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Everything posted by Aceslider

  1. Ashley Morris interview on SGB website. Not sure whether it took place during a speedway related event but he isn't fixed up for next season yet. https://www.speedwaygb.co/homepage
  2. Is it not the case that by stating your club is NOT running next season, that team will automatically forfeit its financial bond which will be attributed to BSPA funds? Assuming that is the case, and on the assumption that there is currently no financial backer in prospect, would it not be more commercially sensible to remain silent until the very last practicable minute when it becomes abundantly clear that there is absolutely no possibility that we can run in 2018? I am imagining that the current promoters are hedging their bets and will continue to do so until they have no option but to allow the bond to be forfeit. Maybe I'm way off the mark and if so, please someone who knows better refute what I have just posted
  3. Me too. George is normally so positive about even the slightest bit of good news that the silence is deafening! Even if he were having a complete break from speedway after a very difficult season, I am sure he would normally organise the release of some form of statement. Maybe needs more space/time in the hunt for a new sponsor?
  4. A very thought provoking question. Over the years a number of speedway tracks have closed (in no particular order - Southampton, Norwich, Long Eaton, Coatbridge, Neath, Exeter, Trelawny, Hull .............. to name but a few) and this does seem to be a feature of the sport that it is difficult to sustain a degree of permanence in the same way that exists in football for instance. The reasons I am sure will be many, but at the end of the day it is reasonably clear that the bottom line always comes back to finance and the ability of a promoters to find the necessary backing which would allow their team to compete in whatever league for a whole season. Regretably UK speedway is now very much playing catch up with Poland who seem now to dominate the sport in terms of financial clout and popularity and any aspiring UK riders clearly see a bigger earning capacity on the continent rather than the UK. Whatever changes are made for the benefit of the UK sport as a whole in 2018, it is clearly in everyone's interests to bring back some stability to the teams, vis a vis:- cut out the doubling up which has caused great problems this season and left many supporters frustrated when senior team lauds it over junior team for a rider's services cut out the daft rules which see a team disadvantaged in competitions by having to use NL guests to cover for an absent number 1 set a points limit in a way that allows teams to have reasonably competent reserves rather than the novices we have seen this season cut out the mickey mouse competitions and give preference to the important trophies so that the main season is finished by end of September ensure playoffs take place after the top 8 (or is it 6)? teams have finally been decided make representations to government if necessary to allow more riders from Down Under to come over here and help produce some more Ronnie Moore's, Ivan Mauger's etc The above are just a selection of ideas most of which have been mentioned previously by other posters which could help teams promote a much superior product to the one which has been served up in 2017. One can only hope that the BSPA conference will focus on these core issues and come up with some significant changes to address the malaise Wouldn't it be great if Amanda Staveley asked for a Data Room to be set up at Brough Park, to consider making a bid for the team? Wishful thinking for sure, but even if a bid backer/sponsor did show interest, the sport still needs to be put on a much better basis than it has been this year! Just hope that we get some positive news over the next few weeks !!
  5. Just wondering if "Crowdfunding" might provide a solution to the current funding issue for 2018. I don't know much about this, but I do believe it is something which has been used successfully to raise funds for commercial and community based projects. With the right publicity (local media/councillors/speedway department at HM Gov) perhaps it might provide a solution if we are not successful in finding a sponsor? I don't know what the required investment is, but our gang on the terraces second guessed circa £20,000. If that is near the mark, then I am sure there would be every chance of raising a sum approaching this by a combination of my suggestion and sponsorship. Perhaps anyone who does know something about Crowdfunding could either state that this would not work for whatever reason or endorse the idea?
  6. Maybe he's got acute BVEOS syndrome? Nasty!! Sufferers describe thick head, lethargic limbs and frequent visits to the loo. Should be okay for next season though!
  7. Well you might be right but it is mightily encouraging that we (Newcastle) still have a promoter who is prepared to promote even the most dire end of season event which could well play a significant part in ensuring there is speedway at Newcastle in 2018. Core supporters who care for the team and the sport will turn up in numbers to show their appreciation of the fact that we have been lucky enough to have many years of speedway under our belt at Brough Park without a break, and hopefully many more to come. So come on Redcar and Workington plus all your guests and help put on a good show at the end of this dire season
  8. If there were such a person, would that not be a good thing - giving us fans at least some clue as to what is going on behind the scenes?
