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Everything posted by shazza13

  1. Its a take on the wombles theme tune... with the line... 'the witches of Workington Comets are we'
  2. I dont like to upset u but there are a few more than 3 witches.. be very careful as they are in varying different locations ar DP.... little do you know....
  3. Mason Campton is the best £10000 you've made and we have spent thank you very much..hes an adopted cumbrian. Thank you for your good wishes for our '3' finals too.
  4. We've run buses to and many other tracks north and south...unfortunately this season has been so hit and miss with meetings getting the buses organised, money collected in to pay for them has been very tricky plus for a lot of us its working out cheaper to fill a car and drive against the cost for 2 people on the bus. So alas this year hasn't been great for the buses but away support has still been the same. This will be my 3rd trip to Ashfield this year in all i have managed 12 away trips this year supporting the lads i dont think that's too shabby really.
  5. Don't have a lot of options really.. there will still be a few from both sides making the journeys north and south...unfortunately I won't be one of them due to a prior engagement..I will be there in spirit tho and my partners in crime will keep me posted. Though I am gutted not to be there these things happen.
  6. Workington haven't changed yet says a decision will be made... its weather dependent.
  7. Itll be the scissor sisters of evil casting their magic over glasgae n worky ha ha. Hocus pocus is a great movie and there is also a 2nd generation of these evil forces in the wings ha ha just waiting to take over the brooms
  8. Makes sense with the forecast... maybe its buying Ty time too..did u think of that?? #justsaying! Makes sense to me when forecast for Friday and Saturday is crap... makes for a grand day on Sunday for all.
  9. Ha ha scissor sisters of evil ... hmmm who are they then???
  10. I am still trying to recollect the booing the Comets fans were doing to Sarj... but alas nope I cannot recall any boos being dished out around my company on Friday evening whilst stood with some very good friends who are Monarch fans!!
  11. Its been a pleasure to see you at DP this year..Hoggy is the best!. Hopefully see you in the future...enjoy your hols!
  12. Very gracious of you to swallow your chestnuts after last night...
  13. Them witches spells cast by our esteemed chief witch havent half worked and she polished that broomstick on the way home too!
  14. I dont think they are i thought they onky included the 1st round....
  15. Maybe you should do some research 1st before spouting off about Sellafield... some people I blame Hadrian for not building that wall bigger.. I think trump might have the right idea!
  16. Aye its that time of year for chestnuts.. be careful u may end up 'roasting'yours..
  17. Err the monarchs have been waiting 4 workington to complete their KOC leg against newcastle since july I believe when Edinburgh qualified for the semis... so maybe its only right the get 1st dibs on this weekend as they have been waiting longer! Maybe you should check facts before you post!!!!!!
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