Buxton will have a full team, Keen Dicken only needs to stay upright, Cradley will use the no:8 for RR & i'm sure Shelby will have those bikes cleaned & running.I'm looking forward to my day out.
Having stood in the freezing cold on press day, it was easy to see that this was going to be a long season of disapointment. So yes lets start looking ahead & try and make things better for next year.
Lets all be honest, we all knew that this team was not good enough as soon as we saw it. Time now is to build for next season & move on.Take any rewards that come this season & hope that club management have learnt their lesson.
maybe he needs to make that phone call himself. I was out of work a few years ago, i sat a home for 3 weeks waiting for the phone to ring with an employer asking if i wanted a job.