our 2012 demonstration Sand Race event, and Scottish Television covered the last one. Have a look at our Facebook page and look through the photographs........ https://www.facebook.com/groups/135403073269857/ ................and if you think you might be interested in either the Sand Races or the Grasstrack event please get in touch by posting here initially. We'll have more precise details soon but need to see what interest there is before we get too deep into things.
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