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Everything posted by weatherwatcher
I know live coverage of speedway other than the GP and Europeans on Euro sport will be sadly missed if nothing comes for 2014 but it is up to the people who sit around the tables and not on the nikes on the race track to find a sponsers or sponsers to cover the lost revenue. Football clubs do it as do several other sports so why can't they get things sorted out either give us Sky or BT for next year or find some big money from other sorces. Speedway is here for many years so lets hope that they come to their sences and help keep our sport alive and kinking
Team Gb - Middlo Quits!
weatherwatcher replied to Barry The Cat's topic in Speedway Grand Prix and Speedway World Cup
As things go I think it will be Morris Not sure but I think it was already mentioned that he was taking over for 2014 on one of the latter Sky Elite League races. But don't quote me on that one. I don't see team GB doing any better next year, some of the riders are getting past their sell by date and the up and coming riders have still a long way to go, before they reach top level racing. Give them a few more years and a few more chances to compete in the top flight of speedway and we may just then see a team GB that is worth it's pinch of salt. But 2014 I think will be another no, no for team GB whoever is in charge. -
What Can Be Done For Young British Riders.
weatherwatcher replied to Jonny the spud's topic in Speedway News and Discussions
I like this can't any of the big clubs would do anything about it though. But yes they should be made to do it that way in a few years time we would have a team GB to be proud of. We are slowly running out of riders that are world class. Some of the team now are coming to the end of their careers and we need some new good blood in the team that an compeat with the rest of the world. Will they ever be given the chance. I think what you have written should be made compulsory to the top British clubs the sooner the better. -
What Can Be Done For Young British Riders.
weatherwatcher replied to Jonny the spud's topic in Speedway News and Discussions
It is hyard for young British riders some of the lads depende on their parents to help them financially and as machanics and transport. Some of them stuggle to upkeep one bike running and all for the love of the sport with very liitle in the way of recognition from any spnsers. There are guys riding in The Midland Development League that that have to give up the sport due to those cost mentioned only to realise they love the sport and give it another go. There are some good lads out there and with the right strings being pulled would stand a better chance of doing far better than they do now. With money there to help them get at least two bikes and a decent level of equipment to make them competative as a speewdway rider. Our country needs these guys, they should be someway to show them a life line to bigger things. The sport or sponcers could do something do make this possible. -
Just seen an update on speedway on Sky sports for 2014. They are still very quite about things saying that the contract is still up for grabs, not very good English. But they are stating that they are hopeful of getting the contract which is good news or that it may go to one of their rival broadcaters, so even more hopeful news. We shall no doubt soon find out, who gets it or will no one bother with it, it would be a great loss for British Speedway if we lose it on our TV's it had been in the wilderness for so many years till Sky came along and started to show it. I can remember the days when you used to get one of two races a year on the BBC'S Grandstand Programme and it was a few to say the least. I hope for our sport that we do not lose what we have now, with weekly Speedway. Eurosport have the Gp's and a few other races and good for them but would they consider doing weekly British Speedway or is any body else willing to take over the broadcasts.
It goes to show from this year alone that most of the accidents to the riders are far worse than they used to be. Some of the riders seem to act like kamakazi pilots, with no regards to other riders saftey or to themselves. Used to go to Cradley Heath and Long Eaton in the 70's and 80,s and I am sure that the riders where less agresive than thy are now. You only have to look at the amount of fisty cuffs that go on even at GP level,due to some actions by the rider can only be called driving without due care and attention. I think riders where more like gentlemen in the years past and not only thought about their own livelyhood but the livelyhood of other riders. It seems we have a new breed of speedway rider now with a don't care less attitude to their own lives or the lives of others. We need to cut down on the amount of really bad crashes that hagve happened this year alone. Air fences can still be dangerous. When you hit the track at the speed these guys are going, then the results can be quite disastourous. Can't wait to see what the AGM brings in a few days time. I just hope it dosen't bring us a Winter of Dis-content. "Now is the winter of our discontent / Made glorious summer by this sun [or son] of York," . Or will it as the bard wrote give us a glorious Summer I hope so for the sake of our sport.
No I wouldn't call them bends or corners, they are the sort of things you have at the Isle of Mann TT races a speeway track is just two inter connected straights a bit like your first model railway layout. Lets keep our speedway as it was always ment to be and always will be. Great fun for those watching and a great skill for those who ride on our tracks.
Has Gavan ever been to a speeway meeting or even know what speedway is. Not sure from the statement made. Think it is good enough as it is without all of the wizz and bangs. It has been going on from before I was was born and it is still going on now in the same form and I hope that it goes on for a lot longer as my grandson will be very disapointed if he misses his speedway.
