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Everything posted by SpeedwayTShirts

  1. Brian Andersen when he won a youngsters meeting at Cov and he almost got there, managed a GP win at Bradford from memory.
  2. Berwick Bandits 2021 Speedway Canvas Your chance to own a piece of Speedway history with this fantastic canvas of the 2021 Berwick Bandits. This is a Taylor Lanning Photography Exclusive Photo which has been transferred to canvas. Taylor is the Official Team GB Photographer. Limited Edition 50 ONLY Measurements 100cm width by 100cm height, this is a large canvas so please ensure you have sufficient space. IF YOU REQUIRE A DIFFERENT SIZE, BLACK AND WHITE, TEAM, RIDER ETC DON’T HESITATE TO DROP US A MESSAGE. WE CAN SUPPLY SIMILAR CANVASES, MUGS, T SHIRTS, BLANKETS, TOWELS ETC OF ANY RIDER OR TEAM OF YOUR CHOICE FROM TAYLOR’S EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PHOTOS. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Berwick-Bandits-Speedway-Canvas-Taylor-Lanning-Photography-/203698880402?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  3. Sheffield Tigers 2021 Speedway Canvas Your chance to own a piece of Speedway history with this fantastic canvas of the 2021 Sheffield Tigers. Further Designs Coming Soon. This is a Taylor Lanning Photography Exclusive Photo which has been transferred to canvas. Taylor is the Official Team GB Photographer. Limited Edition 50 ONLY Measurements 100cm width by 100cm height, this is a large canvas so please ensure you have sufficient space. IF YOU REQUIRE A DIFFERENT SIZE, BLACK AND WHITE, TEAM, RIDER ETC DON’T HESITATE TO DROP US A MESSAGE. WE CAN SUPPLY SIMILAR CANVASES, MUGS, T SHIRTS, BLANKETS, TOWELS ETC OF ANY RIDER OR TEAM OF YOUR CHOICE FROM TAYLOR’S EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PHOTOS. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203696831481?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  4. Any canvas can be adapted to your unique design to make them a one off, riders added, removed etc or we can make you your own totally bespoke design.
  5. Point me in the right direction then, if you can find me someone who does metre square printed canvases for under 20 quid I'll send you a tenner for everyone we sell as you'll be saving us a fortune.
  6. Glasgow Speedway Canvas 2021 Your chance to own a piece of Speedway history with this fantastic canvas of the 2021 Glasgow Speedway Team. Further Designs Coming Soon. This is a Taylor Lanning Photography Exclusive Photo which has been transferred to canvas. Taylor is the Official Team GB Photographer. Limited Edition 50 ONLY Measurements 100cm width by 100cm height, this is a large canvas so please ensure you have sufficient space. IF YOU REQUIRE A DIFFERENT SIZE, BLACK AND WHITE, TEAM, RIDER ETC DON’T HESITATE TO DROP US A MESSAGE. WE CAN SUPPLY SIMILAR CANVASES, MUGS, T SHIRTS, BLANKETS, TOWELS ETC OF ANY RIDER OR TEAM OF YOUR CHOICE FROM TAYLOR’S EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PHOTOS. eBay Link.
  7. Poole Double Champions Speedway Canvas - Taylor Lanning Photography https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203693800355?hash=item2f6d18bba3:g:aSIAAOSw9QlhjDqq
  8. Team GB Winners SON Canvas 2021 by Official Photographer Taylor Lanning https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203692464406?hash=item2f6d045916:g:J7gAAOSwnANhi7ww
  9. Speedway T Shirts & Canvasses are delighted to announce our new collaboration with Taylor Lanning Photography Taylor is the current Team GB Official Photographer and is regularly trackside amongst all your favourite stars. Until now we’ve concentrated on the racers of yesteryear but with our new team up we can now offer you all your current favourite riders too. Maybe even a specific shot or angle specifically for you. So for any rider - whether it’s a T-shirt, a canvas, a beach towel or even a mug. Whatever your requirement get in touch and we can make it happen.
