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Everything posted by SpeedwayTShirts

  1. I’m popped into Brandon on Friday, here’s a video with some drone footage of how the site looks now
  2. Check out www.speedwaytshirts.co.uk they have hundreds of retro speedway tshirts and canvases, mugs etc vailable. Ideal for Xmas
  3. Jason got put back inside when his ex cronies caused his some mither whilst he was out from what I heard so will serve his full term.
  4. Why is the posted on almost every thread and what does it mean?
  5. Are there any riders, due back on the scene this year who's bans have come to an end an intend or racing again?
  6. Simple to fix, either just have a champion based on league position or if we must have the farce of the play off's simply call them the Play Off Champions and the real champions the League Champions.
  7. I heard as he was on licence and his previous bad acquaintances etc knew where he had been bailed to, they were intent on making it very difficult for him. Due to his licence conditions if anything kicked off disturbance wise he'd have no chance to explain it or defend himself and would be recalled to prison without notice. This happened, so despite his efforts to get back on the straight and narrow he could now face his full term behind bars.
  8. Probably the best service out there, I subscribe and at the minute there's virtually a match every night. Highly recommended and I've not seen it on any other services since 2023.
  9. There a piece on Jason in 3 of the newspapers today, The Mirror, The Star and The Manchester Evening News have all covered it.
  10. Having attended and thoroughly enjoyed it, once totted up, no travel costs, £10 in club first, £27 in, £30 beers and food inside, £10 takeaway on way home. For £15 on a cold evening I think I'll pay for the extra stream in future, so long as it's cheaper than the entry fee you've got to be on to a winner in my eyes.
  11. Our final order date for Xmas 2023 is the 16th. Merry Christmas All www.speedwaytshirts.co.uk
  12. Well they took my advice getting Sam in as Team Manager, so I'd like to see Nicki and Rory plus one more. NOT Shamek though as Nicki detests him with a passion.
  13. Superb value, Championship is a must but not sure re the Premiership. It's very good coverage with the team involved on commentary. I'll be investing in 2024!
  14. Damn right was a nice guy when you were in with his crowd, but life goes on I bear no grudges.
  15. But didn’t Richie have his own test done in far more detail the following day at his own expense which showed him to be completely clean over 16 catergories?
  16. If they were asking Save Coventry Speedway why Leicester failed, they'd have been able to answer with several responses..... Popularity of the Promoter Lower League Racing No Leicester fans to follow it as direct enemy of Coventry
  17. Our top podcast so far with 1.6k listens in only 48 hours. The most popular sections are where James talks about what made him leave the sport and return, how Jason Doyle is an inspiration to so many riders and where he talks about the weeks running up to Ricky Ashworth's career ending crash at Scunthorpe. If you haven't had a listen yet it's still available at https://fb.watch/m6sP9pr8pd/
  18. Latest BSSC podcast is well worth a listen with James Wright, he explains his disappearance from the sport for years, why he came back, his thoughts on Ricky Ashworth's injury and how Jason Doyle is an inspiration to many riders. https://fb.watch/m6sP9pr8pd/
  19. One of the most interesting interviews I’ve ever done, where we dig deep into mental health, speedway, influences and the potential future of the sport. A huge thank you to James Wright for the opportunity and the frankness and honesty he expressed during the podcast. Well worth a listen for all speedway fans https://fb.watch/m6sP9pr8pd/
  20. A catch up with Danny King about all things speedway, his memories, the new style engines and bikes, where the sports going and where he see’s his future https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid038JvNURcq9c7vCs3wbV3uxunhU4oqLd6LmJM2jHvBFt8bPkSPUNRy3wpMg2XCYEtAl&id=100049656714719
  21. A catch up with Danny King about all things speedway, his memories, the new style engines and bikes, where the sports going and where he see’s his future https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid038JvNURcq9c7vCs3wbV3uxunhU4oqLd6LmJM2jHvBFt8bPkSPUNRy3wpMg2XCYEtAl&id=100049656714719
  22. A catch up with Danny King about all things speedway, his memories, the new style engines and bikes, where the sports going and where he see’s his future https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid038JvNURcq9c7vCs3wbV3uxunhU4oqLd6LmJM2jHvBFt8bPkSPUNRy3wpMg2XCYEtAl&id=100049656714719
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