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Everything posted by Daytripper

  1. Amongst other things it is to confirm the fixture list so there will be no unforeseen problems later on with double uppers.
  2. Obvious in your world perhaps but you still haven't told us what rule was broken. "Rolling over" is a meaningless platitude, usually used by those who don't have a more substantial argumement. The issue has been done to death on many occasions and on many threads. You are entitled to your opinion, but however many times you snipe away at the issue, nearly three years after the event it won't change anything. You weren't there and have no first hand information beyond what has been reported. I can't think of anything of substance to add, especially on a Kings Lynn thread. If you don't wish to let the point go it might be a better idea to start a separate thread.
  3. I suspect it will be a long wait. The SCB have shrouded both the Belle Vue and Poole postponements in secrecy. In the case of the Belle Vue -v- Poole postponement there was an investigation the same day and a subsequently judicial hearing in double quick time following which the SCB made a public statement giving details of the penalty but no details of what rule was broken or precisely why the penalty was imposed apart from the fact that it was in connection with the postponement. It is quite incredible that no details were given in the public statement of the actual rule infringement that Belle Vue were guilty of. By contrast there was no immediate investigation following the Poole v Lakeside postponement. Graham Reeve is reported to have said that it would "come under the microscope " (whatever that means ) when the SCB met on 10th July, some 6 weeks after the event, and that was the last public announcement as far as I can see. I have made inquiries as to what happened ( if anything ) on 10th July and my unofficial information ( which I cannot guarantee is true but believe it probably is) is that the whole thing was basically kicked into touch until the end of the season by which time the play offs were done and dusted and it was apparently too late to change anything.. Whether of not Sky had a hand in any of this one can only speculate. Lakeside have made two public statements, one saying the decision to postpone was beyond their control, the other saying it was solely Poole's decision. Anyone who does not know what " beyond our control" or " solely" means is probably thick or biased or both (if I may borrow that quote from a famous man). No point in further raking over the coals. It doesn't look as though Bwitcher is going to be able to tell us which rule was broken. Once again it was the poor leadership and poor management by the SCB that was really at the bottom of the whole sorry affair, but that was 2013, now is 2016 and nothing is going to change the past. Time to give the thread back the Kings Lynn. Sorry Stars fans.
  4. Except that a full two months before Mikebv posted that comment the SCB had made an announcement basically stating there would be a heatleader list, three heatleaders per team, to deal with averages distorted by the race format. Not a difficult concept to grasp. This is half the trouble with BSF ,certain people don't read the announcements then complain they weren't told.
  5. I suppose that post shows just how thin and relatively petty the argument has now become. After two weeks someone eventually manages to answer to question posed by Skidder 1 and when the answer eventually does arrive it seems we are all agreed that actually nobody is disadvantaged by the heatleader list, at least not as far as team announcements are concerned so far. If nobody has been disadvantaged by it the surely it doesn't really matter whether the list was reached by logarithms, quadratic equations or levitating over the Lake of Tranquility, the net result is the same, a list that doesn't disadvantage anybody so therefore by definition is a fair and reasonable one. Certainly no promoters have been complaining that they have been hard done by because of the list. The only beef seems to be exactly how the list was reached but that seems to be a relatively minor point once it is accepted that nobody is at a disadvantage. You say that Jon Cook disagrees that there should be an explanation why certain ideas have been left off but that's not what he said. He gave an interview apparently on behalf of the BSPA that had to be edited on to one column of SS so did necessarily was an overview of that particular point. Are you going to actually ask any promoter for the further explanation you want ? Jon Cook is on record as saying that if any fan approaches him in the Speedwáy office before about 7pm on race night he will try to answer any questions. Personally, I have never found him unwilling to answer sensible questions but you have to pick your moment. It's no good wading in with your size 12's when he is about to meet with sponsors or 5 minutes before the meeting starts. I don't think that's unreasonable. I have no doubt Stevebrum and a few others will be putting queries to CVS at the next Wolves forum. But the bottom line is we have a list that you agree doesn't disadvantage anyone in practical terms and the only remaining thing is the ins and outs of a ducks posterior which is findoutable if you are that bothered but I am not sure where that takes anything in practical terms. Skidders last post was about right I would say.
