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Everything posted by weatherwatcher

  1. Soory slip of the finger when typing his name. Thought he was a resturant. Deep fried Tia speedway noodles
  2. I am a Leicester fan and so glad that they made it back. But there are so many negative Lions fans on this forum it is a wonder that they still have a fan base. I feel so sorry for The bees and do hope that this mess gets sorted out for them to have a team to follow. As stated eirkier so many stadiums have been lost. I used to go to Weymouth stadium when we went on holiday down there, they lost thier stadium when it was sold for housing and are still struggling to find a new haome. I e-mail the website the other day and they wouldn't even say what was happening only that things where in the pipeline in the next few years, when will that happen though. We don't need to keep losing clubs, through the sale of our stadiums for redevelopment. But I supose it all boils down to money, get the site sold with planning permission for housing and then they are laughing all the way to the bank, with no more spending money on a stadium. The Lions have been one of the lucky ones to make it back again. Just hope we stay there. With more support and far fewer moans.
  3. I shall be there and I think we shall see some good racing. The Lions are going to need all the suport they can get and less wining from the fans. This is a new era for them, and a very big step that they have taken. I just hope that with the side they have that they can do good but I have my doubts. But I will still be behind them. If they finish last so what as long as they have a good try. We need to get behind the team and give all all we can. Just Bye by the Bye, my Mum died 3 years ago. So it has no meaning to me now only memories.
  4. If you are there tomorrow take a walk up onto the banking on turns 1-2 and you can see where the track has been moved in by around 2 feet and the drains have been moved in the centre.Looking forward to tomorrow just to see how the team perform. Hope they have had enough time to pratice around BP, Because they will need it, to be sure. Has Doyle even riden around BP since he flew over, so he has some idea of what to do with the bikes setups. It has 2 ways to go but good or bad it will be nice to see what the Lions can do in this league. Even if it is watered down from other years. I think they could do quite well against Wolves. Only Tia will be a big thorn in the Lions side I can't see him losing many races and he has already had a few laps here. Even if it was against a Range Rover.
  5. I am not getting on at the reserve riders other than I think most of them are in this above thier heads. It is to much of a leap for them for the first year to expect them to ride and win races or lose races at the expense of thier teams. I shall be there on Sunday and hope to see some good racing. I am there to support the Lions be they top 5 or the two reserves. I just hope that they do well,as I said I think they will find it really hard if they are weekly losing races. Will the promoters stick with them long enough if they are failing to make the grade. Someone has already said this could break some of these riders, not only from the fact that it will not do thier confidence much good but it will also break thier hearts. Lets give all the reserves a chance and see how it goes for them. The first month or so will be a hard up hill strugle for so, I just hope they make the grade in the end. Or we will be seeing riders chaning teams or going back to the NL. That is not what we want. We need to bring these riders on for the future of British speedway, they are going to need all the help they can get from the promoters the other riders but most of all from the support of thye fans. Lets no slate them if they fail to win the first few meeting. I am sure with a little help and encouragement, they will make it this new form of racing for them. Can't wait for Sunday.
  6. Not sure how the track is going to race this season, went to see the team practice. From what I could see there have been some track changes made over the winter, it looked to me that the turns1-2 and 3-4 had bee moved about a foot or so into the central area, but that was just me looking at the track, noone has said anything that the track has been altered as far as I know. We will have to wait and see what Sunday night brings forth. I can see some close racing, not to sure about Max Clegg, just hope that he has been working on his gateing, has he was terrible in practice. The rest of the riders would have been round turn 2 before he even left the start
  7. A lot of reserves in the last few years in the EL have been a joke. Not sure if what we have this year is any better. The standards of the young riders are so far apart. That most of the teams in the EL are put in a position with the riders they have will stand no chace of doing well this year. The point I made was to say that if the young riders the teams have been given are not up to a standard that will allow a team to be competative and show no chance of improving as the year goes on because they are not skilled enough and should never have been sent to the clubs to start with, why should it put the teams chances of winning the league just because the 2 reserves let them down week in week out. There was not enough thought put into this before it was put into operation. Can't wait to see what our 2 reserves can manage on Sunday, to be honest, not much, thinks I
  8. I know this is not about Leicester. But I think it would have been far better to have put the young reserves into the PL for the first year at least. I know they are trying to bring young riders on, but this is more about finances at the end of the day. Some of these lads would even struggle to geta win at reserve in the PL. I know they are riding againt other lads from the NL but the standard of the riders that have been given a reserve palcing a far apart, that quite a few of them could easily make it to PL level as reserve anyway. Surely world speedway is not in such a terrible state that they can't fill places for 70 competative riders to make up the EL. To me Elite meens something special not a farse. It is the same with the PL is there any need for EL riders to go down to the PL to make up the numbers. I know they do it to earn the extra cash. But it make a mokery of the leagues when they are flitting from league to league. I think we would have brought young riders on far better if the leagues where actually used as they should be a stepping stone to the next higher league. As for the Lions, I can't see them making much of an impresion on the EL this year, it needed a stronger No.1. But I supose this all boils down to money again. Not sure ifthe promoters where in a situation where they could have brought in one of the worlds top 10 riders to fill that slot. Hope we do well, not sure though if they can do it.
