I must say that I liked what he said in the interview at the Last GP that he was commited to doing his best to start a rider training school at Scunthorpe. There is so much need to help the young up and coming British riders to do their best not just for their clubs but their country.
Watched the British Rider final on Sky last night after the wash out of the Elite League final. What a sad lot we have we have Tai who stands head and shoulders above the rest, then a few older riders who still try and are still up there in the Elite League, but we need to do more for the young lads who ride in the lower leagues.
I think that it is time for all the Elite League clubs to offer reserve place to British riders the only way they are going to come on in world speeway is to be thrown in amoungst to to level riders and not just fight it out in the lower leagues.
All said though some of these guys who withoutout them the sport of speedway would be lost, ride week in week out with just one bike on a very restricted budjet and would need good sponsers and a good team behind them. Something they could hardly afford, as most of them live on a shoe string budjet. Hts off to them.
We need to find a solution to this doldrums that the UK riders team are going through at the moment, I am glad for what Tia has managed to do this year and hope he can repeate it again in the years to come. But for the sake of the sport we need more UK riders to be able to step up in to the class that now Tia has now made for himself, not just in the UK but on world stage. Lets make the UK a world beater again.