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Everything posted by weatherwatcher

  1. It would be nice for someone in the uper ranks to come clean and let all the fans actually know, what is happening at the club. There just seems to be so very little forth coming in the way of any other riders after it was announced that they would have been signed and named before Christmas. Now we are nearly into February at still no sign of them. Are things really a bit rocky as far as the money goes. We the fans never get to find out, how the club stands. That sounds more like it then, maybe someone at Swindon have been wispering in his ear.
  2. Glynn. It looks like the weather will be holding up any other work to the track before the seson starts. Will there be any other chances to get this work done once the seson gets under way. Maybe when they have the lay off for the world cup series, because it would be such a shame not to see the work through till its conclusion.
  3. Keeping it down to 300 people and 300 of thier choice will help keep things quite and only be asked by them the questions that they really only want to hear. You can imagine what it would have been like if the had over 1000, mainly disapointed and disgrunteled speedway fans shouting at them the truth. Something they really do not want hear.
  4. Hope then that after this last storm is out of the way, that we have some fine weather so that the work can be started on turns 1/2, it would be graet to see it all come together before the new season starts.
  5. As for clubs not wanting to race on Saturdays, I would think that Swindon would be the main club for that award as it would look rather silly, that Jason Doyle left the Lions because he didn't like racing on a Saturday. Looking at the overhead shot of BP can only see any work done on turns 3/4 there are a few markers on turns 1/2 but if they are what they plan on taking off there, then it looks like it is only 12" or so and would not make those turns any better, can,t really see yet if the changes to turns 3/4 will make the racing any better, it will only be a case of the truth in the pudding is eating it.
  6. If they refuse to come to BP on a Saturday does that mean that they automaticcaly award the meeting to the Lions. There is only one big problem with that DH gets no money coming in through the gate, I don't know how he would stand about paying the riders wages, can't see them standing for that if they lose out on points money, every 2 weeks. There are going to be an auful lot of dissapointed bunnies least of all the fans, if there are no home meetings to come to. It is all a bit silly to me, it looks like this is going to be a very bad year for the whole of the EL. With the teams without good No1 riders other than 3 or 4 clubs. Something needs doing and doing fast before next season turns out to be the year that breaks the camels backs as far as the EL is concerned..
  7. We only have to take this coming season as a good example, the top riders or very few of them can even be bothered to come over here now. They just don't earn enough and for one the promoters can ill aford to pay the wages they ask for, we saw what happened when they went along that road and a lot of clubs almost folded. Mybe the EL has just com,e to the end of it's life span and they will have to go along another route. Because, they are not going to get the top riders back ubtil the Polish and Swedish clubs have to close because they have been silly enough to pay the riders the stuppid demands they are asking for. Gone are the days when as long as a rider covered his expenses and managed to keep his bikes and a van or the car with the bike on the back running, he was happy, why because he emjoyed riding speedway. Now unless they are making enough to run 6 or 7 bikes and have a big team of spanner monkeys and a graet big ven or motor home, they are not happy, All they ride for is to be the top of the tree, they have no interest in the fact that they are even enjoying what they do as long as the money keeps rolling in. So yes it is time for a change. But not one that manages to shut all the clubs down. If we have to put up with the lesser riders, and have the ones left that love the sport, that that is ok with me. It it means finishing with the EL and going with a North South league, then at least we may see some better racing and it may be the only way forward. I know we have said this a thousand times now. But in the end do the powers that be really listen to what Joe public has to say.
  8. Hope it is all done and dusted before the Press day.. It would be a little bit of an embarasment, if only turns 3 & 4 where done, because that would mean it would not get done until the end of the season.
  9. In answer to not coming to speedway next season, it was only a possibility, I love the sport to much and so does my grandson. We will come along to press day to see what has happened to the track, not missed one yet, then will see what difference the track changes have made, to decide if we bother to come to any meeting, plus also on what the final team make up is, can't see me shelling out my cash to come and see a big bodged up team, that are never going to win a meeting. There is still time to get the other 2 riders, but who will it be that is the big question, as there are no hints at all who they ay be.
  10. That would be the best start to next season, that the fans could wish for. If all that has happened so far has been his doing then the best of luck to him, because he will have been the fist person who has been able to get through to DH.
  11. Role on press day so we can all go along and see what has been done and to see how the track rides, think it will take a while to bed down, bet the riders will be putting in quite a few hours testing before the new season gets under way. Hope it all works out for the best and the track will actually produce some good meetings. Just hope that the fans who have been leaving over the past couple of seasons or so make it back again. With a little bit of luck we may even get Volty back watching again, after he had finally had enough.
  12. Just seen that Klindt has signed for Scunthorpe, but it is only until the Polish season starts has he has commtments over there. Just hope that for once they have not signed a rider who will only be part of the Lions setup for just a few months as in previous years. Will be good to see what actually happens with the track changes I for one hope that it includes both ends of the track, then at least we may see less of those first bend crashes, we seem to get aboubt 10 of those per meeting.
  13. When the work on the track is being done, the best thing to do is to send DH on a Winter cruis for a month or two. Let Glynne get it sorted out on his own, with a bit of help from a few of the old riders that know how a track should be.
  14. A Happy New Year to all you Lions fans. Hope the New Year brings some good news, as it looks rather gloomy, like the weather is dull overcast with showers, the only thing that is not happening is the fact that we are not getting any closer to knowing just who they plan to bring in. It is a bit like a foggy day, you know where you want to go but you can't see your hand in front of you. A bit like the way they have planned thing so far for next year, It can only get better as they say. Or can it. Stay sober and all have a great night, it will not be worth it in the morning, when your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth and your poor tummy is doing double somersaults. Been there done, learnt my leason. Don't touch the stuff now.
