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Everything posted by ShirleyBee

  1. I have now got the tickets I wanted. I rang the number shown on the SGP website and although they first offered me tickets in the same location as before ( U19 ) when I asked for a different location they were quite happy to let me have those. It just shows if you don't ask you don't get.
  2. Have been trying to book my tickets for Cardiff 2016 on the SGP website. The tickets I require are in CAT7 U16/OAP which offers me a choice of 19 different seat locations. The problem is no matter which location I choose out of the 19, when I come to book the tickets the seats allocated are always in U19 Bend 4. Now I don't know if this is a plot by management to keep all us unruly OAP's together so that they can keep an eye on us but the point is I don't want to go in U19. Why offer me a choice but then only let me have U19? Has anybody else tried to book in this category?
  3. Was recently on the beach in Beer, Dorset when I noticed inside a beach hut, some posters showing Simon Lambert in action on the track. Unfortunately there was nobody around to ask what the link with him is. Anybody out there know the answer?
  4. It is still on but only one day left. Some really good nostalgic stories told. Back in the sixties I followed the Coventry Bees and whenever they were at the County Ground I would always try and get the afternoon off from work so that I could get down to Exeter. The downside was that I would not get back home until about three in the morning and have to be back at work for eight . It was well worth it though, especially the races between Ron Mountford and Colin Goody. Usually ended up with a punch up in the pits. Oh what memories.
  5. Kings Lynn just have to avoid defeat at Belle Vue now to win the title.
  6. Turned up at County Hall car park as I have done for many years now only to be told that it was being used for another event and that it would be closing at 6pm. Obviously no good for the speedway. How come this was not previously reported?
  7. Is there anybody looking in at the moment who lives in the Newport area who can tell me if the A4810 which links Junction 23A on the M4 with the A48 southern distributor road is passable. The reason I ask, is that I intend to use it on Saturday to get to Cardiff but when I look on Google satellite 'street view' the road appears blocked along Queens Way. Any help will be much appreciated.
  8. Every time I have been down the Brummies this season there has been a notice on the door at the turnstiles pointing out air horns not allowed.
  9. Have used this car park for a number of years now and find it very convenient. It is close enough to walk to/from the stadium if you want to (about 20-30 minutes depending on physical ability) but far enough away from the city centre and on the right side to be able to get away after the meeting without too much trouble. I think it was only about £5 when it first started but dont forget it includes bus travel for all of the passengers in your car.
  10. I had mine over a month ago but they were not delivered by Royal Mail but by an individual in a private car. I also had to sign for them.
  11. Do you mind not shouting on your post. I am still trying to get my hearing back after the totally unnecessary maximum volume from the speakers last night.
  12. Top tier 4th bend. Sound was appalling. Far too loud and very tinny. Have been to every GP at Cardiff so far and this was by far the worst sound system. Took my grandson to his first GP but due to the volume it was impossible to even ask him how he was enjoying it. Do they really have concerts here?
  13. I am now back in the sixties. Time, about an hour before tapes up. Me and my speedway mad mates are on our way to Oxford for a meeting against the bees. Travelling down a country road in the cotswolds a vehicle suddenly appears in the rear view mirror at great speed. Woosh. It has gone past with a trailer with two speedway bikes on. The trailer bucking about like a frightened rabbitt. The riders? Ron Mountford and Rick France of course. Straight from the garage. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute. Yet they were always there for the start. Would not be possible today of course with all the speed cameras. Great memories. Loved seeing Ron ride anywhere but if I had to pick a favourite it would have to be the County ground Exeter. To see him battling with Colin Goody on the track and then fisticuffs in the pits after. Heaven. O dear I feel a lump coming in my throat!
  14. No I don`t have any for sale. In fact I don`t even have the ones I paid for. Has anybody had theirs yet or am I panicking too soon!!
  15. HELP - I have been trying to order this DVD for a couple of weeks now but I cannot get through to NoChex. Each time I put in all my details, then it tells me to wait while I am connected to NoChex. I wait and wait and wait. Nothing. How did you get yours?
  16. Just a thought from somebody who has not watched the meeting and has only just found out the result. It appears from the majority of posts that the `top` GB riders were either not good enough, wrong type of track, equipment poor or not set up right. Does this mean then that when they ride for their league team in Poland they are always at the back!
  17. We were on the 4th bend, top tier and 5 rows up. Having been to all seven gp`s at Cardiff and watched from seven different positions in the stadium we were all of the opinion that this was the best view so far. Only having to pay £13 ( over 60) makes the evening fantastic value for money. Have to agree about the PA though, terrible. Coupled with the lack of information on the big screen let down the organisers badly. Anybody watching for the first time and on their own must have been totally bewildered.
  18. Every year since the first GP at Cardiff, I have always got there early on the Saturday morning and parked in a multi-storey car park opposite the stadium. This year I will not be able to do this so could do with the help of some local knowledge please. Unfortunately I will not be arriving until approx. 6.00pm so need to be fairly close. Would be prepared to use Park and Ride if it was still running after the meeting. Any offers?
  19. Going back to the 1950`s during my daily walk to school, (that`s how we got there in those days) I used to walk past a house that had a funny motorbike in the front garden. Quite often it was covered in dirt. It was a few years before I found out that it was a speedway bike and that the owner was Laurie Schofield. He had retired by the time I started watching speedway so never got the chance to see him in action. Is there anybody out there even older than me that might have seen him ride and can tell me anything about him. Perhaps even know if he is still alive and where he is living.
  20. Have just tried to make a booking on-line but was unable to because I wanted seats together for adults and OAPs . Unless I was missing something it appears you have to book seperately for each type of ticket. This means you could end up being allocated seats away from each other. Has anybody else tried this and found out how to do it.
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