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Everything posted by Goodiepatchie

  1. http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=1eae037e98f1eeb292537b153&id=e284f4ea19&e=e7d8e2d439
  2. Yeah edinburgh will be difficult to get past if we got them
  3. and during or is he still having a spin after
  4. one of them is chairman of the Peter Waite fan clubAnother is chairman of the berwick fickle society
  5. i was in the stand the night Peter announced he was quitting There was an audible YES from some members of the stand quite unbelievable when there was a strong possibility (at that moment) that speedway had ended for good at berwick
  6. ah but we are now told by the same people who slagged Peter that he was god
  7. ah but there are many on here that will tell you the new rule stops cookie adding his alleged 'super fuel'
  8. am I right in saying that this was one of the reasons that rolling averages came into effect ?
  9. carlesberg don't do wins at Edinburgh but if they did .........
  10. am lost too a long way could mean north to wick or south to Penzance hope Scott's given TJ some money for the fuel for his trip
  11. For Berwick to have continued at berrington a lot of money would have had to been spent not just on major stadium improvements but also access roads too. Anyone who went will know what I mean about the roads to and from the stadium Never seemed to cause a problem at the time as all traffic was going either too track at start or away at end but in these days of H&S would the council have wanted better acces roads ?
  12. Does previously attending at Berrington qualify you then 😂😂
  13. think I remember Sean Wilson getting lost trying to find the A1 on his way home goes without saying
  14. it is was good to reminisce though we did once Then he ran away And we went bang
  15. not always there were some close meetings at berrington too were there not practices on it most Sunday mornings certainly david meldrum and David McAllan learned their craft on it i thought you ment taffy was just checking
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