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Everything posted by weatherwatcher

  1. Are we going to hear who the last member of the team is before Christmas. Heard somewhere is was going to be within 24 hours when the last was was announced but that has now gone by or have we got to wait until the New Year, any ideas on this
  2. Like that idea. Make the managers do a bit of thinking and make the riders work for what they gain not like a lot of them seem to do, that is just turn up and don't bother to give their all. It dosen't make it good for the fans to see a named rider going around the track like they have a hangover. One race comes to mind this season when Chris Harris came out to ride with a migrane and it took all his time to even get off the start line, Think he started twice and that was him done for the night. He would have been far better staying at home and going to bed and then got a rider to take his place, than trying to race and making himself look a fool. With a team going out to win if the lost 75-15 with no black and whites and no tactical subs at least the winner would have done it fair and square. Let the managers make the picks if they got it wrong then who else is to blame, unless the riders didn;t bother to give their all to the races. Make it fair and I think we would see quite a different out come to the team tables at the end of the season. Has it is now, they can come out for the first 5 races lose the lot and then pull them back with a b/w or tacticle, make them race from the drop of the first flag.
  3. Maybe they should do it like race horses and any rider that keeps winning should carry an extra 5 or 6 stone penalty weight on his bike to slow him down to give the others a chance. But I still say that the ones who have the points won fairly should not have their hard erned points taken away from them. It would then make the riders think and work harder to get a win. Why bother when they fall behind by 6 points when they have the chance to pull it all back again with a double points ride, dosn't always work but most times it does, so I think it is now time to stop it. I don't think to many fans would complain other than to say if their team lost that they should have riden better in the first place, not win the match unfairly. I saw a few matches on sky last year that teams came from behind to win after getting double points and the a tacticle ride and go on to win and I thought how unfair can you get.
  4. Drop the lot. No black and white, no tactical rides. If a manager can't get his team sorted out before the match, then enough is said. Who ever gets to win wins. I just hate to see it when a team has worked their socks off and managed to get 10 points in front, to then go and lose it when the other team sends out the black and white and tactical rides to get on top. I say who ever is that far in front has worked hard enough to win the race.If it is one of the top teams who have fallen behind then send out the top rider than the out come is usually always the same the losing team wins the day. Lets call it a day and see it come down to whoever dares wins. If we get Sky or not lets call an ensd to this stupid idea. You would not see a rugby team or a footbal team if they where winning 5 nil have to take half the team off to give the other team a chance to pull back. Can anyone tell me when the last time was or if it has even happened that a team won by 75 to 15. It must have happened at some time, in speedways long distant past.
  5. Can't see why they are messing about. I think it is time now to let everyone know one way or another if we are having speedway or should I say Elite League speedway on our screens in 2014.
  6. Looks like 2014 could be interesting. I say give them a chance to prove what they are made off I think we could be in for a few present surprises.
  7. Let us wait until the last two names come forward. But so far we have the makings of a fairly strong team. Not sure who will be named No.1 yet, or are they still waiting to fill that place. There are still some good riders left out there. But not many more points left if they chose a top name to fill that slot, it would leave very little to play with for the last place. Time only will time. We may not win the League but will will sure put up a good fight. Some good lads in there and I don't think they hang back, they are the sort that will give their all.
  8. Must say that The Lions Stadium looks pretty good on the video of Tai Woffinden Versus Range Rover Sport (autocar) From the looks of things he soon came to grips with riding around BP. He even manages to overtake a range Rover too.
  9. Saw a picture of him the other day and with all the tats around his neck it makes him look like it has disappeared. Makes him look like a very small gremlin. I bet his old man would kick his butt from here to next week if that was possible. What ever came over him if he liked art work so much he should have saved it for his van or bike. For all the tats he still does speedway in this country a world of good. We need more riders like him to make British speedway a thing to look up to again
  10. Marcus all I can say is get well soon. You do a great job. Have a Merry Christmas and come back fighting fit in 2014. Best Wishes all of you. You do your all to help future speedway stars.
  11. 2 down 3 to go. What has happened so far looks very good for the Lions set up for next year. Should not be long I shouldn't think before we hear the other 3 signings. Just hope they are as good. Then the Lions will have a really good chance in the EL.
  12. BTC Thank you for that. At least it will not be dug up again. I think that the Lions will do well in this League. With a decent team, they will stand a good chance of success Given time the 2 reserve should make it with the help they get. I don't think that for one minute that this has not been rushed through. What has happened at Leicester in the short space of time that they have been racing again is a tribute to everyone that was invoked in getting speedway back to the city. Looking forward to 2014, as I hope all Lions fans are.
  13. There is only one complaint I have about the stadium and that is the siting of the shop. Who ever dreamed up the idea of putting it out of the way and right in front of the toilets. It should have been put at the side of the gate as you you come in. But then again I suppose, that during the night everyone must go past it in a time of need. Not coming from Leicester can anyone tell me what was there before the stadium was built. Was it a quarry or a tip. Because like lots of other stadiums there is always the worry that the owner of the land, will one day find someone who has the cash to buy it and kick you off. After the great work that has been done there at BP it would be a kin to a horror movie to have done all that to lose it and find that again the Lions where without a home. Not that I could ever see that happening as it is a great location. The area around the stadium is a pleasure to see.
  14. I like the Lions. Nice stadium and always a friendly smile from the supporters club helpers. What would we do without them. Can't complain if I come on a off day it is easy to access in my wheelchair, with a section at the start line for people in wheelchairs, Anyone thinking of turning up for the first time you will be made most welcome. Now all we need is another 4 signings like the one announced today and the Lions are ready to hit the track, and not disappoint us as make us look silly. Best of luck for 2014. Let the Lions Roar.