  6. 100% correct. In fact soon after Stuart Douglas took over Lakeside he had to disconnect the fans forum for a while because, as you say some sponsors read these forums, and certain gratuitously offensive posts were thought to be interfering with attempts to get sponsorship The fans forum wasn't shut down completely, ,it was just disconnected from the website so people could still have their say but it wouldn't find link to the main website. Interestingly, once the mouthy brigade found they didn't have much of an audience the whole thing quietened down. Unfortunately the BSF, for all its benefits to those of us that want to discuss Speedwáy, also has the same disadvantage as most social media in that it gives a platform for those who have little interest in anything except carping criticism, not caring whether they are factually right or wrong, and if wrong they just move on to the next point of fault finding instead of admitting they were wrong. As Skidder 1 says, these for the most part are so called fans that never, or at best rarely attend meetings. That's not to suggest the sport is perfectly run, or thing like it, but the OTT crticism of every detail and the abuse and name calling between some so called fans does them no credit and distracts attention from discussing the things that really are wrong.
  7. I have nothing more to add. The dictionary definition has been posted earlier on the thread. I have no doubt he was just using the most offensive term of abuse he could think of at the time. It was childish and in poor taste. That's all I wish to say on this thread.
  8. Lakeside attendances plummeted last season mainly due to the disastrous way the EDR system was administered, the way the picks were set up and the massive difference in ability between the top and bottom EDR riders. Garrity and Newman were far above most other EDR riders in terms of ability and were virtually unchallenged in protected heats. Lakesides 1-5 were consistently outscoring the visiting 1-5 in every home match except one and losing half their home matches at reserve.. It nearly broke the business and I am amazed that the club survived financially. But when Lakeside were doing so badly did we hear from all the posters from Coventry and elsewhere that are now bleating about the pick or the draft. Did they say poor old Lakeside Nope. They were too busy crowing about how well their respective teams were doing riding high in the league. Its only now that some of them realise they might not get the heat-leaders or EDR riders they wanted that the system is suddenly wrong. Well said. a sensible and measured post. I have had some experience of a family member with mental illness myself. I wasn't going to comment because I knew the howls of abuse it would attract from the mob but in view of that comment I will. Raising an argument in measured sensible and adult terms is fair enough but SCB's intemperate, and abusive outburst really was beyond the pale. Churlish, childish and boorish.
  9. Another tirade of abuse from the poster who complained about other fans going on the Poole thread and making unconstructed or abusive comments. ! . .....and it continues......
  10. Kelvin is now shown on the website as joint team manager with Jon Cook, in addition to being club coach.
  11. Interesting development in Cookie's backroom re-organisation. I have noticed Kelvin has been a regular in the pits last season especially in AJ's pit and the two seem to get on very well so this role seems to have developed from that. Lakeside seem to be the first EL club for many years that has an ex-rider of Kelvins standing in a coaching role. whether it is a tremendous success or not remains to be seen, but it certainly wont do any harm . I Kelvin can help some of the second strings get more consistency away from home it will be a job well done.
  12. He's been stitched by the well known Muslim practical joker, Yubin Ad !
  13. Bjarne is bringing his tuner , Brian Karger over for the first week of the season to help get his set ups spot on. He would not be going to that sort of time and effort, not to mention considerable expense if he was not going to bother. I think maybe the doom and gloom merchants should at least back off a bit until a few results start coming through. Plenty of time to pounce if he flops after the first few meetings.
  14. Jon Cooks interview on BBC Essex :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03bt3fv
  15. I just got home and started catching up with this thread. I notice that three pages back you were complaining about posters behaving like kids in a playground and then said that in future you would only comment positively on matters involving Poole Speedway. You seem to have then spent 3 pages and 10 posts bickering with different people without a single post about Poole Speedway. In fact behaving like .....er... a kid in a playground Do you think it might be an idea to grow up, let the personal stuff drop to get back to Poole Speedway, as it is actually a Poole Speedway thread ? It is getting a bit tedious after 3 pages of it.
  16. That's sort of right but not entirely correct. The situation was explained either in the Lakeside programme or on the website at the time. The situation was that, as you say ,Edward was signed when he was a Coventry asset which would have given Lakeside priority, and fixtures arranged by Lakeside on that basis. Then out of the blue Jason Garrity said he did not want to for Rye House and eventually that led to Garrity and Kennet being swapped, which had not been expected, this in turn meant Rye House technically having priority but if would mean fixtures clashes that in turn would lead to the rider losing money. Therefore to accommodate the interests of both clubs and the rider it was agreed that Lakeside would have prority for their home meetings and Rye House would have priority when Lakeside were riding away. It was amicable co-operation between clubs and rider and Ed did a pretty decent job for both clubs. This is not unique. In 2014 Lakeside technically had first call over Ipswich on Adam Ellis but Adam was going through a difficult spell and there were fixture clashes when he was allowed to ride for Ippo in preference to Lakeside where the PL pressure was a bit less They are just examples of clubs co-operating in the riders interests. I understand that fixtures are being arranged differently next year to keep fixture clashes to a minimum. Whether it actually works out remains to be seen but at least the intention is there.