Tactical Substitutes - Thinking 'out Of The Box'!
weatherwatcher replied to a topic in Speedway News and Discussions
I don't like the B/W tactical ride. If a team is 10 points ahead then so be it, they have raced to earn those points, to then give the team behind a chance to double up their points seams a silly idea to me . Let them race on and lets see the outcome. Or is it the the team that are behind then go on to win are the best team on the night. It makes the whole thing a farce. Let the winner of the races be the one that has the score that they went out and earned, not handed to them on a plate by a TC. Think it would make some big changes to the league tables at the end of the year if they raced for what was actually on the true points they won not decided by the outcome of TC's. But that is just my idea. I don't like them full stop.!!! -
Voted for him today. Needs all of you on here to give him your votes he has done well this year
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
I for one are glad to see that leicester have managed to do what they have done in three years, it was no mean feat. Has I have said before speedway is not just about overtaking it is the skill of the riders to stop it happening. And Mick my back id big enough for any comments and I can take them. Just hope you find another stadium that you will be happy with in the coming years and all the best of luck to you and I hope that you do not lose interest in the sport. There must be a team that you will feel that you can give your full support to I hope so as it would be a shame to lose a suppoter to speedway to any other sport. Hope you enjoy your speedway for many years to come best of Luck. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
As already stated this is a public forum, people come on here to post their points of view, as a public forum it is up to us to make sure that what we write is not harmful or abusive. But as on all forums you will always get a few who jump in with both feet and all guns blazing. We should all bve able to make our comments about the article in question and not reply with calling people name like silloy school boys behind the bike sheds. Some people can take it others find in very hurtfull and it can cause them great anguish. So much so that they just give up once bitten twice swhy, No doubt I shall get a reply of the same nature but my back is broad enough to take it. Come on guys lets clean up the act. People don't need it we aare here to comment on Speedway not about people personal lives. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
A big welcome don't let them put you off -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
Just seen the latest news on Hanson and he has signed for Coventry. So it looks like they must has made their offer before Leicester could. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
I have been reading the treads for quite a while but only just decided to join in the forums. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
Volty how come what ever the tread is you end up doing the same old thing. That is slag the management off rubbish the track. The racing etc. Told you on the other thread speewday is not about passing it is a sport of skill. If 2 riders home or away can get infront then it is up to them or if only 1 rider to chose the correct racing lines to stop anyone else getting by them. Just take a look at Greg Hancock as an example he can chose his lines perfectly and help his other team mate to get the 5-1 that wins races. It is such a pity that you can't see the finer side of speeway, I am sorry to see that the Lions have lost a supporter and I wish you the best of luck which ever team you go on to support. It does us all good to have a joke now and them it is what makes the world a better place. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
It is either Thusday or Saturday. That is unless we can make an extra day just for Leicster to race on we could call it Lionday add it on to the weekend and everyone gets an extra day off work. Just joking of corse. Think a Thursday could be a bit hard on some folks if they get paid on a Friday and Saturdays will be the same day as the GP's so if you have GP riders then you have to get guest in or double up riders, what ever the day it is always going to be hard. Maybe Liester can get Poland to change their race day but that wouldn't work either as so many riders would go from over here to race in Poland you can't win really. Only way is go for a Thurday me thinks, to much happening on a Saturday, football, Motor cycle racing I know a few speedway fans that follow Both bike and car racing. I think we should go for Lionday personaly. HAHA -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
Not sure but there was some talk of having 12 teams in the EL not sure if this would work but only the AGM in November will bring forth those answers. Ans with Sky still not as yet giving an answer to what they plan next year they are going to have to find some big sponsers to replace the lost income. I am sure it will sort itself out and I am sure that the Lions will be up there, lets hope so as it should help the club with the increased gate takings. -
Leicester 2014 . Elite
weatherwatcher replied to jim the whipper's topic in SGB Premiership Speedway League
Firstly I would like to say a big thanks from the Lions and Bees supporters to Glyn and team for all the hard work they put in to get the track in shape so the meeting last Sunday was able to go ahead. You all did a great job. From what was said during the meeting it sounded like the Lions going into the EL was almost a forgons conclusion, perhaps they no something that we don't. There was also hints about 2 riders coming to the Lions next year. KK and Hanson, but 2 riders don;t make a team, so has any one out there got any ideas about the other 5 to make up the team if it happens. -
Message To The Leicester Promotor
weatherwatcher replied to robert72's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! -
Message To The Leicester Promotor
weatherwatcher replied to robert72's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
