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Everything posted by SpeedwayTShirts

  1. Popped into Brandon last week on the way down to Oxford. Quick video of how things are now. Massive flyover now on TGI roundabout which was a shock…… Coventry Speedway June 2022
  2. I’d very much doubt paying the riders is an issue. Rob seems a sound bloke and on a positive it must unfortunately be the smallest wage bill in the league. It’s sad times for British Speedway and sometimes you have to admit enough is enough despite what your heart says. I hope both Newcastle and Birmingham see out the season but you’d have to be crazy to put together a line up for 2023 at either track UNLESS money is no object and you can entice an amazing team of riders who the crowds will flock to see. Anything less than mediocre, there just seems little point, you wouldn’t keep putting out a blind greyhound to race……. Jack Smith wise he’ll be firing very soon so I’d stick with him, he from a good stable after all.
  3. I heard someone saying on the way out people would be automatically refunded. I've not had an email as yet or anything to confirm this though, anyone else?
  4. Isn't Lee one of the few riders achieving his average so far for Newcastle (4 points from 2 rides last night)? Any statto's got a run down of the current team and what each riders achieving?
  5. What's happened to this big team shake up? Heading down to Oxford tomorrow mainly to watch Lee Complin, but it'd be nice to know if there's a competitive team heading down?
  6. I don't think many Bees or Cradley fans will still have a programme board to be honest, I certainly haven't I always had individual rider one's but it's a good gesture and hopefully will bring in some additional fans. I do hope things start looking up for the Brummies asap.
  7. Perhaps just go with a graphic of eg Paul B and the Rider who he's chatting to in the pits or waiting to go on track, whilst you show background image of the whole track waiting for the riders to come out. Also when you hand off from main commentary to the pits, could be a bit cleaner so they know instantly when they are live as opposed to the 4-5 secs lull where they're not sure. Excellent work though so far and already had my money's worth.
  8. Not a great start to the season for Brum, regardless of fault I hope it's not the start of the end again as it's been a tough season so far for the new promotion. Fingers crossed for some sunshine in the next few weeks and nice busy terraces.
  9. Nigel is 'one' of the reasons I don't have much to do with Speedway Presentation anymore and also why I finished at Birmingham so as a bloke I didn't care for him that much. Having said that if the opportunity had ever arose and we'd buried the hatchet as per me and Mick Horton, then I'd probably have let bygone's be bygone's as I'm not one to bear a grudge. And.... being out of speedway has allowed me the time to enjoy other things in life which are far more important like friends and family. However as a commentator and a family man I have the utmost respect for him and my thoughts are with his friends, co-workers and loved one's at this time. You can't fault his love for our great sport and speedway will definitely be worse off without his enthusiasm. RIP Mr Speedway
  10. Riders heartbeat rate, reaction times and funky shizzle like that. Also no adverts.
  11. No, profit's are split between the photographer and the artwork designer on this design.
  12. Some of the graphics could do with being a lot smaller eg at the start line, and be off the screen a lot quicker, like at the end of the race as the winner goes off track and is met by mechanics etc. Either that or use transparent png files so you can still see what is going on behind. Paul and Haley's audio could be improved too, and Paul is the main entertainer out of all the presenters so it would be good to see him on a roving mic in the pits between races, he was a little wasted on the few bits that he did and could be used a lot more. Maybe a bit like Kelvin on track pre meeting and maybe even doing laps mic'd up like on his vlogs. Overall though great idea and looking forward to seeing it improve as they season moves on, well done to everyone involved.
  13. New designs for 2022 available. Teams and Riders already available for Berwick, Belle Vue, Sheffield canvases or tshirts. Get in touch for a bespoke design.
  14. Well 2 days till the opening home meeting and not a single post since Sunday, Either this forum ain't what it used to be or a lot of Diamonds fans mustn't use it anymore. Anyone local heard a forecast for the day yet?
  15. It's a complete waste of money renewing equipment every year, it's a trend thing and nothing to do with performance. Covers, fair enough if your sponsors have changed massively due to moving to a new area of the country. Josh has always had the same colour scheme, lots of riders do eg NKI, Nicki P.
  16. Todd Kurtz - Sheffield Tigers Speedway Canvas - Limited Edition - Taylor Lanning Photography £99.99 for this massive 1 metre square canvas. A Taylor Lanning Photography Exclusive Piece Of Art. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203886472735?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  17. Yeah but there was a lot of visitors, sometimes as many as double figures lol
  18. Lee Complin - The Comeback Begins Here........
  19. dropped 4 points last year at Belle Vue in total.
  20. Jack Smith could do a job in the Championship instead of clubs constantly looking abroad.
  21. What's put bums on seats in the recent past has been the threat of closure, which brings back some old fans for one last look and the nostalgia, it worked with me and my family. Hats off to the new Promoters for putting up the money and also having the sense to say it won't be an annual thing. I love speedway, I've been brought up on it from a nipper but if I won the lottery would I sink money into it? no way, its not even a break even venture let alone profit making. Unfortunately the best times are behind us, the worlds changed, new fans aren't being attracted as it's not exciting enough and not worth the money. Could anything be done to change that?.....sadly I don't think so any more, it's beyond saving in it's current guise. Birmingham is a 2 hour round trip for me and I wouldn't dismiss me attending a couple of matches this season, but they will either be because someone of interest is in the meeting that night like BB or Smoli, or because the grim reaper has struck again and there's a threat that it could all disappear. Up The Brummies, fingers crossed for a full and profitable season in 2022.
  22. Lee Complin OFFICIAL 2022 Merchandise NOW AVAILABLE TShirts £19.99 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203787110371?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Hoodies £29.99 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203787113075?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Caps £17.99 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203787133319?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Mugs £17.99 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203787131191?mkevt=1&mkcid=16&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Get your orders in ASAP and support Lee’s Speedway Comeback
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