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Everything posted by Goodiepatchie

  1. you would imagine so but we could have seven Armadale experts and still only get 30 points
  2. just as well because when berwick come to Armadale all your guaranteed is a large wage bill,easy races and poor traveling support
  3. never gonna happen at Armadale we are beaten and thrashed before we leave Berwick
  4. did you really expect a contest from Berwick oh my dear fellow you are deludedPlus £250 towards the wage bill will be like peeing in the North Sea
  5. Never mind track prep we need to know refs report for last week
  6. Armoured van with police escort full of cash to pay Edinburgh riders tonight heading to Armadale along the M8 followed by ambulance for Alex Harkness
  7. cant have a promoter winning a raffle the thought of it next thing there will be promoters winning sports cars
  8. my prediction is Edinburgh to hit 63 & Alex Harkness to faint when he sees how much the wage bill will be
  9. it amazes me why they are bigging berwick up when they know full well they will destroy us giving false hope is evil and cruel Naughty Monarchs
  10. The rest of the speedway world are looking on scratching their heads surely anyone can see this needs sorting what with 'my bus is bigger than yours' that was on Facebook the other day to 'your not getting to present riders anything in the stadium' BOTH sides are being childish if they were my kids ad bang their heads together
  11. one thing I noticed is they listened and acted on a request to make centre pages of programme paper instead of glossy paperGreat seeing their acting on requests PUT SOME SHALE ON THE TRACK much appreciated if they could
  12. we wait now for a supporters club to issue their statement Again
  13. Think it's about time both sides sat down and came to an agreement berwick need the supporters club and their fund raising expertise it's obvious the VIP club isn't as successful as the supporters club and the supporters club need the speedway club to be financially successful because if it isn't there will be no speedway and no club or riders to support http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=1eae037e98f1eeb292537b153&id=79c71c02ce&e=e7d8e2d439
  14. somerset did the same when we were there last year so they managed to win comfortably too maybe we should try to be nasty and deceitful insead of being nice and friendlyBad guys have more fun
  15. you really need to fix the tapes though two weeks in a row now
  16. Just looked on updates heat 4 tapes slow to rise no new tapes then Oh dear wages due this week perhaps
  17. they were supposed to 'buy' brand new ones for this week could be a long long meeting again
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