  10. Now the proud owner of a 1988 Tommy Knudsen Bike all put together by Carl Newey. This project took nearly 12 months and is to the finest detail. Here’s a YouTube link for a video look around VIDEO LINK
  11. £4.99 a month for up to 4 simultaneous connections so that's cheap enough or like this year you could just view via the SGP website using a VPN for free if your viewing device has a browser and allows streaming. Happy Days :)
  12. Heading over for what looks like being Birmingham's final ever meeting. Lots of great memories and pleased to have the chance to say goodbye unlike at Coventry. Only 2 pages of comments for any potential investor speaks volumes. Unfortunately it's another nail in British Speedway's Coffin
  13. Lots of bespoke speedway club and rider designs on www.speedwaytshirts.co.uk and we've also launched 3 limited edition large wall canvases this week for Cov (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203580249252?hash=item2f665414a4:g:IVIAAOSwsUFhJjv), Cradley and Belle Vue
  14. Just popped onto the forum today to see how the news has been received. Such sad news after all our memories with Birmingham. I think I’ve only been the once since we finished on the presentation team but we’d intended to come this summer as soon as COVID allowed. I can’t make next Wednesday as we’re away in Scotland but if it’s rained off or if there are further meetings we’ll be down for the next one for sure. Hope all our old friends there are keeping well, so many local tracks to us have already closed like Stoke, Buxton and Coventry so to lose Birmingham would be tragic.I’ve genuinely never enjoyed doing the centre green presenting anywhere else as much as I did at Birmingham and that was all down to the fans and the response and buzz on the terraces.Fingers crossed for better news soon and if next weeks off or there are further meetings I’ll see you very soon.
  15. I've just had a set of laydown covers made in Tommy's style, sponsors etc and have just ordered a set of kevlars as per his testimonial year. Me and my Dad have also invested in a replica bike build from his testimonial year so I'll keep you updated with the progress
  16. With the season about to start we are delighted to have been able to help several riders, teams and schools with sponsorship for 2021. These include: Ride And Skid It Gary O Hare Jason Jørgensen Ashton Vale Jody Scott Childsy Check In Adam Roynon James Sarjeant Aaron Summers Joe Alcock Save Coventry Speedway & Stox Benji Compton We now have over 600 designs available and if not of these cover your favourite rider or team then just drop us a message or a reply here and we’ll knock one up for you. We have purposely avoided current riders as they tend to have their own merchandise but as you can see have helped support quite a few riders with their designs for this year. Enjoy the season when it starts
  17. We are delighted to be helping the Save Coventry Speedway Campaign with all profits from these t shirts going towards the fighting fund https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Save-Coventry-Speedway-Stox-T-Shirt-/203302667273?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  18. Delighted to help out the campaign group with this. Come on all Bees Fans and Stox Fans, grab yourselves a piece of nostalgia and help raise funds for all the great work which is going on to bring the Bees back to Brandon. 100% of all profits will be put to use to get both sports back on tracK. http://www.savecoventryspeedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.4227
  19. We are delighted to be helping the Save Coventry Speedway Campaign with all profits from these t shirts going towards the fighting fund https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Save-Coventry-Speedway-Stox-T-Shirt-/203302667273?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  20. We’ve just sponsored Jason Jørgensen in Denmark and are encouraging any other riders to seek sponsorship. They get 100% of all profits and the Speedway Riders Benevolent Fund benefits from other sales.
  21. Lots of new designs now, over 150+. Today’s design was with Super Joe Screen, Joe’s TShirts are already in the post. Order yours here http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=203273142384&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229508&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  22. Been working on a few T- Shirt design over lockdown. Mainly riders of yesteryear and a few defunct team ones. All available to order via eBay and viewable on facebook HERE or here's an eBay link HERE to one, just click view sellers other items to browse the rest Can be shipped Worldwide.
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