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Everything posted by weatherwatcher

  1. We have at last got what we have wished for for a long time. That is the track put to rights, still not sure if it is wide enough, to give the extra racing lines. We will have to wait and see. The best news is that Glyn is doing the work. He did a top job at the other end so it makes sense to get him back to do the other end. Question is has he got the job back as TC. Hope so he knows more about BP than anyone else, so he should be the one doing all the tractor racing.
  2. If they let these lower leagues go, it will be such a shame. The SCB are ranting on about all the traing the lads are getting and the meetings they arange. But beside the few days they get together then where else do they go to ride. It ok if your dad owns a farm and has a field to spare, that he has laid a shale track on for his lad or daughter to race on with his mates. But if the Likes of the MDL and the Long Eatons of this counrty, we will be back at square one again with no young riders coming through the ranks. I wish Long Eaton the best of luck, but they have been struggling along for many years trying to find a home to build a new track. That it now makes you wounder if it will ever happen for them again. The people who run this countries speedway should bow thier heads in shame for leaving these future riders with nowhere to ply thier trade. They where always tagged on after the meeting and it would be around 10.45pm to 11pm when it was all done, can't see why they didn't open the gates early and put them on at the start. I know I would have done.
  3. It is quite sad to see that Long Eaton, will not be riding at BP again. They had a hard time when they lost thier stadium and have been something like nomads since then. Not sure what happened to end them racing at BP.Just hope that one day soon they can find the land they need for thier own stadium. Not sure what happens to them now, have they got anywhere else to ride, anyone on here know. I used to cycle to Long Eaton, when just a lad to waych them there, never forget all the posters stuxk on the corrigated fence at the front, telling you about the next meeting. Could do with a few of them dotted about nowadays, to tell folks that the sport still exists. Great to here the twins are going to get some extra track timew many will stop and watch them after the meeting ends, not many sayed to watch Long Eaton, used to enjoy it to see the lads at the lowest level of the sport race.
  4. Auty rode well for the Lions last year and he is a great fan pleaser and exiting to watch. Just hope that he has a better season this year with no injuries. Glad he is back again. Shame if we don't get Woz back again he came on leaps and bounds in the 2 seasons he rode for us, the Poles should be ashamed with all the tactics they are employing. What will happen when the bubble bursts over there, they would be only to willing to send riders over here then just to get some track time. They can't keep paying the silly money they are paying out for riders now. That is if and when they pay them. It will come a time when the riders say enough is enough.
  5. If some of these young British lads had been given a chance of riding in the top flight ealier in thier careers, do you think that they could have become far better riders than they have ended up being. They are OK in the lower league but nothing better than riding at reserve berth. Shame really, just hope that the actually bring along some of the next brood of youngsters that are coming through now, for the sake of British speedway we are in dire need of some real decent talent. Not a bad start to the team, I hope the have some more to give us a bit more to chear us up.
  6. Lets keep Summers away from BP did not rate him at all last season. Good PL rider or should say champion rider, he has reach as far as he is going I think. He had great potentiol at the start but really failed to live up to it.
  7. The sport of speedway is not all about passing, that was really the idea of the sport. 2 riders get to the front and work as a team, it is a team sport not an individual one. I get more out of watching 2 very skilled riders doing this, but as it has already been said the bikes are just to fast for thier own good and the good of the sport. You get a rider go from the tapes, he has not got a care in the world about his mate, just as long as he crosses the line first to get the most money out of every race he is in. If he cared for once to look behind him, he could quite possibly help his team mate to get a second place and gain a few more 5-1s, instead of the 3 all we see far to often. I have wached some great team riding, and that is what it should be. Save all the honour and glory, for when they are riding in an individual meeting. With the changes this year, bar a few teams of are made the point that they are out to win the tittle, I think we will see some better meetings.
  8. Now that would be the icing on the cake if that is the case. DH walks away, without so much as turning a spade to all the other things that where talked about, that where going to happen around the stadium. I just hope that if they have taken over the whole shouting match, they they don't have to build all the football pitches etc. Must say I liked the bit about the grassed area, behing the dissabled parking, last time I looked it reminded me of a bombed out site, full of piles of rubble that DH had dumped plus a load of weeds. It would make far more sense to turn it into a carpark. Far better than the eyesore that greats you now when you walk up to the stadium.
  9. Glad to see that there are some very posative Bees supporters out there, who are willing to give this a chance. Hope I can make it to one of your meetings at BP. The Lions get my first choice, but I am sure to try and get there to meet a few of you. If I do I will let you know who to look out for and where. I am not that hard to find really, more so than most folk.
  10. I hope that before long Buster can at long last put his feet up and take a well earned rest, because what he has done and is still doing must be a huge strain on anyone and thier family. Take care mate and I hope that well deserved break comes along soon.