This will be my final post on this thread. I was always led to believe that speedway was a sport of the skill and ability of the riders. Part of that skill is with the rider that can gate the better than the other 3 and who has got the raster reation time. The rider that can get away from the tapes and make it to the first corner in the lead will most times if he his skilled enough he will keep that first place to the end of the race. It is not just a question that in every race you will see riders swap and change potions throughout the 4 laps. It is with the skill of those riders that can keep the others from overtaking him. That was my idea of speewday for the most skilled riders to keep the place on the track that they had managed to get after the initial first 2 bends. It is not just a sport to see riders over take but to see the skill of those riders to stop others getting by them. If this is what you wish to see then just maybe you are following the wrong sport. If you didn't see some first class riding on Sunday night them you must have been in the long line of folks that where waiting for a pint or hotdog at the vans. Because I saw some very good racing and some very skilled riding there. Goodnight and God Bless. -
Message To The Leicester Promotor
weatherwatcher replied to robert72's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
I think tnat it is now time to put this thread to sleep, it is getting so repetative and I think it is now turning into a few peoples personal vendta's. If any of you can do any better with Leicter Speedway I suggest that you put your hands in your pockets and buy it and then re-design the track to how you think it should be. Instead of sitting infront of your keybords moaning and groaning, sit behind a word prosessor and make a 10 point argument of what you personally think is wrong. Get a ruled A4 refill and a ring binder and on the first race of next season, go round all the supporters ask them what they think and then ask them if they want to sign a pertition to hand into the management to call a meeting between all those who sign and the managment to iron out the faults that you think need answering. You won't get anything done on here. So let it rest peacfully and go to bed and have a good rest. -
Message To The Leicester Promotor
weatherwatcher replied to robert72's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
I t was far better racing than some I have seen whre all 15 races are like they have been joined together by a peice of elastic and follow each other 10 feet apart. Leicester have a stadium to be prood of and it is great to have speedway back in the city. Yes things take time to sort out. Think back to the day it all went flop years back. Back to the bad old days when stadiums where closing left right and centre Cradley Heath, and Long Eaton to name a few, ask them if they want their speedway back do you think that Long Eaton riders liked losing their home track and now ride at such a hoorible place as Leiceter no they are pleased to just have the fact that they can race. I have folled speedway for many years gone to some great tracks and tracks that you wouldn't be proud to have in your backyard. But the riders are where there not all riders have the cash behind them to 4 bikes and a team of top class mechanics behind them, but it is these guys that enjoy their sport. Leicters stadium is not that bad and from what I have seen in the stands on a Sunday night there are some graet fans there, not many of them are winging and whining but are enjoying the racing and and enjoying the day. If you don't like what you see and what a few on here are going on about, then please be quite. Go about it in an adult fashion and get a meeting with the management at a meeting with the fans and then put your points to them face to face. Our is it just easier to maon and groan sitting behind your keyboard . I for one are glad that there is speedway back in the city and this area after Long Eaton closed that was the end of local speeway and the nearest track then was Coventry and there was no way I was traveling to see them. There gas been a lot of hard work put into the stadium and after only 3 years it is far better than some stadiums in the country. So get something done if you are not happy. And yes there was some good racing on Sunday. I have seen far worse on Sky than what went on on Sunday night -
Message To The Leicester Promotor
weatherwatcher replied to robert72's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
British tracks are some of the hardest tracks in the world to ride. No two tracks are the same in this country. It comes down to the fact that the rider has to get used to the track and the surface conditions. I f you wan't there on Sunday night then you missed the best meeting you could have seen on any track in any country in the world. Krystof Kaserzac rode like it was his home track and so did several others and if you wanted to see overtaking then it was in abundance. The track crew had slogged their hearts out for 2 days to keep the track riderable and I don't think that any track in the country could have stood up so well to the weather we had last week. Also for tean Great Britain to want to stage the Ben Fund race there next year and if you read the quote from the Lions webpage about the stadium, then obviously some one has got something wrong. From a true loyal Lions fan. -
Sheffield For Sale
weatherwatcher replied to RedcarRacer's topic in SGB Championship League Speedway
What a shame it would be to lose another speedway club. I can't see this happening though as it sounds like there are interested parties out there that want to take over the running of the club. And what a great stadium it is. There have been to many clubs go under over the years and far to many clubs being lost either through financil problems or owners of the land whre the stadium is having it taken away from them for building houses. I can think of quite a few. Long Eaton who lost their stadium but have come back and now race at Leiceter Lions track poor weymouth who have not lost their stadium once but twice and are still looking for somewhere to go. The list could carry on with the likes of Cradley Heath etc etc. Lets hops that Sheffield are not one to add to this list. Get the City behind you to save this great Venue. Thats if they are interested in doing so. Most don't seem to bother. It is just a speeway track is the way they think why should we bother. Put without it they will lose a great asset to the city. I follow Leicter Lions and was great when they came back 2 years ago. You can't keep a good club down. Just like a Pheonix, Sheffield will rise from the ashes and go on to great things. Just hope that they don't ruin a good club