Seems like if Friday is cancelled due to rain, Monarchs hope to run on Saturday 26th
What are the thoughts on the match?
Could be close if we look at my thoughts, although I do hope for a few more points from Deek at reserve, and Santa and Theo
Cookie 14
Max 6
Santa 7
Jozsef 7
Theo 7
Liam 2
Deek 7
Total 50
Jason 11 although he only scored 6+1 on last visit
Kyle 3
Alex 3
Josh 9
Nick 9
Charles 5
Oliver 0
Total 40
At Somerset it could be closer
Jason 14
Kyle 5
Alex 5
Josh 10
Nick 10
Charles 6
Oliver 3
Total 49
Cookie 11
Max 6
Santa 7
Jozsef 5
Theo 6
Liam 1
Deek 6
Total 41
Again Derek at reserve maybe the extra that the Monarch need, but maybe toooooo close to call!!!!!