  11. I am not at all surprised at this outcome. When they had the talk in with Buster, he sort of dropped the hint that if the right person came forward to take over the club, if that person was right, then he would gladly hand over the reigns. Looks like it has happened sooner rather than latter. Not a bad move on Leicesters behalf. Now we just need to see tthe team.
  12. The view of of track from anywhere in the stadium at BP is second to none. No matter where you stand you have a great view of the track. I am stuck in a wheelchair, even I can see no matter where I sit. They even have a dedicated area between the 2 stands for people in wheelchairs, great view, if you don't mind being hit by the shale, but at least there is plenty of shale on the track, I just hope that before the racing starts that the work need on bends 1/2 gets done, it would be a shame to not get it finished. Ok the facilities are a bit lacking, can't for the life of me see when you had a open book to work with, they ended up doing the bare minimum, and sqeezing the stadium into so small a space. I am sure they could have got the council to have given them a few more yards behind where the stands are. Hope to see the Bees fans on the treraces come the start of the season. I can now choose between 2 clubs to follow, just for a short time until you return home, which I think you will.
  13. It is great news that the Bees are up and running again, after losing speedway for 20 years in Leicester, the best thing to happen was when we got it back again at BP. Then DH put us in the EL and tried to put together a team for 3 years of nothing better than NL riders bar Jason Doyle, even he got fed up in the end of have no riders to back him up. Then towards the end of last season, things started to look glumb to say the least and it looked like the Lions would close yet again, but thanks to a lot of work behind the scenes, we have been given another life line. It is not the best circumstances to ask the Bees fans to support thier team in another stadium, it is not that it is a million miles away from Brandon, from the way things look, Brandon will be up and running in the early part of the seaon, maybe after 4 or 5 meeting, but if the fans say sod it I am not going to watch my team anywhere but Brandon, then all the hard work that has been done to save the club will be for nothing. If the fans stay away, then who ever is running the show, will take a second look at things and not even bother putting the stadium to rights again. So it goes like this no fans turning out to watch thier team, even if it means they are 15 minutes late, that that will be the last we will see of the Bees. Don't let it happen, please give them the support they need. It is horrid to lose your club, seen it happen to me twice.
  14. How on earth can anyone say that they will no longer go and watch the Lions, because they have been kind enough to offer the use of the stadium, so that the Bees can continue to race this season. All I can say they have done a very great proud service to save another historic speedway club from joing all those that have gone before, we have lost far to many great clubs over the years. Don't be so small minded and get behind your team. So much has been done to get things this far. I know we have moaned and groaned about being kept poorly informed. But at least we go to the tapes again and hopefully the Bees will be back at Brandon before to long. Not only do the Bees need saving, but also Brandon Stadium, it will give them time to bring so much need work to the stadium infastructre while they are at it. Looking forward to the coming season, I personally think we will be in for so good racing. Just hope that they give the fans a Lions team to do them proud for once, because the last 3 years have been a complete and utter farce. Trying to run in the EL with a NL team.
  15. Now the very worst thing that can happen to the Lions, is if DH has somehow managed to smooth things over with the BPSA. Buster is looking for a new promoter, in steps DH, he is happy again, and nothing changes, we get the same manager, the same rubbish team. If that happens then the Lions are as well as dead. This whole issue is now taking far to long, it should have been sorted out weeks ago. The same with the Bees and Belle Vue either they are going to race or not. This is no way to run a business that relies solely on getting people through those gate on a race night. They are not doing anything to help that happen.
  16. Someone on the Lions thread knows something that is going on but will not say anything. What ever it is it doe's not sound good for either of our teams. Take a look.
  17. Don't think we will hear anything until the Bee's have been sorted out one way or the other. If they fail to come to the tapes, then there are 7 riders that are contracted to the BPSA. No doubt most of them would be offered a place with the Lions. They have said they will make an announcement today so fingers and toes crossed. This has got to be the worst close season the sport has had. Lets hope it is the last. Not the last season but the season, that we will all want to forget.
  18. So today's the day the teddy bears have thier picnick. Can't wait to see if it actually happens this time. How many times have they promissed an outcome. Lost count. We can ill afford to any more clubs. At any level of the sport, even more so the like of a team like the Bees. Thay have been buzzing around forever. Lets hope today produces so very good honey. If not honey some sweet words would go a long way to making a lot of fans happy.
  19. One good question. The Bees where promised a new stadium before Brandon closed. So what happen to that little venture. We keep hearing from both councils that there is now land available to build a new stadium, I am sure that out there in both Coventry and Rugby, there must be numerous brown field sites lying vacant derilect and un-used for year, so why can't they use one of these. Not in the right place I presume, there has got to be load of sites like these well away from housing, that could be used. Come on Bees fans bombard the councils with e-mails asking them what the hell is going on out there. Ask them if they have evn looked into the fact there is land out there standing idle instead of sitting in a nice warm office, if they race at Brandon this year, then what happens next year, a new stadium is the only answer. The best way forward is one owned by the Bees fans. Anybody got a big back garden going to waste.
