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Everything posted by SpeedwayTShirts

  1. Also had a quick look at the old Stoke Speedway last week here's a link to the video...…
  2. Quick Update - Nothing's changed at Coventry but they have beefed up security to make it harder to access the site unless you really wanted to get in.
  3. Maybe we could just do what they do in Poland. Absolutely F All lol, the terraces are packed again
  4. You'd think each match would on average be watched by at least 2 people in the same household, in my case 3 of us watched the British Final so it worked out cheap as chips. With the demise of speedway in the UK it might be just what the sport needs. With plenty of back up material to keep people entertained during breaks etc it makes for a solid few hours of entertainment compared to freezing your bits off on the terraces waiting for an ambulance to come back or watching a tractor go around and nothing else to entertain you. It's sad the sports come to this but I fear it's best days are behind it from a live point of view apart from the odd meeting like Cardiff or a Testimonial. I thought the coverage was excellent, thoroughly professional, there was one tapes view that was a bit dodgy a few times but in the main 10/10, credit where it's due.
  5. Has anyone visited recently, I believe the big bottom bar under the main grandstand is all open now and in general people are entering daily to have a look around?
  6. I'd love to see Coventry back up and running and would throw in all the bits we used to do presentation wise and centre green wise for free as we did at Leicester to try and keep the name going. But that's purely because I'm a Coventry fan and have had the sport drilled into me from birth to now. The problem is anybody investing in speedway full stop in the UK would be doing it for the love of the sport and for the memories in the Bees case of years gone by. Anyone investing in speedway will only lose there money going forwards, speedway in it's current guise is not where the British public want to spend their hard earned coin. It's not moved with the times and the terraces are getting emptier and emptier as sadly followers of our beloved sport pass away. Just be glad of all the memories you have as future one's may be sparser to come by
  7. It mentions in the press release the 2 metre self distancing will be observed. How can this happen across the start line or during a race?
  8. Abroad for this or would definitely gone, I see Hans is keen to ride on Twitter
  9. Smolinski is good for any club just on team spirit alone, plus the added bonus of showmanship and professionalism.
  10. 12 hours later, that signing speaks volumes
  11. King would be an awesome signing if still available
  12. Nope I'm convinced of it, even if he's more expensive it makes business sense.
  13. With no Cradley Heathens in 2020 and assuming Greg's wifes health concerns are all gone it seems obvious to me that it'll be Greg Hancock for his last season in Speedway full stop. Makes business sense as Wolverhampton will be packed with a mixture of Heathens and Wolves fans
  14. What's the usual start time now at Sheffield for Heat 1? The team so far could well attract extra fans from all around the country so Season Ticket sales should be up. Personally I'm in Staffordshire and it would take 1 hour 45 mins to get over plus getting out of work at 5pm, so home for 5:30pm and then anything up to 2 hours in evening traffic to get over to Sheffield would mean the earliest I'd arrive would be 7:30pm.
  15. I'll just sit here smiling smugly with my arms folded
  16. If you're looking to add things to the night to entice families to attend etc the cost spread amongst your whole crowd could be very minimal. Working on a crowd of say 1000. Band or DJ to play throughout interval and in bar after meeting - £250 Free Bouncy Castle for Kids - £100 Beat the Starter - Fastest Time of the Night wins £50 mounted on a home team riders 2nd bike which kids and fans get the chance to sit on. A4 Colouring in Stencil of Rider to give out free to kids - Say 300 at 10p each - £30 Free Draw to watch a race from centre green based on ticket number - FREE Photo & Autograph Session with 1 x Home Team Rider per meeting before meeting - FREE Sweets for home team to throw out to crowd on parade - £50 Then just add anything that money can't buy in relation to fans mingling with their heroes. Just the above would offer better value for money, everyone loves something that appears to be free. Cost of the above £480 divided by 1000 fans = 48 pence. It's not exactly rocket science is it ?!?!?!?
  17. I only meant from the point of view of that he could have been World Champion mate. TK was a Bee through and through
  18. Very similar to TK from a Coventry viewpoint and potentially being a World Champion. Charismatic, Dependable and capable of beating anyone in the world day in day out. Happy Retirement AJ
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