  15. You could also include the members of the BPSA in the quota above. It is well time for some big changes in the way the sport is run. Before all is lost, due to a bunch of no nothings, who just sit and dream up ways to make the sport harder and harder to make any sort of sense of as the years go by.
  16. I don't have the Star, Happy Hunter, could you tell me what it had to say about BP.
  17. So how many EL clubs next season, will there be that are actually fielding a proper EL team. Not that many by the looks of things, I just hope that they don't get to the stage where the supporters say enough is enough and find the nearest PL team to support. They will be watching most of the same riders for less spent on the gate. Just a thought, call anyone mane a team other than Swidon, who suddenly after all these years suddenly want to have Jason back in the team.
  18. speedbee, I personally park in the disabled places, and I for one are not a fake, I use a wheelchair, same as the fellow who sits beside me and the other guy who uses a wheelchair who has no legs, so that is 3 that I know of that use the parking spaces that are needed. But yes as you say there are an awful lot out there with a blue badge, that when I try to get a space somewhere and see all the places have been taken by those who park thier car and walk off, it gets my back up, not that my back could get up if it wanted to, as it has been broken now in so many places that I wonder if there is any place left for it to crumble again. Honestly though, I can't really see who they are going to get in to fill the team places, that are going to get the fans to bother turning out on a Saturday night. I for one have very big doubts about going next season. What's the point of going to see a team that would be better in the PL, that the EL from what is left to fill the remaning slots. We may be in for a shock. But I doubt it very much. Can't see any sense in what DH is doing other than close the club. Because if he doe's not some decent riders, then I fear that the number of people who turn up to pay £18, will be very few and far between. Is this what he plans, to do, hope not as the sport has been a long time coming back to the City.
  19. That just appeared today. Taking a bit longer with the team names though.
  20. I would not hold my breath about any final hour announcements. I offered services last year about the website and also the Supporter Club website, that is so poor it is beyond belife and was told that nothing was needed as both sites where being looked into. Still nothing changes does it. Merry Christmas, we should all club together and start our own speedway club.
  21. Protasiewicz, always rode well from the times I saw him in the Swedish League this year and he was on very good form, not sure if he wants to ride over here again though. Somehow I doubt if Gollob would want to come back here again, his form has dropped off quite a lot these past couple of years. As someone said before, would love to see Simon back again, has he got over the terrible crash this year, he looked fine on the last meeting on Sky but it is how it affects him on the track as this was the second time now that he has gone out with a broken leg, it didn't seem to affect him much when he rode for the Lions the year after his first bad accident. He seems to bounce back stronger even after a crash that would have people thinking about giving up. He said he gave it an auful lot of thought about giving up, talking it over with his wife and he said that once he made the decision, he was back getting himself to full fitness again. Oh well , we only have a couple of days left before they plan on letting all the fans know, who the rest of the team will be. Can't see it happening though. A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone who comes on the Lions Thread. Have a good one and don't get to drunk. I for one don't have that problem as I don't touch the stuff.
  22. Probably ment next Christmas not this one. Just fail to see though, which 3 riders there are left out there, who want to race over here and on a Saturday too. Can see it being a wodden spoon team again, hope not as it is going to take a lot to tempt me, coming out next season, to see them end up with no hopes of wining anything. Just hope that they suprise us all and pull some rabbits out of the hat, so to speak. Heres a Merry Christmas to not just the Lions fans, but to all the fans that come on the Lions thread.
  23. So we have another 6 days left before the rest of the team are announced. Not seen anything anywhere yet, so we are still left in the dark.
  24. I hope or really hope that all sensible people in this country have never all never will call any person with special needs, some of the worst tittles that some very small minded people called them and some still do. SCB's comment I think was just a way of showing what a uselees bunch of people we have in charge of the EL. They hold an anual get to gether to see how they can make the sport worse year in year out. It is well time that the sport was run by a board of independant people. They would need someone with a knowladge of the sport, but this role, could be taken up by some of the counties top ex riders the Tatums and Louis of this sport who know more about the way things should be run, than most of the board put together. They should sit down together and read my quote at the bottom of this page, allthough would they ever demean that they are ever wrong in the first place. Doubt it very much.
  25. We seem again to be getting off the point, that a member of the BPSA, has called any fans who what to ask how they came about the heat leader list most realise that those who run speedway in the EL know all there is to know and any fan who fails to understand who those in power came to sort it out, then those fans are stuppid and ignorant. What it then ended up as was a slanging match about the way SCB worded the header. I for one are far from stuppid and his comments about the speedway frans in a whole should be getting in on the carpet in front of the board. The EL in is bigger trouble already and in now classed in my opions and others as a second rate product, that is slowly dying a death, unless something is done soon. It may be the best idea to just call it a day and them have a league, that contains all the EL and PL clubs. It is getting now to a state that some of the EL clubs are nothing better than a gloryfied PL club anyway. I for one have had enough of all the guest riders and R/R up to a point that you never know until the night how many guest you have on any given race night. It will have to be something very special this year that tempts me to turn out to see Leicester race next year. So far they have 4 team members 2 of those at reserve with nothing on the Lions website to even give a glimpse on who they plan to bring in to make up the team. I think they are going to have a major task to get a No1 to replace Doyle with. I can find a better way to spend over £60 getting in and with the money for fuel. So as I said before it looks like they will have 2 less fans next year and both my grandson and myself love our speedway, but I think that next season will just about draw the line.
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