  20. Looking at the fixture list on the SCB website. It shows the Lions having a very mixed bag of race nights,every day of the week it seems with a few Friday and Saturdays thrown in for good luck. Is this an actual fixture list as it shows the Bees coming to the tapes, or is it just an intim one that will be changed, when everything has been done and dusted. So far we have no clue to the acual race night, or if we even have any riders yet. With less than 7 week to the big opening day of the season, this is very poor. How much longer before all the news on the clubs is actually told, we are still not sure about the Bees or Belle Vue, and things are still looking a bit strange at BP. Be much happier when they announce a manager and a team, plus a race night. The Bees fans don't seem happy to coming and watching thier team at BP, surely if they do come and race here, you would think they would want to come and support thier team. Make as much noise as they can, about getting a new track built, not having to listen to all the rubbish they have had to listen to since 2010. But real posative words from both promoter and the local councils, there must be land around there that can be suitalble to build a stadium on, get out there do as much as you can to make thier lives hell, until they get that fed up with you, that they dow down and give you the land and organise someone with reall interests in the Bees to help sort out how to get the money to get things started, don't wait the 20 years it took the Lions to come back, keep at them until it happens and make sure it happens sooner than latter. But most of all it will depend on the fans still supporting the club. If the fans can't be bothered to come and see thier team, then I think that, that will be the nail in the coffin for the Bees. A club with such long standing in our Bristish speedway deserves to be here for as long as speedway keeps going in this country. if nothing is done, that will be one great club less and many more will follow. Until we are back to the days of a few lads turning out on a Saturday afternoon, in a farmers field to just have some fun on a speedway bike. Because there will be no staudiums left standing at this rate. It is up to us the fans to stop this from happening. The only way that can happen is if we are out there giving them the support they need. So where ever the Bees the Bees are going to race this coming season, they need you, if you fail to turn out in force and make a lot of noise, to the powers that be, then I am afraid that this will be thier last year, don't let it happen.
  21. It a case with Both clubs. The Bees don't know if they will be coming to thr tapes or even have a stadium to race in. The Lions have been saved, but any information, about a manager, riders etc are a long time coming, it is weeks since the lat statement or the club website. The BPSA want to get more fans watching the sport, can't see that happening with all the shananigans that are going on at the moment. 2 clubs still in doubt the Bees and the Aces, with fans at BP still not knowing what is going on behind the scenes. I for one hope that we see the first meeting at BP. Between the Bees and the Lions. It has always started the season for the last couple of years and with an awful lot of luck at will happen again this year. Why dont they get all the said parties down at Brandon together. Sort the whole dam mess out. Sort the track out and stop stitting dummy's all over the place. Time they strted to grow up.
  22. I don't think in the next few years that any club that races on a weekend will have any great problems. We have seen the sport being slowly watered dowm. Not many teams out there now need to worry about the problems they had with riders rushing after meetings to get to Poland on a Sunday. I must say I have not looked at the make up of any of the teams, but every year the big names of the sport get less and less as the years go by. What a big change from the late 70's and the 80's when it was the place to be seen as a rider in the EL. Then they started getting greedy and wanted to expect money the promoters could not afford, quite a few clubs where nearly on the point of closing down. They the promoter said enough, you ride over here at the wages we can afford to pay you. The rest was history. Will be very interesting to see what happens in the next couple of years. Will speedway over here be teams made up of a majority of British riders. With some young first time overseas riders to make up the numbers. Be great to see all the clubs packed to the rafters so to speak, but they need to get the sport advertised and some big name sponsers. Even to get a fan base close to they used to be would be a welcome change from the poor crowds we see now. I think that Sky TV had to keep the cameras at ground level so they did not show the people who came to some meetings, it must have been very close to 100 at some meetings.
  23. Glyn. Sorry to see you go, you tried your best under hard circumstances. You was only allowed to do what you where told to do, with no amount of complaints from fans and also a number of riders, we all know if it had been your call you would have ripped the whole lot up and started from scratch. Best of luck for the future, just hope you can find another club that will use you to your full capacity as track curatoer. 5 years hard work, the time has gone so fast, just look where it all ended in those 5 years, from a grand opening to a depresing fall.
  24. Jonathon. It is a shame that so many people who put in so much effort to get speedway back up and running again in Leicester, where just pushed aside, with not a single word of thanks, by a person who only had his own ideals and dreams to be solely in chanrge of the club. If things had been done differently then the Lions may not have been in the mess they where in last year, you could see it going downhill for a long time. But he would not listen to anyone until it was far to late. I hope that now there is a new management team in place that the Lions can be a team worth reconing with. Can't wait to hear the full news on what happens with the Lions this season, who we have as manager, I know we have heard rummors but you still have to see it in print. Plus will we get a eam of 7 riders that can go out there and do the business. Making the fans proud at long last to say they follow the Lions.
  25. Second that. Time for him to get his toolbox cleaned.
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