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Everything posted by weatherwatcher

  1. Can any of the Bees supports tell me what is the significance of the rutine that Bomber goes through at the start of his races, I found it even better watching him live tonight at Leicester. Play with the engine hand on left hip hand on helmet. Touch clutch and trottle cables and then slap his right arm if it got it the right way around. I know he does it 3 times I think. But what made him start it and what does it mean to him. Answers soon I hope
  2. Good meeting. Even if the LIONS lost. Some very good racing. Maybe not that many passes. But I don't go to speedway to see how many pases there are just to watch some good racing and we got it tonight. If we had a decent team to back up Jason Doyle. The lions would be winning far more races than they are now.
  3. 10pt loss for the Lions. We could do with another 6 riders of Jason calibre. He went like a bat out of hell tonight. Mads was well of the pace so was Stead. Shame about Perry locking up that lost us 2 points in that heat. The rest of them was really History. All that I said a Bomber I take back he looked in good form tonight. Seemed to be back with it again after a spell being lost in the woods. Close drawn thing for the first few heats then the Bees just came on to strong. Hope the money that was raise for Young Max Clegg helps him to build a couple of decent Engines, he really needs to up his game now. The rest of the Lions just don;t seem strong enough to me, they need a couple of better riders to go with Jason to make them look good this year. We may see a few changes before this season ids finished.
  4. It should be a great night at both Meetings. Can't get there tonight as I don't do sports on Good Friday. Will be at BP Saturday, the Lions could just get thier second home win.
  5. I think he started to go down hill with the race against Bel Vue last season He only rode 2 races and it was hard to see how he even got a ride at all. They said he was suffering from a migrane. If that was the case he has had a awful lot of migrains since that night. I think he is finished in top class speedway, time to lower his sights of what he wants to achive. Better to be remembered as a winner and not a constant loser. 2 Years down the line and I see him as a team manager.
  6. I am afraid I can't even think of going to a meeting on Good Friday, it is just the way I was brought up. It has always been a very special day for me. Such a shame that people no longer see it as such. Just the same as Christmas. All they mean to most children these days are lots of Easter Eggs and Advent calendars.
  7. Did any Poole fans watch the world pairs on Eurosport. I must say I am not a fan of Darcy Ward but I felt really sorry for him. He was leading the race and Chris Holder was in 4th Holder managed to get past the 2 other riders and Darcy was waving his hands to Holder to get him to take the inside line as a true team pairing should ride in team pairs racing. Not sure if Holder has no knowladge of riding as a pair in a race but he just had no idea at all where to place himself on the track in the end Darcy just gave up and carried on on his own. This is something that I have noticed before that he struggles to be able to pair up with another rider, all he can do is blast around the track, either he wins or comes last, it is something he must work on if he wants to carry on as a good team rider and not just an idividual. There are not many good team riders left nowadays. There where some good rides by the Rusians, Swedes and Danes. But the Assie pairing have a long way to go. At least it showed that Darcy had a speedway brain, Pity Holder didn't get the meaning of what he was trying to do even if it was so obvious even a fish could have seen it. Chris Holder was terrible last night againts Coventry. I think even Kyle Newman could have given him a good run for his money. Shame that Kyle was earning peanuts compared to Holder
  8. I personally think and have thought so for the last 2 seasons that Chris has now passed his best he has been slowly going down hill. I think his days as a top speedway rider are mow over. He has been good in his time but that time is now passed. I would like to see him step down at the end of if not before the end of theis season and let us all remember him as the great rider he was. Maybe he would be better now going into a role as team manager. Soory Bomber. But we all have opinions.
  9. As a Lions fan I just hope that they can build on Saturday night win. If so then the Aces are going to be in for a tough night. If all goes well with the Lions I can see them taking a close win from this one. Finger and toes crossed, of corse.
  10. It is not a matter that if the Medic had no knowladge of speedway. I am sure as a medic he would have had enough knowladge of injuries from the work he undertakes on a daily or weekly basis. This is just saying that we have no faith at all in the medics that come to our speedway stadiums week in week out. Looking after the riders when they are injured
  11. I did say earlier that BP would catch the best of riders out. Well done to the Lions. More of this to come I hope.
  12. You would have thought that they would have been given a few pointers to at least make the racing sound good. It was worse than listening to the womens bowls from Eastbourne.
  13. To true. And no it was no wind up. Poole fans look at things as the only way. Nothing counts as long as they win at the end of the year.
