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Ned Kelly 41

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Everything posted by Ned Kelly 41

  1. Don't think so -- he's officially an EU 'citizen' isn't he?
  2. You are confusing the time of signing over the time of announcement. You are also overly-concerned about Jorgensen. If you had been at Sheffield for the KO Cup match, you'd be delighted by his recruitment. Finally, whatever the outcome of the BSPA's delay in confirming the 5 or 7 situation, Jake Allen's form in the Under 21 meeting today (beating both winner and runner-up in the heats, only to be harshly disqualified in final) has proved that Berwick have a good eye, or a good spy, in picking prospects now.
  3. From here, I think Berwick's announcement of the VIP Club is sound business sense. That the Bandits run at a loss, propped-up financially by their directors, is well known -- they have this in common with virtually every other speedway in Britain. Their direct fund-raisers this term -- associate sponsorships, and now the VIP scheme and other direct-income streams -- must be absolutely necessary as they move into their 48th season, not least without a main sponsor as yet. Without ideas like the VIP Club, the prospect of there not being a 49th season must be very, very real. Our friend Screm posted yesterday that it is a voluntary matter, if supporters want to join it they can, if not they don't have to. Which is absolutely correct. Without enough funding to maintain the budget, the club will die, and if ideas such as the VIP Club are being planned by the promotion, then full marks to them for seeking every avenue to keep it alive.
  4. Isn't it the case that riders are this year prevented from riding in three leagues? If so, Adam Ellis is a no-go, quite apart from the ridiculous travel schedule signing for Berwick would impose. Move on. Far, far too many Saturdays.. Good equipment, but unproven in UK competition.
  5. BSPA website (British Speedway Official Website) lists "2015 line-ups" and tonight -- right now -- shows Berwick's line-up so far as Barker, Doolan, Vissing, Jorgensen, Edberg and Allen. Which appears to indicate the average question is not yet settled.
  6. Rule 16.2.1 confirms applicable matches as Premier League: League Cup mini-League Meetings & regular League Meetings and 16.2.9 confirms the number of fixtures An EL or PL Rider starting the season with an Assessed MA will have a new Established MA upon completing 4 Home and 4 Away fixtures, which becomes effective 7 days after the last qualifying Meeting. Should an Established MA not be achieved in order to be effective from 1st May, then the MC may issue a revised MA, based upon actual rides if the Team redeclares.
  7. Berwick's e-Newsletter is the best example I've seen of a British club getting the best out of electronic media.
  8. Arthur Sissis has sailed through qualifiers to compete in this evening's (In Adelaide) South Australian Championship. Main meeting about to get going now.
  9. The official news will be announced tomorrow morning at Ashfield. Hope Gordon (and therefore, by association Alan Biggart) do get some return on their investments when they bought into the club. It looks as though Gordon is negotiating to sell the company to people who are associated with Allied Vehicles, but not using the company chequebook. However, as he makes pretty clear, the sale has not yet been effected.
  10. Somebody raised the point, perhaps on another thread, that the 7.00 which newcomers had to aspire to in the past included their bonus points. Now these are no longer included in a rider's CMA, it is simply ridiculous to demand a young rider has to achieve the same figure.
  11. Well, they're taking one hell of a gamble....
  12. Berwick are paying a price for having loan riders, who can be withdrawn by the parent club. Kus is gone, and Peterborough can do the same with Vissing. Which makes the signing of Jake Allen, be it on 5 or 7 all-the-more important.
  13. Yeah, but he only won two of these five races, the 14 points included a black-and-white race win. Stats can be deceiving!
  14. Why can't he ride in Australian Title series? The qualification meeting is on Friday, January 2nd at Gillman, he'd certainly be able to contest that, and if he's still good enough, go into the Series the next night.
  15. Well, there are people who always buy them, and others who buy them for family Christmas presents and the like. Regardless of the final line-up, these people will want to know prices, and various deals on offer. Berwick will be running, their full season tickets at £199 are fantastic value when you look at ALL the other PL clubs' deals. What must be considered is that the strength, and announcement of the line-up must be dependant on their engaging with sponsorship. Both a main sponsor and the full battery of associate sponsors the club's promotion have announced will be required to create the budget they want to float.
  16. Well done Berwick, just got the e-mail newsletter: LET'S PARTY INSTEAD ! With todays meeting at Glasgow being rained off , we simply cannot end the season with nothing . So TODAY at Berwick Rugby Club you are all invited to come along to our End of Season get together. The event will start at 3pm going on until 6pm, With all the usual speeches and presentations taking place and of course the Bandits will be present too . Free Entry , all we ask is if people could kindly bring along a raffle prize & buy some raffle tickets . See you all at 3pm.
  17. October 2015 is when Aussie speedway goes big-time, with the final GP of the year at Melbourne on the 24th, and the World U-21 Team Cup Final up the road at Mildura on the 31st!
  18. Riders on both sides were equally unhappy about conditions and anyone on here claiming otherwise is speaking without knowledge or authority. The referee accepted advice from both sides and the home promotion before pulling the plug. Craig is an experienced FIM official who runs GP meetings and the like. Whatever (freak weather, inconsistent materials, whatever) has created the conditions which have cost Workington (and Rusty Harrison) so dearly of late, trying to put the blame on Berwick's riders is nonsense. Edinburgh are coming next week. Stand by!
  19. Alex Edberg? Riding for who? Poor old girl's been polishing the Border Trophy since 2000. She'd be glad to see the back of it!
  20. Reserves won't come into r/r equation, surely? Doolan, Vissing, Jensen and Bellego can all ride, as can Wethers if Anderson wants to use him instead of one of the above. But Wethers and Edberg should see off Jacobs and Lambert in any case, no?
  21. What's an "out and out Number 1" then? Gjedde? Lawson? Kennett? I'm convinced Newcastle would be in the play-offs if they hadn't sacrificed Rosen and Henry to bring in Danny King. Sheffield (Stead) and Plymouth (Barker) haven't exactly pulled up too many trees. Berwick got it right this year, very right. They would be crazy to build next year's team on any other policy, even if the names aren't all the same, the policy surely has to be?
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