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Everything posted by TwoMinuteWarning

  1. speedyguy, the reference to "40 year old Jack Cooley" came straight from the Dagenham Post of 19 Aug 1938, which I researched at Colindale a few years ago. Another historical error gets corrected - thanks!
  2. Why is Ryan Sullivan not riding for Australia again? Has he pulled out? He has tremendous form in Poland this year (CMA a fraction below 9), is 7th in the Polish ExtraLeague averages, behind Crump, but ahead of both Holder and Batchelor - and the race-off and final are in Poland.
  3. Full details at http://www.internationalspeedway.co.uk/wjtc11.htm
  4. I see that Vladimir Visvader rode for Slovakia at Zarnovica, though is listed as a Czech. But in the past he has represented Slovakia in both individual and team competitions. So, did he change his nationality to Czech? Or is he riding on a Czech licence? Can anyone help?
  5. Agree. For Cardiff this year, 3 different sources reported the crowd as being 44,150. By November it's become 45,000.
  6. All the official FIM attendance figures for every Grand Prix can be found at http://www.internationalspeedway.co.uk/extra9.htm
  7. as are Paul Coward (from Middlesbrough) and Robin Archer (Newcastle)
  8. I see that only 3 Finnish riders made it to Chervonograd yesterday for the semi-final of the European U-19 Team Championship. Any idea why? I assume Katajisto is still injured?
  9. I think you will also find that the rider finishing 3rd in a race when it's a 3-3 will not get paid for a bonus point if the 4th rider does not finish the race. Can anyone confirm that?
  10. I assume there was no 4-team international event after the Final, like there has been in recent years?
  11. This means that the Final at Rye House on 5 Sept will be Great Britain v Poland v Denmark v Sweden Australia are eliminated. http://www.internationalspeedway.co.uk/wjtc10.htm
  12. after 4 heats: Blue 4 wins Red 4 seconds So the gates are all nice and even then!
  13. f-s-p, could you tell me if these meetings are taking place? Thanks
  14. One of the 5 qualifiers was at Holsted, for the 4 Nordic countries only. Why can't GB be qiven a qualifying round for the British, Australian, New Zealand, and USA riders (i.e riders resident in GB) to be staged in the UK? (Although, given the number of young Oz riders here at the moment, maybe they should stage their own qualifier?) It would save a lot of travelling. And, hey, LB might even turn up!
  15. Esbjerg, Denmark, compete in the Danish Superleague. But they also have two teams in the 9-team Danish Division 2 league, one of which is "the Girls Team". They haven't won a match yet, but give them time. See: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.esbjergmotorsport.dk%2Fklub%2Findex.php%3F2_Division%3A2._Div_Piger_Truppen_2010&sl=da&tl=en or http://www.esbjergmotorsport.dk/klub/index.php?2_Division:2._Div_Piger_Truppen_2010 I don't ever remember an all-female team taking part in a recognised league before. Brian Collins http://www.internationalspeedway.co.uk/ P.S Back in 2001, Sabrina Bogh won the Danish Under-21 Championship
  16. Greg has given great service to the USA team over the years. If he concentrates on earning the money towards the end of his career, then so be it.
  17. From USA speedway group: Finland - 48 Slovenia - 47 USA - 30 (Fish 12, CK 11, Kenny 5, Tommy 2) Italy - 24 No Hancock for USA (required by Zielona Gora); No Manzares for USA (too young - under 17)
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