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Everything posted by TwoMinuteWarning

  1. What was FIM v. FIM-Europe now seems to be One Sport v. FIM & FIM-Europe!
  2. Are they really going to give a GP round AND the World Cup Final to Bydgoszcz? Correction - Gorzow GP is 16.08, not 14.08
  3. Have the BSPA decided whether to recognise the competition in 2014? Or will they pretend it doesn't exist?
  4. Today's local rag quotes Bob Dugard: "We will not lose less than £70,000 this year. Our average crowd this season is 770. That is the lowest I can ever remember it being. We need 1,100 to break even. When you take VAT out of it you are looking at a shortfall of £4,300 per meeting." Plenty of black clouds over Arlington right now.
  5. So it's civil war at the FIM, and the paying customers and the riders will be the victims. Next thing we know they'll be running both competitions on the same dates. Surely this is restraint of trade?
  6. Agreed, was that tedious or what? Sit through all that, and the commentators still weren't sure whether Vaculik was champion until the Final was run! Seems to me that, internationally and domestically, races are run on a timetable to suit the riders, and not the crowd or even the TV companies. Long gaps between races spoil any tension that might have been created (not that there was much of that at Rzeszow). I have little sympathy for promoters who whinge about diminishing crowds, most of them haven't dragged themselves into the 21st century. 22 races, each lasting little over a minute, in 3 and a half hours? That's not entertainment.
  7. Surely Torun must be suspended from the league? Whatever happens, they are very bad losers! No doubt it will cost them a small fortune in compensation to Zielona Gora for loss of income on their biggest match of the year. Man Utd have Wayne Rooney injured, and refuse to play! No, I don't think so ...
  8. The GoSpeed feed is mostly excellent quality (very occasional buffering), but then I have a 74mb/s broadband. You need to adjust the Med/ HD/ Auto onscreen control Who is the English language commentator? -edit : its David Rowe - interesting without the Pearson shouting (thankfully)
  9. Amazing how the rest of the world's major leagues struggle on without guest riders, and we can't do without them in the UK. They don't know what they're missing.
  10. I believe that Sweden already has a breakaway group? Svensk Speedway was due to operate on a couple of non-air fence tracks this season, independent of SVEMO, at Orebro and Karlstad. There is a Karlstad website at http://speedwayforalla.se/ (translation at http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fspeedwayforalla.se%2F&act=url)
  11. I think he proved his "loyalty" to his country by his comments after the World Cup, when he slagged off the team manager and his team mates. Whatever the situation, you just don't do that. Just my opinion
  12. Excellent coverage by Eurosport It shows that intelligent commentary - without childish screaming - works very well for our sport. Scott does an excellent job, and so probably would Kelvin, if you could separate him from NP. I'm beginning to like Steve Day (hope I got the name right) too.
  13. I am fed up of people moaning about the Eurosport Sky commentary team. The alternative is of course maybe these meetings not being televised
  14. Verdict after heat 8 : Racing ... very good Commentary ... Steve Day boring (OK as presenter, not as race commentator); Scott Nicholls good Cameras ... I thought they were supposed to have additional cameras? If so, where are they? Not even a camera in line with the start/finish line?
  15. Reading that numbers of Polish fans "boycotted" the World Cup because of Gollob withdrawing / being "rested" / throwing his toys out of the pram must be rather worrying for not just Polish speedway, but the FIM too. The guy is 42, for heavens sake, and can't turn on the "class act" whenever he feels like it anymore. He's even been toying with moto-cross events this year. Surely his fans are going to HAVE to accept that his retirement is just around the corner? Yes, he's put thousands of bums on seats over the years, but sadly the likes of Hampel, Janowski etc don't appear to have the same kind of cult following. No doubt the Polish league will weather the storm of Gollob's retirement, but I'm not sure that the same will apply to the crowd levels at GP's and the World Cup.
  16. I see that it has been reported (in both Speedway Star and Tygodnik Zuzlowy) that Joonas Kylmakorpi took part in the semi-final of the SWEDISH championship at Hallstavik on July 10, scoring 7 points. What's that all about? Is he riding on a Swedish licence?
  17. Do we have confirmation that Eurosport will show the WHOLE meeting, but delayed until 3.30pm? Or will they just join the meeting live at 3.30pm so that we miss half the meeting? Surprised that Czestochowa, one of the best-supported teams in Poland, or the PZM, doesn't have track covers. One up to the BSPA?
  18. Your original statement remains incorrect. After you amended it to reflect relevant earnings, then I agreed with you. Simple. KEEP CALM
  19. Average earnings of £2,000 a month in the UK dwarfs the typical wage of £635 in Poland. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209255/Polish-migrants-return-Britain-search-work-despite-UKs-struggling-economy.html#ixzz2YSvnhzl5
  20. Speedway is more expensive to watch in Poland than in the UK???????? Completely untrue. Price to watch Polish Extraleague matches is either 25 or 30 zlotys, £5 or £6 UK. PLEASE tell me which British EL track charges less than that? Crowds are down in Poland? Yes, they have had a recession too. Crowds down for Extraleague regular season matches from an average of 9,303 in 2008 to 7,442 in 2012. Still way ahead of other leagues for which figures are available.
  21. Worth remembering that both the Polish and Swedish leagues gave the double-point / joker / tactical ride a try and kicked it out after a season or two. Only used now in some MINOR leagues - Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, U.K ...
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