Another UKBA balls up, with the help of speedway promoters? Thats what it looks like, year after year, must be time for our promoters to join together & form an non EU rider pool before the start of each season? Ashley Morris & others start warming your engines.
Only been to Rye House once & you are right. Not a lot of surpport for the home side but, just a sea of green, red & white eating chips & drinking the place dry.
Many years ago a infa red light was tryed behind the start line to stop rolling.If the beam was broken the tapes would stay down.These days the bike will blow the clutch if you held them to long. I think it was rejected on the grounds of cost. No surprise !!
I have been reading through this & have found that people want to disagree with each other for more that the topic itself. I have signed & was proud to do so.
All this talk of paper copys or internet. If you look around any stadia last season most supporters were older generation. When they have gone so will the stars paper copy. Until then i refuse to sit on the toilet with a laptop. Just doesn't seem right
I don't live in the area these days but, moaning about what the dudley council have done or not done to sport in the last 25 years is your own fault. Stop voting for them.I don't what to sound nasty but thats a fact you can not over look.Maybe someone could start an Heathens party & stand at the next election?
11 race wins should win the match. well done to all at scunthorpe & you can now firmly raise two fingers to those here on this forum who slagged you off at the start of the season. you have done what you said & now next season is phase 2.
That just about sums up the NL, A succession of 5 - 1's with riders strung out over half a lap or so.(week 1). The main joy is week 5,6 7, as they get closer & closer as the season goes on & young riders get better & improved week on week.