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pete cc

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Everything posted by pete cc

  1. We could start a debate about which subject that we can debate about next week.
  2. I had doubt about 2 riders last year.1 Paul starke proved me very wrong,the other proved me right, just goes to show that you can always be wrong.We have riders doubling up everywhere & this will be good for expeirence but the chances of getting injurys which could screw us up are greater. ommer em'
  3. MATT WILLIAMSON. The worst kept secret in sporting history, still a good signing.
  4. A easy lift air fence A one line track,with more dirt on the car park.
  5. nobody has ever won the league in january Yet .
  6. compered to the good old days, this is still early.
  7. If Mr Pearson was playing darts he would have a lot more time on his hands
  8. some teams are looking very empty,need to start filling up soon.
  9. heck you've got some time on your hands. Surely if proctor wants to improve as a rider these will be the guys to do it against.Beating reserves all year won't be any good for him.
  10. Whats ukip got to do with it? These rules have been in force for sometime & still some are getting caught.
  11. disagree, if he ain't ours we don't want him sorry. Train our own assets not other peoples.
  12. been to rye house once, not that impressed either.
  13. i understand that some end of season matches may be pointless & cost some clubs money but, the point must be that the riders get full value for the cost/value of machines & track time that most still need.
  14. I know problems with the weather etc, but has anything been done to make sure that all the fixtures will be ridden this year?
  15. No nathan stoneman? He was so popular when he came to monmore last year
  16. The powers that be normaly can not see any further than their own pit gate.
  17. Good. i hope Mildenhall are strong, along with others. The last thing anybody needs is very weak teams and scoring 60+ everyweek.Riders will only develop when they are pushed into riding well every week.
  18. i',m i'm not from the school of thought that the world hates us.(the world hates matt ford). I also like to look forward & not back, yes things that was won by cradley in the past should not be forgotten but, that was then this is now. Lets all look to the future and enjoy our great sport & move forward together for a change.
  19. Not sure why all the bitchin, if he ain't british & ain't going to ride as british he can't ride in the NL. end of, move on !
  20. A strong Mildenhall,Coventry,Kings Lynn,Cradley can not only be good for the NL but, british speedway. Looking forward to it already.
  21. i'm with you.Michael Neale showed us enough last year when we saw him ( even if he did keep trying to leave the track early).Greaves yes, sorry Isherwood no, Ommer um'.
  22. I think we may all be seeing a lot more wobblers this year as most of the best riders at third tier speedway will be waving the national league good bye.
  23. All this moaning & whinging about something that has not happened yet. A wheel has not turned & nobody is giving this new system a chance.I think it maybe time to put up & shut up & come back on here at the end of the season and say i told you so.I will be happy to eat any humble pie if your all right
  24. all new teams welcome, i don't really care who runs the club or what title you give them.It can only make british speedway stronger.
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