  15. Nice to see Doyle in the frame for the Lions and I personally think the 2 reserves need to be given a chance, may not come true in the first few races but given time I think they will be able to make the grade, with the help of the other team members. Tom if you are thinking of coming to the the Lions in 2014 you want go wrong always a good crowd and the supporters club helpers do a great job. I can say that I have never seen to many unhappy faces in the stands and you will find that you will be made most welcome. I for one enjoyed the racing they had some bad ones but not all of them. But still a team worth supporting. They have done a great job in 4 years to get back in to top flight racing. It would be great to see them finish in the 8th or 9th spot of even higher still in a first year in the top flight. Good Luck to them in the coming year.
  16. The big difference with a speedway rider and a footballer is that a footballer get paid a wage by his club. The speedway rider is self employed and has to make his earnings in a different way. If he needs to ride for 3 different clubs that is up to him alone to decide. So any promoter that wants his services if he is good enough will take that ride offered to him. But as someone has said it makes a bit of a mockery when a top Elite League rider goes down to the Premier League to race. That League should be used for young riders that have now got better than riding in The National League. It must rule out quite a number of places in the Premier League with Elite League rider claiming those places. If they wish to ride more races then they should go to clubs abroad, or race for another Elite League club that are looking for a replacement due to injuries.
  17. Well said 1 valve. I would like to see the teams 1-5 though hope it is worth the wait. Can't see the Lions going into the EL with no chance of wining any matches. If that was the case then it would have been a pointless exercise moving up a league, just to prove you had not got it in you yo do the job in hand. I am sure the wait will be well worth it and they manage to put a half decent team together.
  18. Leicester Lions have had an airfence in operation from the day they restarted. The lions supporter club there run a raffle at every meeting there and give a lump sum in cash to the winner. The money left over is given to the club to what ever they wish to do with it. I don't see or hear anyone there moan about this and it always sells a lot of tickets. The cash sum to the winner is usually over the £100 mark so gives some incentive. This could easily be done at all the tracks to help with club funds. Speedway will never make any of the promoters millionaires. It is just not a big money making sport to most of the clubs and is there for our entertainment. So what if they ask us to give £1 or 2 a meeting if it means we still have a sport that we love still there for our enjoyment. To many clubs are just scraping by in the climate as it is nowadays financially. Some of the young riders who ride in the lower leagues are doing it for the love of it and all the money they have either from any winnings or from the jobs they do to get their love of the sport alive is spent on upkeep to their machines. Come on be kind to them or our sport will die. The young riders can't help the club out that much if they could they would. But they would end up doing cycle speedway, as they would have no bikes to ride once a major problem hit them like a blown engine. Get the airfences installed and help keep those riders safe of safer than they are without them. There are far to many nasty injuries
  19. It is such a shame if Sky has taken out a new contract that they where soon going to unveil. If I was in their shoe's I would be well and truly peeved by now. That some naughty spoiled little boy, has blathered off to the press before anything has been announced. Either by Sky tv or the BSPA. You would think by now that people would learn to keep their gobs shut until after the event. Sky must be spitting feathers, they could even withdraw the offer and say now get someone else to do it for you. It is people like this who are out only to line their own pockets with no thought what so ever of the damage they are doing to the sport. Other than making complete fools of themselves. Even if you say black is black to a journalist, he will still say that it was white. Better to keep quite and let things run the proper course.
  20. Me thinks Jenga is not a very nice speedway suporter. Which ever team he supports they are very welcome to him. And yes we will make ourselves very much at home in the EL. If we end up the bottom of the leauge which I don't think we will at least the Lions will do thier best and give it a damn good try. Don't piddle about with Lions supports, they can get very nasty and have sharp claws.
  21. I just hope that all this dithering around chosing the team for 2014 is well worth the wait. Good luck to the 2 reserves, hope the other guys in the team give them all the help that they will need. Just maybe, we will see some prgress in all these youngsters that will be riding in the New Elite Leage. I just hope that the fans get behind them and help them to settle in to thier new homes and not slag them off, from race one. These lads are the future of British Speedway. With a bit of help from other setting up thier nachines and leaning more about racing lines from them it may turn out to be a good season, or then again if they are just put there whith no help then it may just be a big belly flop. I hope it is the first case.
  22. Also looked at Bournmouth Echo and can't find anything on there either. Unless they have taken it off the website.
  23. I wish both of the lads all the best. At least they have had a nice welcome to the Lions by the management, with the wish that in time they will both be able to improve. More than I can say the moans and groans that are coming from Poole because MR Ford don't like one of the reserves they have given him. But what can you expect. Also it looks like we should soon hear who we are getting to make up the team hope it is worth the wait. Or we will be ending up calling on the services of Mark Loram, Peter Collins. The Boocock Brothers and Gary Havelock, that would have made a good team if it could ever have happened. They must know by now who they have in the pipeline, just hope that they are a team, that will be competative for the Elite League. For whom the Bell Tolls, Time will only tell. Just hope it is announced very soon, the waiting is killing me.
  24. Surely if the BPSA have already told which team they are going to that is the end of the story. Or you are going to be breaking the rules that they have already set up with these reserve riders. If a team are not happy with who they have then it is up to the BPSA to sort it out for them not allow the team promoter manager etc decied they don't like what they have got and tell them in no uncertain terms that I thinlk you will be below the standard of the rider we need to win win the league and that is all that this is about. No give the lads a chance to prove themselves. Don't like you don't want you in my team I will chose myself who I want. That could go for every team. I am glad to see when I read Leicester Lions webpage that they are glad to welcome both of the lads. One fairly good the other an up and coming talent. But no problems with them they have both been made welcome and they where wished the best and with the hope that they can improve. Shame all the other teams or is it just one that is not a happy bunny.
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