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Everything posted by longtimetiger

  1. Under the Banner 'New Generation Who Will Push On', just where do you expect them to come from ? Reading all sorts of posts on these Forums everyone seems to be looking to the next batch of Poles, Aussies, Swedes, Russians, Danes, Latvians, Czechs, Germans, Estonians blah blah blah . . . . in fact anyone who isn't British. to be honest, I fear for a Union Jack in the Grand Prix after Tai. In fact, why do so many seem to be happy with Tai being our only representative ? Does no-one else question why there are so many Danes / Swedes / East Europeans ? To me, the answer is simple, we stop the flood of overseas riders learning their trade in our lower leagues at the expense of our own. I'm sorry but to my mind certainly the Premier League should be restricted to just TWO overseas riders. Yes the quality of racing may dip slightly for a couple of years, but should at least start to build up after that. Currently a foreign rider suffers a dip in form and he is persevered with and holds his team place because of the financial investment in him. A young British guy suffers the same dip and he is promptly released. It's gone slowly down-hill for years and now we are reaping the benefit. A few years ago we could (and did) raise a seven man team to take on any country in the world, including composite teams. Now, we struggle to put a four man team together for the WTC with absolutely no chance of realistically finishing even Runners-up, with or without the farcical Joker !
  2. Daft thing to suggest, but have you got the ignition timed on the right stroke - on compression ? Good spark, fuel, no starting only back-firing suggests you're timed up on the exhaust stroke, 180 degrees out. Just a thought,,,,,,,,
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