  14. How come at the start of the season Holder said that there was no way that he was riding in This country this year as he need a break and time to heal and concentrate on this years GP. After Ward who rode like an absolute plonker in New Zealand, then crashes out and breaks his thumb. I have broken fingers and toes and carried on working in Heavy engineering all because I can't afford to take the time off work. Then because Holder, rode well in most of the races in the GP suddenly. Poole, send a little whoopy doo and he is suddendly going against all he said and riding in this country again. Sounds very strange to me.
  15. The New Zealand GP was something else. What I mean by that is the commentary. It was the worst I have ever listened to. Jason Crump was bad but the other idiot who ever he was should be sent to sweep the streets of New Zealand. Not sure if he could even do that.
  16. Sun has now come out but a cold blustery wind. So it will be very cold in the stadium tonight, so put you thermals on. BP is a track that you will either love or hate to ride. A few get to grips with it straight away where other just fail to come to learn it's lines. It is based more on some of the Polish tracks with much longer straights than any other British club. Kristof Kaprerzak loved it and rode it like it was his home track. But I have seen other top riders fail there. Iverson never really got to grips. Barker made a complete hash of riding there, so we will have to see what happens when the tapes go up.
  17. It looks like someone has been doing things that are right for them. They need all the help they can get from management and the other team mates. If all these young lads no matter what club they race for are given this help. We should start to see some progress, in the way they ride. Then in a couple of years time we may just have a few up and coming riders that will make The British team become one to be proud of again. It may take a while but with help it should work. After watching the GP on Saturday, it was heart breaking to watch our British lads get beaten Bomber Harris is never going to get back where he was I think, he may as well just call it a day in the GP's he was nowhere near the pace and to come away with 0 points it can't do his ego much good either.
  18. I do think that they will get it together as the season goes along. It is a new team and the first time that they have all riden BP as thier home track. Will see how things come together on Saturday. At least the 2 reserves seems to be getting a little better than they where. One young Max Clegg gets his getting better and Tom Perry starts to ride at home like he did in the practice meeting then they should soon be in amonst the points. Heres to the lads pulling off a win on Saturday. Nearly all the teams in the EL are in the same boat as the Lions as it is a new track to them all.
  19. Oh dear are we even going to win a match this year. The way things are going the Lions will just about be able to get a point out of this season. I just don't think we are strong enough to compete in this league the riders we have just havn't got enough depth. I hope I am wrong in the way I see things at the moment and that they will come on stronger as the weeks progress. But at the moment they just seem to be so far behind, the rest of the Elite League teams. What we have is nothing better than a PL team.
  20. I think the outcome will be pretty close. Not sure that the Lions have enough depth within the team, but I still support the Lions and hope that they can do well. I hope that the team can pull together over the next few races and start to gell as a team. Also that the riders in postions 1-5 do all thay can to help and support the 2 No. 6 and 7 riders. They are going to need all the support of the team to be able to come to grips with this new league. It was nice to see Partic talking to Max Clegg after the racing on Saturday and giving him some tips and his vast amount of knowlledge. They need the support of the team win or lose to give them some confidence. Lets hope that the Lions management are of the same mind
  21. It is a bad state of affairs when a 16 year old try to dictate to the BSPA. Have an eppy fit and say you don't want to ride for the British under 21's or the Full team all because they won't let you do what you want. It is time that he stood back and took a look at himself and realized that rules are rules even if you do think you are God
  22. What a poor show by the team manager. Just what I spoke of last week. If they don't get the points they will go. I would have been far better to have worded things a little different. I would have been far better to have given the 2 lads a bit of confidence. Saying that they had struggled the first 2 meetings, but this was an issue that The promoter,myself and the team are working on with the lads, to help them with any problems they. Not make it sound that if they do poorly next week then we will have to look at things in a new light. Naughty Naughty.
  23. This is what the lads need. Someone to look up to and someone that will openly give them advise. Must closer outcome than I thought it would be. They didn't win but at least they put up a decent show for thier first ride in the EL.
  24. It just shows how far British speedway has come over the years, that now we don't even bother to send a team to compete in the top pairs, is it that we no longer care, or is it we havn't got a good enough pair to send. I honestly thought that most of the team riding was very poor. With one rider, blasting off to the front, with his team mate stuggling to catch him up, 20 or so yards behind, with the other pair breathing down his neck. Ward tried his best to get Holder to ride the inside line but he seemed to be fighting a losing battle at times. Has the skill of true team riding gone out of the window. I think that British speedway needs to get its act together and lets hope that the new reserve pairings in the EL bring on some good riders in a year or so. Because we are so far behind the rest of the worlds riders now. That British riders are a joke. What ever happened. We had some of the best riders then it all started to turn pear shaped.
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