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Everything posted by TwoMinuteWarning

  1. Just as an update, I saw Rune Sormander at Nassjo Speedway, Sweden, on Saturday, looking very well at 84. He was selling copies of his autobiography (25 quid!). A Swedish post-war great, along with Olle Nygren. Rune said he was 3 days older than Olle, which disagrees with earlier information on this thread, but he was very difficult to talk to, as he speaks little English these days, so maybe I misunderstood.
  2. Starting gate invented 1933. Technology unchanged until now. Don't they have elastic bands in Sweden?
  3. Nice Bees team pic in centre-spread of today's Speedway Star. But I was amazed to see that Hans Andersen is both Swedish and 44 years old .... Never mind, you look well on it, Hans!
  4. Darcy is one of my favourite riders too, very exciting to watch. But I don't think "bad luck" completely accounts for the regular injuries that he has. He rides closer to "the edge" than most riders (e.g on another riders back wheel), as does Emil. Great to watch, but more susceptible to injury. Sometimes I think that air fences are a double-edged sword - safer, but they encourage riders to take more risks. Just my opinion.
  5. Live Swedish Elitserien on British Eurosport starts next Tuesday 6 May at 6pm - Dackarna v Indianerna
  6. I don't think the NJL is being secretive at all, it's just that the results are (mostly) all on the net anyway. The referee's official scorecharts, including full heat details, are normally posted on the SCB website on the morning following the match. This applies to most MDL meetings too. In fact, the Stockton v Castleford meeting on this thread, is also available (filed under Redcar). Have to admit I haven't found the Northside scoresheet though! Just go to http://www.scbgb.co.uk/download_results_2014.asp
  7. Konopka in Poland 2013 : 3 matches for Lodz (Div.1) - 3 pts from 10 rides 4 matches for Krosno (Div.2) - 12pts + 4 bonus from 14 rides He is 21 (born 12th Nov 1992) Now returning after suffering a spinal injury in July 2013
  8. Felt real sorry for Sam, he spent the first part of the meeting trying to correct all of Jack Burnicle's errors, then seemed to give it up as a pointless exercise. However, he found time to add to the normal Ermolenko dictionary of words such as straightaway, high-line, and raceway with an excellent new contribution - broadsliding. Nice one, Sam.
  9. Young riders improve when they ride against, and hopefully eventually beat, riders who are better than themselves. But half of the reserves rides will NOT be against better riders, but against each other --- something which they already do frequently in the lower leagues in which they race. If you genuinely want riders to improve, then in each of their races they should be opposing at least one second-string or heat-leader. What we have now is a 13-heat EL match, and a 2-heat reserve match Just my opinion.
  10. Aaron Fox interview at http://www.msd-photographyandvideography.com/Media-Press-Publications
  11. Exactly. We totally agree. They have NO right to prevent riders earning money elsewhere. They can't stop riders taking part in individual, pairs, or team events anywhere in the world, so long as riders are not contracted to ride for their UK teams on those dates. The pairs competition has nothing to do with the FIM, FIM-Europe, or the BSPA as far as I can see. The fact that the prize money is large, or that it is on TV, is irrelevant.
  12. This is nothing to do with the BSPA, surely. It's just an unofficial boring old pairs event (but with decent prize money), so popular a format that only 3 or 4 pairs meetings are held each year in the UK. As long as riders have no official meetings in the UK on those dates, I don't see how the BSPA can stop them accepting a booking for such a meeting. Whether or not they can be called a Great Britain team is not the riders' problem.
  13. Thanks for that. What I can't understand is why the match-by-match stats are not now part of the Track Reviews as published in the Star. You surely can't plead "lack of space" in the winter months???!!!
  14. No XTRA this week. Is it delayed? Or has it been stopped now there's an online version of the Star? If so, can you please print the Rye House match-by-match scorers to go with the published track review?
  15. No XTRA this week. Is it delayed? Or has it been stopped now there's an online version of the Star? If so, can you please print the Rye House match-by-match scorers to go with the published track review?
  16. I think Blackbird, who is 26, could be an excellent signing. Averaging around 10 in the NL for Dudley, and a 6 average in 7 matches for Scunthorpe in the PL.
  17. Yeah, Ford sounds so bitter and twisted! He's too used to getting his own way. Kyle realises he'll probably get dumped for yet another Aussie
  18. Nor can I, it's not necessary. Make the PL league cup 2 groups of 6, instead of 3 groups of 4, and that gives each team 2 of the extra home meetings that they seem to want. In a similar way there should be an EL League Cup to start the season, with 2 groups of 5, instead of extra league matches. The EL needs an extra competition to help maintain interest.
  19. The idea of releasing such a vague press release (with regard to NL riders as EL reserves) was undoubtedly designed to stimulate discussion on the forum - a roaring success! Then, when the dust has settled, they will discuss the fans fears and suggestions, pick the best ones and issue a final document. In this way they stand a lot more chance of coming up with a better system, and avoiding some of the pitfalls that they themselves had not foreseen. And they can say that they have listened to and acted upon the opinions of the fans! Very clever.
  20. Not to me, it would be wide open to abuse! Out-of-form rider is "injured" so that an in-form R/R rider can be used. No thanks.
  21. So one more saving has been made ... no team managers needed! I guess that Phil Morris was the first redundancy ...
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