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Everything posted by TwoMinuteWarning

  1. There is a desperate shortage of riders in the UK. Lower the qualification rules for more non-UK riders to fill the gap! Brian Collins
  2. I think the need for improved fitness these days is partly down to the travelling the riders have/choose to do. Riding 4 or 5 nights a week (sometimes more) in 3 or 4 different countries is ludicrous, and must be very tiring. I well remember the sight of the late Lee Richardson at Eastbourne on a Saturday night, curled up on the floor of the pits, trying to get some kip while bikes were being warmed up, as he had just returned from a Thursday night meeting in Russia.
  3. .... has been donated to a New Zealand museum. More details at https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one- news/new-zealand/ivan-maugers- gold-plated-motorbike-sold- canterbury-museum
  4. No Woffy, no Holder, no Hancock, no Pedersen ... it's a Rest of the World B team
  5. Speedway Best Pairs - Torun - Sat 2nd Apr 4pm (UK time) - Eurosport 2 and Ice Racing - Assen HIghlights - Eurosport 2 - on NOW (no, I don't mean NOW TV !)
  6. Beautiful day, hardly a cloud in the sky, and it's been 4 weeks since the last home meeting. Should be a good crowd!
  7. Treat them like animals .... put them in starting pens like greyhounds ... instead of chasing the tin hare they could be chasing a bunch of twenty pound notes ...
  8. I've long thought that the biggest paid attendance for a single sporting event is 300,000 to 450,000 at the Indianapolis 500, and that seems to b e borne out by http://www.topendsports.com/world/lists/crowd-largest.htm I believe the largest Non-paying audience is reckoned to be the 2 or 3 million who line the roads for cycling's Tour de France. Biggest speedway crowd ever? According to Speedway Star, in 1959 at Prague, a 4-nation tournament attracted 200,000! http://www.internationalspeedway.co.uk/czsl4team.htm
  9. Thanks martin_t Looks like the NL is going to finish with matches not being ridden - just like last year. I mean, it's not rocket science, is it?
  10. 15.3 Devon S Lambert (Kent) beat L Smart (Devon) 6.4 Leicester S Lambert (Kent) beat J Serjeant (Leicester) 2.5 Coventry S Lambert (Kent) beat J Serjeant (Coventry) 3.5 Stoke B Wilson (Stoke) beat S Lambert (Kent) 4.5 Buxton B Wilson (Stoke) beat T Atkin (Buxton) 16.5 K. Lynn D Mallett (K Lynn) beat B Wilson (Stoke) 30.6 Kent B Morley (Kent) bt Marc Owen (K Lynn) 5.7 @Stoke: Ben Morley (Kent) bt. C.Widman (Stoke) 6.7 @Mldhll: Joe Jacobs(Mldhll) bt. Ben Morley (Kent) 7.7 Kent S Lambert (Kent) bt Josh Bates (Mildenhall) 4.8 @Kent: *J.Armstrong(Stoke) bt. Dave Mason (Kent) 16.8 Stoke L Chessell (Devon) bt Jon Armstrong (Stoke) 2.9 @ Crad/Wtn: Steve Worrall bt. Luke Chessell (Devon) 3.9 K Lynn S Worrall (Cradley) bt Marc Owen (K Lynn) 9.9 @ Crad/Wtn: S.Worrall (Cradley) bt. James Sargeant (Cov.II) 30.9 Cradley S Worrall (Cradley) bt Daniel Halsey (Mildenhall) 5.10 Mildenhall P Starke (Cradley) bt Joe Jacobs (Mildenhall) Many thanks for all the help The above now seems to be complete to mid-October. 2 races were cancelled due to meetings being abandoned (30.3 Scunny and 23.9 Cradley) 4 races were cancelled due to curfews (12.5 Kent, 11.7 Devon, 29.8 & 26.9 Coventry) Paul Starke was due to defend the Helmet 21.10 at Cradley (the play-off Final), can't see any record of him having done that. If successful, he would have ridden again at King's Lynn 22.10. Have to say that this is an official NL competition, and as such results should appear on the BSPA website. P.S Sorry to change the subject but - did Cradley ever ride the 2nd Leg of the National Shield at King's Lynn?
