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Everything posted by Goodiepatchie

  1. where you been you've not been on for a while
  2. oh yes I agree there Taffy even Keith couldn't have such clangers as 'Danny King Newcastle number one' or 'Chris Harris world class'
  3. what other thread on BSF could discus topics like this
  4. he needs to learn to proof read his reporting before he publishes it his facts are generally wrong or spelt wrong or dates wrong
  5. glad you said that Robin and not the daily mail which is full of the scum of the earth journos
  6. he is a lazy journalist struggles to get names right and dates (said berwick won KOC on 1990 once only one year out) as most journalists are scum Keith is just lax he does little or no research into anything football or speedway gets event details wrong i.e date for hall of fame has got several players names for BRFC wrong etc etc etc he may well say it as it is regarding reporting speedway yes that's his jobs point is if he's told anything he doesn't either listen or write it down his direct quotes from officials either BRFC or Berwick speedway are nearly always wrong
  7. our superb sports reporter struggles to spell his own name yet alone report any facts that may or may not have been told to him Even if he was told he'd prob report that matic had stubbed his toe
  8. ah Robin Tis you more name changes than glasgow have had stadiums
  9. spot on Taffy the simple idea of an A4 sheet that BRFC do telling the un converted what's happening is a simple and effective ideaAlso get someone down to the holiday camps handing flyers out on a Saturday
  10. alltogether now !! "I would walk 500miles and I would walk............"
  11. whos craig cook riding for Ipswich seeing Ipswich have lost danny king
  12. Here is the news that Danny king is a diamond Bandits news letter first for all the news The Brough Parkers have got Danny King at the top of their team this season -- we're already salivating at the thought of his clashes with Ben Barker -- and have appointed former Bandit Ludwig Lindgren as their 2015 skipper.
  13. Seems according to the bandits news letter tonight that Danny king is newcastle's number one this season Someone better tell Danny King and chris louis
  14. he still not announced what length the grass will be on centre green and how many sugars ben barker takes in his tea I for one won't settle until we know
  15. what about ?!!!Team signed Sponsor deal done Speedway season starting this month What the f&)k do you want announced now
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