  9. Well spoken. I can see quite a few riders in the reserve positions being made to feel very uncomfortable within thier teams if they are week in week out losing races and costing the team valuable points. I think some will be gone before the end of the season, if they are made to feel like they are letting down the side. The reserve points should never have been made part of the teams scores. It should have been the points of the first 5 riders that went to making the teams point score, with the reserve point a seperate issue. But it is to late now, unless the promoter decide, that is doing the teams league postion in jepardy. It makes me wonder what are leagues have now become. Ok the youngsters need the races at a higher level. We have the EL made up of top riders and PL and NL riders. The PL made up of PL, EL, and NL riders. The NL made up of NL and PL riders And the MDL made up of young riders and those who have failed to make a mark in the Nl. Racing was far more competative in the 60's and 70's. with far closer racing than we see at most meetings these days. Some of the riders in the EL over the past few years have been a joke, and have only come over here to make a bob or 2 but then find they can't make the step up and most of them go back to what ever country they came from never to be seen again. I just hope that this year works out. But I see a very hard time for the Lions this year, with 2 reserves who are well below the skill level of some of the other teams reserves. I think 1-5 may score well at home but not enough to make up from the loses of the 2 reserves. How long will they stay at BP for, if they fail to deliver the goods, at home and away on a weekly basis. Can't see Max Clegg getting there this year, not sure about . He has the makings of a good rider, but it depends if he can do it fast enough
  10. It is nice to see that things have finally been resolved and hopefully that the track can be made ready for Friday. I can't see why not, if the track team are as good as they say they are. But I just hope that they don't sit around for three years then sudenly find that the Bees have no home track. I should hope that by next year or the year after workwill be started on getting a new stadium ready for the 2017 season. It soon comes around
  11. Now to change the subject. After coming to watch the Lions practice the other week, I do hope that Max Clegg has spent a few or should I say a few days, fine tuning his starting. Was anyone there on the start line to watch him, it made me cringe. He hopped around 3 feet then 2 feet followed by another hop and jump, by which time the other 3 lads would be part way around bend 2. The one to impress me was Mads, after trying one or 2 things with his mechanics they at last got it right. He put together 3 or 4 good starts and gave his mechanic the nod who was standing on bend 2 and went round the track better than I have seen most riders tack to the track. Perry was also impresive. Can't wait until Sunday to see how it goes. Think Wolves will win but it will be good to see how the Lions perform on thier first meeting.
  12. A good question is. Why was the track not sorted out during the close season. The stadium looked in terrible state on the Sky pictures I saw on Sunday. It all looked very run down a bit like stadiums in the 70's. They have got a lot of work ahead of them to get the track racable for Friday. I they have the right people to do it maybe it is just possible. But there seems to be more behind this than is actually being said
  13. I have seen many races with riders half a lap or so behind.as Big Al says it is quite regular at BP
  14. This is how I was always told that the rules of speedway where applied. It must be me who was told wrong all those years ago by a top class speedway rider. Speedway has 2 very different standards. Team racing as in 2 riders per team trying to get first from the gate, hopefully both your teams riders and then working as a pair to stop the opposite teams pair of riders from getting past you. Something that most teams are incapable of. The other is individuale races where 4 riders go head to head, then try to overtake. With the standards of most riders, more so from this contry it seems they are usually trailing half a lap or more behind everyone else. I don't think the Lions have a strong enogh team to, be winning that many races , not at the start of the season anyway. Hope they can come together as a team as the season goes on, but it is going to be a long uphill struggle for them in this first season, in the EL. Doyle just dosn't seem to me to be a No.1 rider. They could have done with someone a bit stronger to lead the team. We will haqve to wait and see
  15. I personally think there are great big problems at Brandon. From the pictures when it was announced that the meeting had been cancled, it gave me a feaing of going back in time to some of the stadiums of the late 50 and early 60's. It seems to have lost it's way and now that they have been given 3 years to the close of the stadium. I think they would be better to make the move now. Even if it meens sharing a track until they are up and running with thier own stadium. It looked an absolute tip in the centre of the track. Not sure what they do there but it looked like a piece of waste ground. It is a sad thing to see, what with the report on the BPSA website from the Coventry promoter that until things get sorted out, there will be no home races at Brandon. There are quite a few stadium close by but would they let the Bee's race there, if not it looks like the Bee's will not be making a very good start to this season.
  16. It think it will be a case of 3 old song. Homewood bound and ticket to ride. They could also be leaving on a jet plane if the promoters can't stick with them for long.