  11. Can anyone help update the 2014 Bronze Helmet results and fill in the gaps? I have : 15.3 Devon S Lambert (Kent) beat L Smart (Devon) 6.4 Leicester S Lambert (Kent) beat J Serjeant (Leicester) 2.5 Coventry S Lambert (Kent) beat J Serjeant (Coventry) 3.5 Stoke B Wilson (Stoke) beat S Lambert (Kent) 4.5 Buxton B Wilson (Stoke) beat T Atkin (Buxton) 16.5 King's Lynn D Mallett (K Lynn) beat B Wilson (Stoke) 30.6 Kent B Morley (Kent) beat Marc Owen (K Lynn) 7.7 Kent S Lambert (Kent) beat Josh Bates (Mildenhall) 16.8 Stoke L Chessell (Devon) beat Jon Armstrong (Stoke) 3.9 K Lynn S Worrall (Cradley) beat Marc Owen (K Lynn) 30.9 Cradley S Worrall (Cradley) beat Daniel Halsey (Mildenhall)
  12. Interesting item in last week's Speedway Star. In Australia, a rider (Jake Allen) withdrew after two rides in an individual meeting "due to his concerns about the recklessness of some of the other riders." The reporter comments "And true, after the first two rounds, it became clear that some competitors were riding above their capabilities and threatening to affect the ability of some of the other riders to perform at their peak." (The report is on page 39, last column, of the 20th Sept Star) I'm sure we have all seen this happen, notably (though not exclusively) among younger riders. Immaturity, adrenaline rush, the impatience to improve, the determination not be defeated, all this and more are reasons enough for riders to sometimes ride beyond their capabilities. It happens in most sports, of course, but in speedway and other motor sports there is the additional element of danger and serious injury which can be inflicted on both the rider himself and the other riders in the race. I guess it is inevitable that riders push the limits - how else can they improve? - but is there a limit beyond which they should not go? Should riders of widely varying abilities and experience be on the track together ? There are a couple of young fast track riders who in my opinion should never be riding in the Elite League. And with doubling up and even tripling up, there is a greater mix of riders with varying ability on the tracks in both of the senior leagues these days, to an extent which does not appear to happen in Poland, Sweden and Denmark to the same extent. It's not only young riders, of course. I guess most riders have a "mad moment" now and then. A couple of GP-standard riders appear to have those moments somewhat too frequently. No names, because I am not looking to "slag off" any particular riders. I love watching real racers, aggressive riders - but there is (to me) a limit. Should there be (or is there) any way of controlling recklessness? Out of control riding? (I'm not just talking about a race exclusion, but maybe a suspension, or fine, additional training, etc) Or should we just accept it as part of the sport?
  13. Not just Poole. KK hasn't ridden for Esbjerg this year Sorry, but it was a complete shambles. Riders often had never ridden for those teams before or since. Of course, it couldn't happen today ...
  14. Tonight 9pm ITV 4 (repeated tonight 1am) - The Motorbike Show. 1000cc sidecar speedway
  15. Yeah I know ... foreign language gobbledegook or Sam Ermolenko ... a difficult choice ...
  16. A bit like starting a broadcast of a footy game 15 minutes after the game started and not telling anyone what the score is. What possible reason can there be for not showing the first 4 heats on a 3 hour long programme?
  17. I must say it was good to see Ward showing a bit of anger and aggression on the track when things weren't going well, it shows just how much he cares about winning. Such an attitude creates champions. Too many riders are often content to gate second or third and just sit behind the leaders, waiting for them to make a mistake.
  18. Don't cha just feel so sorry for Nicki! ..... No????????? Me neither
  19. Don't forget that UK based riders receive a (pathetic) mileage allowance for travel, so it's not just for foreign riders
  20. Gets a bit sad when people say they enjoy laughing at a commentator, it does the sport no favours. David Rowe is knowledgeable, seems to have all the stats to hand, just one suggestion - in my opinion you talk a bit fast David, could do with slowing down a tad. Otherwise, fine. Now we just need Chris Louis to replace Uncle Sam ...
  21. "We all make mistakes, but I have never taken anyone off on purpose" This is the opening line of an excellent piece by a well-known Danish rider in this week's Speedway Star. If fiction, or even fantasy, is your thing, then it's well worth a read.
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