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Everything posted by Daytripper

  1. That's true, and nobody likes cold showers, but let's not get carried away with the "professional sport" part. The reality is that speedway has always depended on an army of volunteers to keep it going and has done for donkeys years. Many of them give up a lot of time summer and winter to keep the facilities going . V.O. R used to be on the trackstaff so he knows what he is talking about but the average spectator has little idea of what goes on behind the scenes. Even Kings Lynn needs volunteers to keep it running. Let's not loose sight of that fact. As you say one rider made one complaint about showers not working at two tracks, but if it was a regular occurance then in the Twitter era everyone would soon know about it. V.o.R says he never heard of any complaints. There was one occasion a couple of years ago when the home side showers were cold and Dave Watt made a complaint which, when roughly translated from Australian was something like " Jon, old chap, the showers were a bit chilly today, would you mind getting one of the chaps to look at them" or words to that effect. Anyway someone looked at them and I understand a new thermostat had been incorrectly fitted but was soon rectified. Unfortunate but it was a simple mistake that people make when they have to be a jack of all trades. So, very unfortunate, but coincindenty it's happened at both Poole and Lakeside and I have no doubt it's happened elsewhere but not been tweeted. in the grand scheme of things it's no worse than Kings Lynn taking 3 days to change a light fuse a couple of years back. These things happen. Just to add, a quick check of the Internet suggests that to replace the present changing facility with some half decent second hand porta cabins would cost the best part of £10,000 by the time plumbing etc is installed, which is hardly good economics when the present stadiums future is in the air and a new home in Essex may well be more realistic than some rumours suggest.
  2. Only if you believe the ol' forum rumour mill !
  3. Gerald is at Lakeside this week. Lakeside were practicing yesterday according to their website. You also missed out Assumption 5, namely Matt won't spend any money on the track.
  4. Its nice to see that the three heat-leaders for the "visitors" i.e Lee's All Stars/ Rory, Scott and Davey, have not been picked randomly but were all particular friends of Lee, while Richie and Justin both rode under Lee's captaincy. Roo-boy Scott and Davey are all pretty popular with the Lakeside fans as well so a lot of us will be looking forward to this one as a nice challenge match to start the season.
  5. Oh grow up for goodness sake/ Worrall walked out of Lakeside and went backwards. Rich Lawson took his place. went from reserve to heat-leader and not only wants to stay, he won't return to Worky under the present set-up. ,That tells you pretty much all you need to know about the respective promotions.. Raking over the past and constantly venting your spleen on Lakeside won't change anything. Get over it.
  6. Speedway Star have got it wrong as usual. They must print the first thing that comes into their head without checking anything.
  7. All the new starting averages have yet to be verified so until that happens we won't know what the true figure will be. Not much point I. Discussing it until then but I suppose it's possible that Coventry have missed a trick by assuming King would be on EL average if they could justifiably signed him on a converted PL average. Not much point in discussing until we know though ,
  8. I would be surprised if its Davey. The word going round is that Matt Ford won't let anyone speak to his assets until the Darcy Ward situation is resolved. If Davey and Richard Lawson were named they would only have room left for a 4-pointer like Lasse Bjerre or Ludwig Lindgren. Luddy has had some decent meetings at Lakeside but seems to have stagnated a bit in the PL..
  9. Something weird has gone on alright but not what you are suggesting. You have to ask yourself why Worky have suddenly decide to buy him back when he has said all along that he is not going to be riding for them in 2015. Worky are throwing their toys out of the pram but as has been said many times a rider will usually ride where he wants to ride. Watch this space.
  10. Wooooooooooh !!! I couldn't possibly comment !!
  11. it depends who Barker signs for . If he goes back to Plymouth their race night is Friday, as are a number of other PL clubs. Trouble with Ben is that a lot of people don't like riding with him as was the case with Lewis. He has a bIt of a reputation of not looking out for his partner. His average fits perfectly but wether his personality will fit is another matter.
  12. It was mentioned that Matt wanted to dump Kasprjak on us but the offer was ....er....... politely refused !
  13. You can expect as much and you like but I think you'll be disappointed. Did you not ask CVS or PA to explain?
  14. Two reasons for that. Firstly, Poland has infinately more money and facilities to put into developing riders from a very young age and we can't compete with that, and secondly there are a number of ex-motocrossers in the draft list plus others like Richsrd Lawson who have switched sports and the idea seems to be to encourage more moto-crossers to switch by giving them a chance even when they are past the first flush of youth.