  17. Still think you need to give these 2 young lads time. This was thier first ride even though it was against a PL side. They will need a few more races before they get it together. Shame though that it will be a no win no gain for the team if they do not produce the goods. It would have been better if they just learnt the ropes this first year and just scored the sides on the first 5 riders. Thier nerves must have been on a roller coster ride being as it was the first time they had riden in a meeting at BP. Lets give them a chance at least before we write them off. I sure that will be the case part way through the season if they don't show what they can do, bags backed and away they go back to the lower depths of NL.
  18. So at long last we have got the team sorted. I think this could be a good year. Hope we get some top class racing at the BP. I for one could not give 2 hoots if I don't see 1 over taking maneuver all season as long as the racing is good. It would be nice to see the new team get it together and be able to be the best pairs on the track. 5-1s every heat, don't think that will happen, but I think this team if it get and works together well will pull a few suprises.
  19. I can see it years from now. F1 cars and speedway bikes with no engines that you have to pedal around the track and the spectators can't clap or shout in case the can be heard from 10 miles away by the banker that brought his house in the country who complained about the cockrels crowing and the farm near him. What a sad old world we live in now. I can remember the days at the old Long Eaton track with so much noise it made your teeth rattle, and yes it was near houses and no one even bothered to complain in those days. Has something gone wrong with peoples hearing or are we just a load of wingers and moaners. I for one don't come into that bunch of idiots.We should all enjoy our sports and encourage people to be involed in them, that way it stops them moaning about kids sitting about on street corners doing nothing but they can't because they all moaned so much that all sports where stopped and all animals where destroyed and all motor vehicles where scapped to cut down on noise levels. You can't talk in public because it will be above the level of noise allowed. Just forget it and let us get on with our lives how we used to do. We should all enjoy our lives and live them to the full. If you don't like the noise then move somewhere else. Let us enoy our speedway and you can all go and bury yourselves in a big hole in the ground for all I care.
  20. Like the looks of Mads too also Tom Perry he seemed to love the track, he was giving it its best and managed to spay the grandstand with shale. The others seemed to be getting it together better after they had spent a bit of time playing with thier setting. Thinks it may be a good year and a team that will get better as the season roles on. Can't wait to see how they go on race night. Not sure but it looked like turns 1/2 had been extented by about a foot or so. Didn't go to 3/4 so can't say about that end of the track, but the straights look far shorter than last year. You can see where the drains have been moved on turns 1/3, anyone else notice this.
  21. I think the same I think the team if they get enough time to practice around BP will give a few suprises not to sure of what they will do away we will have to wait and see. I think the 2 reserves will do quite well there are worse out there than the two we have. Not sure if they are experenced enough when it comes to some of the away tracks but it should have the makings of a good team if they can jell together. When I ask the riders on Saturday it will be with the hope of getting an honest answer from them. Why oh why if they can't come to grips with racing at BP mean that if they open thier mouths that they will all be gone before the season starts. The riders may just be the guys to make things happen if they themselves think the track is rubish and band together. But I don't think this will be the case. A good rider has to adapt to all sorts of tracks, shape, size, length, tight bends and anything else that the tracks throw at them. That is what makes a good rider, not people on here winging and wining. How many of you have been on a speedway bike around BP, if you have then you have a better idea of the track than most people. Lets see how the eason goes I think for one It will be good. But I am a loyal Lions fan and enjoy my speedway and don't go just to see people overtaking as I think that is what half the wining is about. Speedway is about rider skill. If you want overtaking go to Donnington Park to watch the Bike racing there as you are following the wrong sport. Or go to the grass track metting in August, it will not cost you a penny as it is free to get in. Hope you all enjoy this year at BP in the Elite League as I think you will miss some good racing if you fail to turn up.
  22. I shall be at practice day on Saturday. I am going to go and ask the riders what they personally think of the track. As they are the ones who have to race it week in week out at our home meetings. If these 7 lads can get to grips with BP and find the right lines and all I hope are good off the tapes then we should be in for some good racing at the Lions this year. I think this team can come up with a few suprises. Can't wait to see what they think of the track.
  23. qI enjoy my speedway. And enjoy going to see the Lions .Speedway is a sport of skill or so I was always told. It is made up of a team and 2 riders go out on the track to ride as a pair. The aim is to win a race and to race as a pair, to stop other riders from overtaking you. Get away first and second from the gate and stay there. I you want to watch overtaking all the time then you are watching the wrong sport and should change to watching super bikes. I get more from watching a pair of good riders win a heat by riding as a pair than if every lap they where overtaking each other like clockwork mice on a toy train track. Get to know what the sport is about and when you see a couple of true craftsmen race a heat. Then you will see a far greater amount of good races. I do, and have been doing so for a very long time and still love my speedway. Lets support our team and don't let us see the Lions be lost from speedway again. They where away for far to long last time around.
  24. Same here when I get a bag of buttons for the grandkids that used to be a tanner and now they are half a quid a packet. That dosen't boil down to infaltion to me jst sheer greed on the manifacters part. As you say I can remember the Daily Scetch at 3d. Not sure what a paper cost now as I stopped buying them. Save the forests.
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