  9. I hope your "very good authority" is right Steve. It would be good if Robert's departure could be achieved on the best possible terms with goodwill on all sides. There will no doubt be an element of ill feeling that he missed last week's Glasgow match, but his presence tonight and next Sunday will go a long way to build any bridges which need building
  10. Wonder whether Josh Embleton will get his chance to finally wear the Number 1 race jacket as a guest for Newcastle and is it just possible that one or more guests for either of the three teams could switch teams for the second of the two meetings? The permutations are mind boggling and only speedway could provide us with such potential intrigue. Maybe Robert Lambert could defy doctor's orders and make an unexpected return to swell the crowd numbers? Taking tongue out of cheek, I get the impression that all true Diamonds supporters should turn out to support this totally irrelevant double header to support our ( I guess) battered and beleaguered promoters who probably wish for the end of the season more than supporters (and possibly riders) do. Whilst speedway has had a most forgettable year the prospect of 2018 without speedway at Brough Park is unimaginable (same goes for Workington) and can only hope that the prospect of some radical changes by BSPA might help to incentivise promoters and fans to keep faith with the sport
  11. NUFC playing Crystal Palace on Saturday 21 October, 3.00pm KO according to my fixture list and indeed SKY listings. Shouldn't conflict with rumoured Double Header on Sunday 22nd if that is indeed going to happen
  12. Glad someone has come out with a factual statement in support of Robert ( 2 sides of coin and all of that) but sorry that you have had to have a dig at another rider in doing so. Whatever the rights and wrongs are, Newcastle supporters are entitled to feel aggrieved at the laughable end to the season. The prospect of a young junior rider deputising at Number 1 for Robert in at least 3 meetings and yet again the inability to field their strongest team when there was at least the remote chance of silverware in the KOC. The latter was denied to them by Robert's "sick note" which was in stark contrast to the televised footage of his Lublin match scoring a maximum and joining in the celebrations without even the slightest hint of any discomfort in his movement. Not saying this is all Robert's fault by any means, but it does leave a sour taste to be denied the opportunity of progressing to the next stage of a competition because of this situation. He is an undoubted talent and whilst I wish him every success in reaching the top pinnacle of his sport, he does need to remember that fans like to see their whole team being successful and not necessarily just one rider in that team. As far as I can recall with Newcastle, our previous "World Class" stars, Nikki P, Ivan Mauger, Anders Michanek, Ole Olsen etc all gave 100% effort for the team as well as being successful in individual competitons. Their deeds are well recorded in the Archives of speedway history, and I am sure any of them will always be most welcome back at Brough Park. Not sure about Robert though.
  13. "Lambert claims that this season has been blocked by the second English league so he could not race in all the Motor Games.........I would like to be able to leave (participate in I think) more matches with this team (Motor Lublin) but I could not because of the English League" Copied from online SportweFakty - Italics are my words. Lost a lot of respect for this young man who appears to be very ungrateful to his English team, the promoters who supported him and the fans! Certainly would not be welcomed back to Brough Park by either myself or the fans who I stand with on the terraces
  14. Having seen the footage in that youtube link, I just wonder how any self respecting employer could accept a "sick note" for RL. Methinks there could be more to this! Who pays his air fares between UK and Poland and bearing in mind this is end of season to all intents and purposes, could someone be unwilling to fork out when a sick note is a convenient way of getting a good guest? Pure speculation, but in fairness to Robert, up till the last 3 weeks or so, he has been Mr Reliable in terms of honoring his commitments to the Diamonds
  15. Embarrased as a Diamonds fan and speedway supporter generally and genuinely sorry for the promoters who have to deal with this sort of issue and put a brave face on! Wouldn't be a promoter for the world and am fast losing all patience with this sport in the UK
  16. Turned up at 6.45 to hand deliver my letter early, but amazed to discover it was off. Another meaningless fixture to rearrange - and we still haven't seen Josh in a Number 1 race jacket!
  17. Understand ( I think) the whys and wherefores, but what is also equally annoying is that there is no team announcement (now 1.20pm). Do not intend to race back from SJP for this non event if promotion can't be bothered to announce the team or give advance notice of whether Robert will or will not be riding
  18. Yet again guests will have an arguably significant influence on who wins silverware. I recall last year Sheffield used Ricky Wells, Robert Brandford and Lewis Kerr as guests against Newcastle in the semis who combined to tip the balance in Sheffield's favour. Don't have a better solution to offer but in my view definitely takes the edge off the achievement for a team who wins in this fashion
  19. Clash of the Number 1's in store - (Embleton? v Cook) - bring it on!! Plus NL reserves battling it out. Sooner this season's over the better Must have got out of the wrong side of bed this morning!!
  20. Interesting post number 97 on Workington v Glasgow 23/09/2017 thread. Maybe Richie and Steve will both be wearing black and white next season.
  21. Wonder whether we might get Richie back? Wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility for Glasgow to have a clearout and Richie (and Summers?) might just become available. Would have them both in my team anyday
  22. Doesn't appear on website fixture list - you must have "inside" information?
  23. Knock Out Cup is our only remaining chance of winning anything apart from Pairs and would have thought there would be some progress by now in arranging these fixtures with Glasgow.
  24. What a shame to read this thread which seems indicative of a general malaise in UK speedway. Always found Workington to be an excellent venue, easy to get to, free parking, variety of viewing options for spectators etc. Arguably have the services of the league's best number 1 and a team which looked like it could achieve silverware this year. Have to agree that poor communication seems to be a problem with many teams when spectators don't know until the very last minute who will be riding (or more to the point who will not be riding). Surprised that team selection seems to be an issue as most team managers normally have a pretty good handle on this, but I guess maybe there are exceptions. Sincerely hope that the Comets do complete their outstanding fixtures and run next year
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