  15. A J would apprently come in on a 9.03, the same as PUK.
  16. Jon Cook has his critics but to give credit where its due he will be having a fans forum on 21st November, within days of the AGM to update fans on developments straightaway. He was very candid last year and hopefully he will be the same this year. We may possibly get some info on the 2015 hammers at the same time.
  17. Well what is said in confidence has to stay in confidence but what can be said is that if Adam gives up Speedway he should have a great career as a comedian. His interview by Jon Cook was hilarious. It's not just what he says but the way he says it, a continuous steam of one liners, one after the other, all off the top of his head, laughing at himself as well as the other riders.He is a really nice lad . There is report and photos on the Lakeside website, but TBH not much could be said this side of the AGM . Jon Cooks interviews were mostly the riders taking the mick out of each other and taking the mick out of Jon Cook, and it is clear that all the riders get on very well Good to see club legends Leigh Lanham and Andrew Silver there as guests of honour, both still remarkably popular with the fans.Rob Mear and Marc Owen also came along. Richard Lawson was Rider of the Year. Overall it was a really good night. It's pretty clear from what Lewis was saying at the Dinner and Dance on Saturday that Pirate Oliver hasn't got a clue what he he talking about. It's not the reasons Pirate Oliver is talking about in the above post. Pirate Oliver is an idiot.
  18. Certainly in the last half of last season he was showing the sort of form around Lakeside that mark him as a terrific talent, and this year he has had a good manager and some mature people around him that have managed to keep him more or less focussed. Lewis gets a lot of unfair criticism from people who don't know him, but having said that, he does seem to have a self-destruct button that goes off every time things start going well. Messing up and missing two flights to Poland after getting himself established as a fans favourite out there is a classic example. It will be a great loss to British speedway. If he carried on the way he was going at the end of last season he could realistically be British No 3 behind Bomber and Tai, next year with further progression after that. He is an enigma, no doubt about that, but I doubt we will see him back on a speedway bike again. One person in speedway Lewis absolutely respected was Lee Richardson and my personal view is that deep down Lewis has probably never got over losing Lee, although we'll never really know.
  19. Davey trapped his injured foot under his footrest in his third ride . He tried his fourth ride but hence his last place. That is why he couldn't ride in heat 15. But you will get your wish. Davy won't be back in 2015, nor probably will be another Lakeside rider who spent almost the whole evening on his own with Matt Ford.
  20. Not inconsistent ,refereeing at all. Magic was not excluded for, colliding with Killer he was excluded because he fell off, caused the race to be stopped and was deemed to be primary cause of the stoppage. Kildemand was not under power when the race was stopped so according to the rules he should have gone out. To put it another way round, if Magic had got up and carried so the race was not stopped Kildemand would still have failed to finish so why should he get a second bite of the cherry just to because magic decided to stay down ? That's the reason for the rule. It's not an difficult concept to grasp. The only puzzle is how Paul Carrington for once in his life managed to get as through to heat 15 before he messed something up. He usually does that around heat 1. Were you watching because the chain came off when Kildemand locked up coming of the bend.
  21. Because Benji Compton was "injured " when he slid off on his own while last in his first race. It will be interesting to see if he rides on Monday.
  22. That is absolutely correct but it's a bit to straightforward for the forum rumour mill.
  23. Spot on wrong. Just to clarify, it was Ronnie Russell that sent the riders out for heat 11 so he must have deemed the meeting to still be on at that point. The last person to speak to the Meeting Co-ordinator before he took the decision to abandon the meeting was not a rider or a team manager or a promoter. It was someone from Sky although the camera didn't show that bit. I'll leave you to work out who it was and draw your own conclusions from that. The track was not improving . The biggest problem was visibility for the riders who didn't make the gate. It never ceases to amaze me that people who are not at a meeting and don't see what's going on behind the scenes think they know all the ins and outs of everything that goes on.
  24. "They" didn't call it off. Mick Bates did. "Quite clearly"? You weren't in the pits so you don't know who Mick Bates spoke to before, firstly continuing after heat 7,then taking the decision to call it of. By all means express an opinion but do try to base it on a few facts. "They" didn't call it off. Mick Bates did. "Quite clearly"? You weren't in the pits so you don't know who Mick Bates spoke to before, firstly continuing after heat 7,then taking the decision to call it of. By all means express an opinion but do try to base it on a few facts. Because he is TerryRussell's brother Pearson was wrong, you are right. People on here seem to have swallowed the Pearson line though. That's not to suggest that Sky have no influence on the decision though.
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