  17. I disagree. I think he has done a great job for Matt Ford over the last few years. His sponsors for 2016 are Seaview Coaches of Poole and County Crest Pallets of Southampton. Draw your own conclusions.
  18. My understanding is that there was a bit more to it than that. The initial sniffing around AJ apparently came not too long after Ford realised he wouldn't have Darcy next year. At that stage AJ had already publicly said that he would ride for Lakeside next year, and as he was already a Lakeside rider in 2015 they had first call on his services. Ford, I understand was prepared to get round this problem by a "sweetener " to Lakeside but was rejected by both Lakeside and AJ. This leads me to wonder whether the dodgy signings of Kildemand and Miedzinski were just the tip of the iceberg an whether there were other potentially dodgy deals that we didn't get to hear about because they were rejected. Doesn't mean that Ford never tried it on though. The other thing, now that you have bought this into the open is whether AJ's parent club, Coventry knew about the approach to AJ . It seems inconceivable to me that Coventry would have agreed to Ford trying to sign AJ without first trying to sign him themselves if it became known that for some reason he wanted to leave Lakeside, although, as already said he did confirm quite early on that he wanted to return to the Hammers. There are some Coventry fans on here who seem to have their ear pretty close to the ground but none of them have posted anything about Poole wanting talks with AJ, so it just makes me wonder.
  19. Andreas Jonsson doesn't thats why he turned them down when they tried to nobble him a few months ago.
  20. And what exactly is that assumption based on ? Is it based on the fact that Rob Mear has lined up the best sponsorship he has ever had, invested in machinery, practiced at Peterborough and was so close to Darcy Wards track record he was offered a contract on the spot, or is it based on a wild stab in the dark ?
  21. Who said anything about KK. Jon himself said he was talking to British based riders.
  22. What Jon Cook said on Saturday was that before the last meeting of the season at Coventry, AJ Kim, Ed and Rich were all told gthat irrespective of the outcome of that match they would all be offered contracts for 2016, and all expressed the desire to return. No information as to why Rich has not been announced, but it is possible that it is depedent on who he signs for in the PL. If he is back at Gladgow I suppose it depends to some extent whether they change their race night to Friday but the short answer is that I dont know why he hasnt been announced. As to the possible two new riders I think it is a exaggerration to say he was targetting two. What he said at the last forum I think was that he was having talks with two riders. I did hear unofficially that one is not being pursued because he has an exagerrated idea of what he is worth so he is now knocking on the door of a Midlands club. Cant say who it is or the club but if it is true then the fans of that club are not going to be happy if the club sign him. No idea who the other one is or whether any talks are continuing.
  23. Just to clarify, Jon Cook said last night that Rob Mear would be riding at 7 all season and would notbe going up into the 1-5, so it seems that only T1 riders will be moving. I would be very surprised if he made a mistake on something like that. We will have to wait and see what average he comes in on but I think it will be a 3.00
  24. The announcement on the website says it is unlikely that any more riders will be announced before the dinner and dance so the inference seems to be that there will be more announcements at the D&D. So roll on Saturday.
  25. I suppose it raises the question of who is a good team manager. Jon Cook is very good at winding the riders up and getting then into a good frame of mind and Lakesides best overall team performances came in the years when he was TM. I used to rate Peter Adams quite highly. but Wolves fans tell me he has lost the plot a bit these days.these days, but I don't see enough of him to comment on that. A number of present TM's are nowhere near as good as some people claim Peter Kildemand was critical of Rosco during the play offs and I have always viewed Rosco as a bit of a plonker when you see him at work. Havelock and Muddlo are like little gnats buzzing round moaning at everything and on the phone to the ref at the most trivial excuse.. Rob Lyon is OK on a good days but a bit of a whinger a lot of the time and seems frightened to take Lambert in hand. The best TM by far IMO is Phil Morris. I liked him at Brum but was most impressed when he stood in for Vatch for a meeting at Lakeside. Totally on the ball in every department I thought. The other one who has impressed me is Mark Lemon. A really nice bloke who gets one with everyone and knows his stuff.
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